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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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You're telling women that it's inappropriate to be a granny with a neck tattoo. And that when they get old they should wear pearl earrings.

No I'm not. I doubt if I've addressed a single granny while I've been on here.

And even if I had, so what? Grannies need to have a bit of dignity.
I'm not actually angry about any of this. :D You seem to be the one getting aeriated.

It is an issue of wider significance. What does it say about a society where even those old enough to know better get themselves tattooed just because some vacuous celebrity gets tattooed? More interesting, what makes them think that the kind of heavy tattooing common today looks good? Like I said, from a distance it looks as if they've been badly scarred in some kind of unfortunate accident. And the related issue of piercings: why do young girls so pretty that they've already won in the fucking lottery of life voluntarily pay for somebody to add horrible blemishes to their near-perfect facial features?

No, a granny with a neck tattoo is not merely a granny-she's a granny with a neck tattoo and thus symptomatic of a society losing its grip.

The only person raging is you, i'm just wondering why it makes you so effusive. It's not important.

It says some people think it's trendy, some people want to do something their mates have done or they have seen in a magazine. It's not new it's the same old same old with capitalism expropriating a rebellious trend and selling it to people to give them some kind of edge. Working class people have long had tattoos, it's about as new and exclusive as football. By the way, given the horrible middle-class types who now infest football I take it we can mumble about ordinary football fans now.... They're just the same aren't they?!
People get pierced and tattooed for a whole variety of reasons, that you seem to put them all in one box and point a mocking finger at them again says more about your own inability to realise that people have different tastes and opinions than it does anything else.

In the same way a granny with a pink rinse is just that. It's not really important so stop raging about it. Calm down have a cup of tea.....
You're conflating the transient phenomenon of fashionability with the rather more permanent phenomenon of subcultural identification, so yes, you have some people being tattooed (and often having the tattoo removed a few years later. It's an ever-expanding business) for reasons of fashion, but you also have some people being tattooed for the same reason their forebears might have - to mark membership of a group, to illustrate places you've been or things you've seen.

You don't say.
everybody who stands for election is attention seeking no matter how principled they are. You don't get chivvied into these roles with a sigh of exasperation on your face- and yes you may believe everything you say and want the office to pursue honest aims- but name me 6 introvert shy retiring types who suddenly found themselves elected after someone badgered them into standing?

Yeah - I'm just not sure I'm convinced that the difference between China Mieville and Laurie Penny is that CM has stood for election and thus is more politically 'committed' than LP.
The only person raging is you, i'm just wondering why it makes you so effusive. It's not important.

It says some people think it's trendy, some people want to do something their mates have done or they have seen in a magazine. It's not new it's the same old same old with capitalism expropriating a rebellious trend and selling it to people to give them some kind of edge. Working class people have long had tattoos, it's about as new and exclusive as football. By the way, given the horrible middle-class types who now infest football I take it we can mumble about ordinary football fans now.... They're just the same aren';t they?!

In the same way a granny with a pink rinse is just that. It's not really important so stop raging about it. Calm down have a cup of tea.....

I'm not raging; I'm just arguing something you may disagree with in a perfectly reasonable manner. But as I said, it is important: what we're talking about is the triumph of infantilism and the way that at the very moment that the individual triumphed over society, genuine individualism died a squalid, pathetic death.
I'm not raging; I'm just arguing something you may disagree with in a perfectly reasonable manner. But as I said, it is important: what we're talking about is the triumph of infantilism and the way that at the very moment that the individual triumphed over society, genuine individualism died a squalid, pathetic death.

You seem unable to realise the plain fact that tattoos are't 20 years old. They've been here tens of thousands of years. Working class communities have long been home to people who are tattooed it's not new.
Yeah - I'm just not sure I'm convinced that the difference between China Mieville and Laurie Penny is that CM has stood for election and thus is more politically 'committed' than LP.

no, you think she is a target of ire for being a woman and being m/c. I disagree but I don't want to fall out with you about it so agree to differ? unless I'm reading you wrong about why you think she gets stick on here and the wider webz?
You seem unable to realise the plain fact that tattoos are't 20 years old. They've been here tens of thousands of years. Working class communities have long been home to people who are tattooed it's not new.

You really don't need to keep telling me how some working class people had tattoos long ago. My dad had a tattoo from his national service days in Hong Kong. I have acknowledged that. It has nothing to do with what we're talking about.
You really don't need to keep telling me how some working class people had tattoos long ago. My dad had a tattoo from his national service days in Hong Kong. I have acknowledged that. It has nothing to do with what we're talking about.

