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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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yeah the bit about the gaza thing, i wasn't trying to be like one of those PSC dickheads who always bring israel into any discussions like that. i meant that to say "gentile is a privilege" in every situation is bollocks and was pointing out a fairly obvious situation where it isn't. But maybe I need to make that clear(er)?

Don't know how much clearer you could be, unless you pretend you;re explaining it to a small child which would be patronising to most of your audience.
yeah the bit about the gaza thing, i wasn't trying to be like one of those PSC dickheads who always bring israel into any discussions like that. i meant that to say "gentile is a privilege" in every situation is bollocks and was pointing out a fairly obvious situation where it isn't. But maybe I need to make that clear(er)?

I think that she doesn't understand what you're talking about or is being deliberately misleading in her reading of what you have written, her response doesn't make much sense either. She is acting like there are two possibilities here, and maybe in the reality that identity politics dictates must exist there are only two possibilities. Either being Jewish is a universal privilege or a universal oppression and the same must be true of being a gentile, it's either a universal privilege or a universal oppression.

How do people arrive at this kind of thinking? It just seems so counter-intuitive but at the same time there is no real theory of any substance behind it to overcome what must seem intuitive to most people. It's just stupid.


thank you :)
I think that she doesn't understand what you're talking about or is being deliberately misleading in her reading of what you have written, her response doesn't make much sense either. She is acting like there are two possibilities here, and maybe in the reality that identity politics dictates must exist there are only two possibilities. Either being Jewish is a universal privilege or a universal oppression and the same must be true of being a gentile, it's either a universal privilege or a universal oppression.

How do people arrive at this kind of thinking? It just seems so counter-intuitive but at the same time there is no real theory of any substance behind it to overcome what must seem intuitive to most people. It's just stupid.

i've replied on the other thread
So he sent her misogynistic cartoons to encourage her to come here and smear us publicly as misogynists and racists?

TBF, I don't reckon that was the spirit in which he sent her that cartoon. He's still a massive wanker over the blagsta debacle - blagsta was completely blameless in that & it's a shame he feels he's had to leave the boards - A lot of the time i never saw eye to eye with blags, but he is missed & I'll tell you what - He always brought more to the table than the wanker Firky.
So he sent her misogynistic cartoons to encourage her to come here and smear us publicly as misogynists and racists?
i reckon so.

since he's been back he's tried to accuse me of sexism, tried to smear butchers apron and of course blagsta.

i don't know what other shit him and ern have been up to but i reckon that was his intent from the start. it should be looked into.
i reckon so.

since he's been back he's tried to accuse me of sexism, tried to smear butchers apron and of course blagsta.

i don't know what other shit him and ern have been up to but i reckon that was his intent from the start. it should be looked into.

Why was he allowed back on the boards?

"I don't know for sure", typed someone on twitter, "but" - probably leaning forward conspiratorially, on the riot-bruised bus which snaked a route Britishly through London's piss-pattered 6am streets or something, she tapped silently with rollie-stained digits on her tea-stained Huawei Ascend G330 that has the internet and Dr.Who on it, "I might have heard from someone who used to know someone who went there for a conference once, that the USA is significantly less misogyny to brave journalist activist sorts than the beastly UK."

And that is that.
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