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Laughing gas: Experts warn nitrous oxide ban will not stop use

"Laughing gas" was popularised by Sir Humphry Davy, noted chemist and inventor of the Davy Lamp, in 1800. On Boxing Day 1799 he tested it on himself in a vessel designed by James Watt (the bloke watts as a unit of electricity are named after). He loved it and conducted a number of 'experiments' with Nitrous Oxide on his esteemed friends and colleagues, not all of whom were there in the interests of pure science. Laughing Gas formed the basis of Davy's Friendship with Samuel Taylor Colridge. They were so busy getting high nobody thought to use it as an anaesthetic for another 50 years.

This is a good traditional British drug damnit and the Conservative Party should be ashamed of themselves trying to outlaw it.
Sounds like a great Christmas :thumbs:
We used to stock these GG is right about cyanide poisoning, but there was another use that I'm just about to look up.

Angina... of course, it is vasodilator. Superseded by Nitrolingual spray.

Yeah its main medical (prescription or hospital) use was always heart/angina back in the day.

Not being shy of trying things out I've done both (poppers and nitrous) on occasion, both are fairly lacklustre as recreational drugs by themselves really with only a short dizzy high - where nitrous seemed to take off a bit was more on the rave/festival scene, I mean I quite enjoyed the occasional balloon when I was already on MDMA.
I couldn't imagine sitting on the wall at the end of my road and doing nitrous as a top night out mind you, but then I've never sat on same said wall and sniffed glue either.
Maybe if all the other recreational and not very dangerous or addictive stuff was decriminalised then nitrous wouldn't get much of a look in (or only an occasional balloon when on MDMA).
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Yeah its main medical (prescription or hospital) use was always heart/angina back in the day.

Not being shy of trying things out I've done both (poppers and nitrous) on occasion, both are fairly lacklustre as recreational drugs by themselves really with only a short dizzy high - where nitrous seemed to take off a bit was more on the rave/festival scene, I mean I quite enjoyed the occasional balloon when I was already on MDMA.
I couldn't imagine sitting on the wall at the end of my road and doing nitrous as a top night out mind you, but then I've never sat on same said wall and sniffed glue either.
Maybe if all the other recreational and not very dangerous or addictive stuff was decriminalised then nitrous wouldn't get much of a look in (or only an occasional balloon when on MDMA).
Yep. Pill plus balloon for a proper sidewaysing.
Yep. Pill plus balloon for a proper sidewaysing.

Aye I mean that is when you want to do it, feels like you're taking off if you're coming up on a pill too.

In response to some of the other posts on this thread:
Criminalisation of drug use is always a right-wing move.
It's not that we who are lefties or anarchists don't understand that some drugs can be damaging, or that addiction or health issues can be massively damaging.

It is that we recognise that criminalisation results in people who use or buy drugs ending up in the justice system, which doesn't actually help anyone except the arrest/crimes solved figures, and those who want to exercise more control over us.
If they distract really hard then enough people might notice they don't have any useful policies.

Or that the other policies they are pushing through are also really harmful.

In case anyone wonders why I keep going on about littering re. this issue it is precisely because a lot of the media attention supportive of this move to ban nitrous has focused on the littering issue wrt the cannisters.
Meanwhile sewage is allowed to flow into our rivers and seas, plastic is allowed in wet wipes, and the government have recently allowed neonicotinides to be used in agriculture which is a massive threat to our invertebrate populations.

Yes I am absolutely fucking furious that they or at least some of their supporters are trying to frame this as a littering/environment issue when the fuckers don't take any action against the really big offenders on that front.
Some of the pro-environment (when they couldn't give a flying fuck about real issues that affect the environment, and I've already suggested some ways in which the litter aspect of nitrous use could be tackled) framing of the debate as "the cannisters are damaging" to excuse a massively backwards drug policy that will criminalise teenagers is absolutely nauseating.
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10 years hard labour is probably just fair for littering. But this is bollocks. it’s not kids high on nitrous oxide that are making trouble.
Also poppers is shit. Is it supposed to just give you a temporary headache. Huffing lighter fuel wassn’t that great either.
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Or that the other policies they are pushing through are also really harmful.

