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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Prison tattoos are very distinguishable from the run of the mill fashion variety.

In the US prison system tattoos can also often have particular meanings and/or denote an inmate's particular status or offence. For instance, many gang members will have tattoos displaying their particular gang's emblem, a set of teardrops is used to denote a killer and the amount of tattoos an inmate has often shows the extent of their criminal history. For example, a first offender (known in US prisons as a 'fish' or 'new meat') might have no tattoos at all, while a long-term inmate or repeat offender may well have what are called 'full sleeves', arms tattooed from shoulder to wrist and possibly fingers as well. They may well have tattoos displaying gang affiliation (Aryan Brotherhood/Texas Syndicate/Bloods/Crips/MS13 and so on), political affiliations (usually of the Nazi or Fascist variety), the names of previous prisons where they served some time and the obligatory macho bullshit like 'Live Fast, Die Young' or something else gang-related (the Outlaw biker gang members usually have at least one tattoo bearing the words 'God forgives, Outlaws don't'). Of course, the Japanese Yakuza and Russian 'Mafiya' members will display their experience, seniority and offences by the type and amount of tattoos they have as well.

An unusual exception to the convict tattoo trend is that of Mafiosi (Sicilian or American) who usually don't have tattoos at all as they're forbidden under Mob rules and tradition. Some of the younger Mafiosi might opt for it and get away with having some small tattoo or other, but you won't find what remains of the Mob's old-timers having any at all.
Ill blu tack it onto you, wouldn't want to burst you. Imagine all that knowledge, certainty, disdain, hate and clarity of thout going to waste.
The illustrated Man is worth bringing in at this point, with its theme of the conflict of the cold mechanics of technology and human psychology.

Rod Steiger:

In the US prison system tattoos can also often have particular meanings and/or denote an inmate's particular status or offence.

The Russian penal system also has an interesting history, with regards to tattoos and status, but that too is dying out.
I'm a fan of literary tattoos. I might get an Orwell one to piss LLETSA off

It wouldn't piss me off as I'm unlikely to see you. None of the many ridiculous tattoos I see on people who have paid hard cash to make themselves ridiculous particularly piss me off either. They just make me despair for our collective sanity.
You do appear to be acting like a complete bursted. Or maybe im pronouncing that wrong.

That the mild stuff I'm coming out with should lead to such an accusation also says a lot.

As society becomes more crass under the impact of a culture driven by a capitalism that's eating itself, all sense of proportion is lost.
dotty posting:

to be fair i admire the design of relentless, the screaming skull, the backbone design, etc.

i wouldn't have it tatooed tho, that's just mental
A bit slow of thinking after a few broken nights, but you've lost me there - explain please?

Proletarian Democracy is an increasingly fashionable subculture.
WG is the acronym for Workers' Girder, the high circulation periodical of that increasingly fashionable subculture.

Proletarian Democracy is an increasingly fashionable subculture.
WG is the acronym for Workers' Girder, the high circulation periodical of that increasingly fashionable subculture.

There was I thinking PD was the excessively illustrated mag put out by the PF (as a first guess, that is)
Can we get back to shredding what'shername now?

Laura Lookatme? Great example of social capital coming home to roost, that one. Knew the right people at the right time, and pretty much has jumped every protest bandwagon she can, despite the occasional contradiction. I'm not saying that she isn't sincere, and that her adoring fans aren't sincere, I just happen to believe that her sincerity is a phase, and that she'll become the Tony Parsons (not even the Julie Burchill) of the 2020s: writing a column for one of the dailies that's pretty much a reactionary rant. :)
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