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Laughing gas: Experts warn nitrous oxide ban will not stop use

Jesus, you're almost 'but at least there's funding for...' at the end, but then the 'uniformed youth groups' gets thrown in as some parting shot.

I dunno, it's just so utterly fucking stupid; we have a report saying the met (and it's laughable to think other forces are much better) are institutionally racist and completely broken, so the solution to crime is to give police wider powers in er... 'crime hotspots' apparently the euphemism du jour. Oh, and make more people homeless while they're at it. Probably for kicking up a fuss about the damp. Fucking genius.

e2a: to be (overly) fair the youth activity stuff is in separate brackets.
which uniformed youth groups ?

the MoD already chuck a chunk of cahnge at Army / Air Cadets and indirectly to the Sea Cadets as well as CCFs and the University Military units

Scouting / Guiding/ St John get jack all for youth work , the Dead Loss (BRC) gave up on youth units years ago
becasue Amyl was banned from none regualted sale , becasue of the real health risks it presents
Yes, now you have to buy isopropyl nitrite, which actually has worse health risks than the relatively harmless isobutyl nitrate. There may be some kind of a lesson to take from this.

Anyway, is there an official date for when we have to get our nos stockpiles in by?
What a pointless ban that has no hope in hell being enforced. Can’t believe the huge cross party Commons majority that passed the bill. Both sides probably on a bit of pre-election “tough on crime” posturing.

Designate something as criminal so you can be seen to crack down on it
Absolutely ridiculous. Just shows the shit show of Government we have. Legislate for this but don't deal with the real economic devestation running rife through society and delay acting on a 4 year old promise to remove landlords right to evict tenants without prior warnings 😠
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