It has alot to do with it, it's nothing new, it's not some great revelatory thing we're seeing. Tastes, likes, fashioons etc change and grow, they're not static. How they change and grow is also not new. It's just being re-packaged as 'trendy' that's all. Hardly something new or even worth giving more than a nod to.
no, you think she is a target of ire for being a woman and being m/c. I disagree but I don't want to fall out with you about it so agree to differ? unless I'm reading you wrong about why you think she gets stick on here and the wider webz?

That's not the entirity (sp?) of my position, no. I can appreciate some of the criticisms of her are perfectly valid. I'm not an LP fangirl - I don't like her work and find her personally quite irritating. I just agree with people like Belboid who have said that this thread is a bit excessive. There are other people out there who make a career off the back of the protest movement, but they don't seem to attract nearly as much ire.
I acknowledge that, when presented with this view, other people on this thread have argued that Penny has parallels with Johann Hari (for whom, I think, the thread on here was valid and proportionate), but I haven't seen enough evidence to convince me of that. What he did is in a different league to LP's scribblings.

Edit: Having said that, some of the diversions on this thread, such as the current one about tattoos, have been pretty entertaining.
[Aladin mode]"New threads for old new threads for old. Let me take your old tarnished thread and give you a shiny new one in its place. New threads for old."[/Aladin mode]
It has alot to do with it, it's nothing new, it's not some great revelatory thing we're seeing. Tastes, likes, fashioons etc change and grow, they're not static. How they change and grow is also not new. It's just being re-packaged as 'trendy' that's all. Hardly something new or even worth giving more than a nod to.

What's new is the way that people are starting to cover their entire bodies with pictures so detailed that they can't even be properly seen anyway. This isn't any kind of taste-it's self-inflicted violence and hideous disfigurement.
triumph of infantilism
what is infantile about tattoos?

my great granddad had tattoos. it says so on his papers when he signed up to the army in 1914. it also says he was a navvy, married and had kids. i doubt there was much infantile about him. i also doubt he was trying to be a rebel. i expect he just saw blokes at work with tattoos, liked them and had some done himself.
what is infantile about tattoos?

my great granddad had tattoos. it says so on his papers when he signed up to the army in 1914. it also says he was a navvy, married and had kids. i doubt there was much infantile about him. i also doubt he was trying to be a rebel. i expect he just saw blokes at work with tattoos, liked them and had some done himself.

Yes, yes-we've done this.
Tbh, while I'm not really particularly bothered by LP either, and there is the odd comment here which is a bit :hmm: , this thread is always quite refreshing after the relentless pennyfawning that I see on e.g. Twitter, and it's also a constant reminder of how this shit works wrt who becomes representatives of dissent and for whom.
[Aladin mode]"New threads for old new threads for old. Let me take your old tarnished thread and give you a shiny new one in its place. New threads for old."[/Aladin mode]

'what film shall we watch tonight Michael J?'

'Lets get Alladin'

'now now (then) you know how that went last time.....'

What's new is the way that people are starting to cover their entire bodies with pictures so detailed that can't even be properly seen anyway. This isn't any kind of taste-it's self-inflicted violence and hideous disfigurement.

No, it's a taste, no more no less, clearly one that's not your own personal taste. Your opinion is that it's disfigurement, that's a perjorative and judgemental opinion and one that not everyone shares. And might I ask where the line is drawn? Where does it become infantile and disfiguring? What part of being tattooed is 'infantile'? I presume your own dads tattoo wasn't infantile and disgfiguring?
Fuck sake, and again it's not new at all, it's been on earth for tens of thousands of years. You're just seeing people over here with it.
Tbh, while I'm not really particularly bothered by LP either, and there is the odd comment here which is a bit :hmm: , this thread is always quite refreshing after the relentless pennyfawning that I see on e.g. Twitter, and it's also a constant reminder of how this shit works wrt who becomes representatives of dissent and for whom.

You're clearly following the wrong people ...
No, it's a taste, no more no less, clearly one that's not your own personal taste. Your opinion is that it's disfigurement, that's a perjorative and judgemental opinio and one that not everyone shares.
Fuck sake, and again it's not new at all, it's been on earth for tens of thousands of years. You're just seeing people over here with it.

The current phenomenon, with all its excesses and implications, is, as I said, very much a new one.

If an opinion isn't judgemental, it isn't worth holding.
ennit, body modding for aesthetic reasons is fucking oler than lletsas grudge with the entirety of existence. Which of them could be correct, lletsa or most of human cultures post-fire discovery. It's a tricky question
ennit, body modding for aesthetic reasons is fucking oler than lletsas grudge with the entirety of existence. Which of them could be correct, lletsa or most of human cultures post-fire discovery. It's a tricky question

I haven't said it isn't old.
Just because your own tattoo was a mistake it doesn't mean they all are you know Lletsa....

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