In case anyone wonders why I keep going on about littering re. this issue it is precisely because a lot of the media attention supportive of this move to ban nitrous has focused on the littering issue wrt the cannisters.
Meanwhile sewage is allowed to flow into our rivers and seas, plastic is allowed in wet wipes, and the government have recently allowed neonicotinides to be used in agriculture which is a massive threat to our invertebrate populations.

Yes I am absolutely fucking furious that they or at least some of their supporters are trying to frame this as a littering/environment issue when the fuckers don't take any action against the really big offenders on that front.
Some of the pro-environment (when they couldn't give a flying fuck about real issues that affect the environment, and I've already suggested some ways in which the litter aspect of nitrous use could be tackled) framing of the debate as "the cannisters are damaging" to excuse a massively backwards drug policy that will criminalise teenagers is absolutely nauseating.

Littering is already illegal.
Littering is already illegal.

You have misunderstood my point.
I mention littering because this is what the argument in favour of a ban is being framed around in the media.
Look at all these cannisters, we need to ban this.
Yes littering is already illegal.
Yet it still happens.
So let's criminalise every teenager who ever inhales some of what essentially are whipped cream making cannisters for the catering industry.
Then the media will forget littering when there are still tons of plastics and other waste being pumped into our rivers - in some cases legally by the water companies.
But they'll have successfully provided the sort of clampdown that gets them excited.
War on drugs, it checks off a point on the tory bingo card
Or that the other policies they are pushing through are also really harmful.

Meanwhile sewage is allowed to flow into our rivers and seas, plastic is allowed in wet wipes, and the government have recently allowed neonicotinides to be used in agriculture which is a massive threat to our invertebrate populations.
Neonicotinides are back? Fucks sake.
On the Nitrous thing I found some old cannisters from when Heston Blumenthal had just made it big and I was experimenting with stuff cooking (of course i tried a balloon or two as well, for science). Found them rusting in a cupboard. Bin people managed to split the bag and leave 3 rusted cannisters on the floor by my house. Not the look I was going for. Surprised it didn't come up in the local Facebook group.
. Bin people managed to split the bag and leave 3 rusted cannisters on the floor by my house. Not the look I was going for. Surprised it didn't come up in the local Facebook group.
The lads in the semi-supervised house near me are pretty hopeless with recycling and put out four full-size cylinders in the box they arrived in - which then ended up rolling about on the pavement ...
I'm guessing they might be accepted as "aerosols" - residual N2O is probably somewhat flammable...
Whenever I put out actual aerosols I make sure to puncture them ...
I lasted one session at cubs - I'm not sure if it was god, the Queen or the silly game of puck hockey in the school hall...
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I was picking up rubbish in the park earlier as I walked my laps and I wondered if I might be mistaken for a Tory.
I feel certain I don't look anything like one ..

I dunno about anyone else, but I generally don't associate Tories with litter-picking. I understand that they generally don't like to get their hands dirty doing socially useful work that's often underpaid, if it even gets done at all.
The certainly encourage the plebs to do though. Rememember Clean for the Queen? :D
Everything is being cracked down on - and they are reviving the Hitler Youth (or chain gangs)

View attachment 368341

Jesus, you're almost 'but at least there's funding for...' at the end, but then the 'uniformed youth groups' gets thrown in as some parting shot.

I dunno, it's just so utterly fucking stupid; we have a report saying the met (and it's laughable to think other forces are much better) are institutionally racist and completely broken, so the solution to crime is to give police wider powers in er... 'crime hotspots' apparently the euphemism du jour. Oh, and make more people homeless while they're at it. Probably for kicking up a fuss about the damp. Fucking genius.

e2a: to be (overly) fair the youth activity stuff is in separate brackets.
OK I finally found something properly dodgy in the park - a very old syringe with the needle protector on.
I moved it somewhere discreet and safe ...
Presumably I could drop that off at the local Chemist's ?

A few months back I encountered a sharps box with 4 used syringes in it elsewhere in town and to my shame left them there...
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