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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Which is a bit different from your original claim, isn't it?

Not really. It's not funny because he interprets it as being a joke about him nearly dying, regardless of how you 'mean' it. Anyway I've defended him enough and if he wants to make more of a deal of it himself then he can but I'm leaving it there.
Prince Rhyus seeing as this thread has departed so far from the original OP, do you have any objections if a new one is started about the commentariat in general, and this one locked?
fair game, imo - he's got a gsoh.

i have no idea if barney pig knew about my history of sexual assault/abuse. firky certainly did.

This is going to have to be explained to me, sorry. Totally over my head, that one. Without seeing the context of that I am guessing someone asked why you were banned, and seeing as you're hardly the kind of person who gets banned, I'd assumed you asked for a ban. Barney_pig then makes a playful dig at me - I respond and :confused:

Hold up my hand and admit the piccadilly thing was a bit of a cunt's trick but it's not as though ern is in here anyway, and I do regret that - it was a twatish thing to do, especially given how I think you said you find it difficult to feel secure (or words to that effect) at times. But I don't know how the above pictures proves anything or that I was making a dig, anything but (why would I haev a dig at you?), that one really has me confused.

Also copliker, FWIW I don't think he was being misogynistic, think he could have phrased it better - was a bit clumsy.
emanymton - you didn't, don't worry :)
i asked mrs m to ban me for a week, cos by my reaction to a totally innocent comment, i could tell i was already going a bit headwrong :oops:
(i think i've mentioned that it's not always been a good idea for me to post on this thread :hmm:)
i was scared that i was going to go absolutely fucking nuclear about all the shit taht'd gone on in my life over the previous month, and wasn't at the point where i felt ok about talking about it (and was being told 'not to talk outside the group' about stuff. i'd gone off on one about the 'milder' stuff the week before on here/fb, and it didn't go well).

so yeah. that night, i decided to go and have a sleep in the snow. then got bored and decided i needed sectioning so that i couldn't hurt myself or tell people what had gone on. admittedly, i'd expressed how blindingly furious i was with everyone involved, and that if they came near me i'd (er) hurt them.

and then had a horrendous text conversation with rapey ex, which ended up in him telling the crisis team i was about to stab his other partner up (she was 200 miles away), sending the paramedics, me walking out of the assessment in hospital being fucking traumatised and mildly hypothermic, and then getting arrested under the mental health act (unlawfully) and dragged out me house in handcuffs.

i did gob in a coppers face and call him a rape apologist cunt without any charges being pressed though :D

/that is what happened the day i banned myself. interesting times :D
Dunno what Firky said to Tufty or what, but one thing I've always been sure on is that Firky's a bit of a nasty piece of work - He tries to camoflage it, with some success most of the time & he has got it in him to be alright, but sooner or later his true colours come shining through. And they're not altogether pretty. Guy's a wanker.
This is going to have to be explained to me, sorry. Totally over my head, that one. Without seeing the context of that I am guessing someone asked why you were banned, and seeing as you're hardly the kind of person who gets banned, I'd assumed you asked for a ban. Barney_pig then makes a playful dig at me - I respond and :confused:

Hold up my hand and admit the piccadilly thing was a bit of a cunt's trick but it's not as though ern is in here anyway, and I do regret that - it was a twatish thing to do, especially given how I think you said you find it difficult to feel secure (or words to that effect) at times. But I don't know how the above pictures proves anything or that I was making a dig, anything but (why would I haev a dig at you?), that one really has me confused.

Also copliker, FWIW I don't think he was being misogynistic, think he could have phrased it better - was a bit clumsy.
fuck off.
you massive cunt.
you've been sussed.
Dunno what Firky said to Tufty or what, but one thing I've always been sure on is that Firky's a bit of a nasty piece of work - He tries to camoflage it, with some success most of the time & he has got it in him to be alright, but sooner or later his true colours come shining through. And they're not altogether pretty. Guy's a wanker.
massive wanker.

edit, not you frances.
longnecked fucktardis :)
and as much of a cunt - if not more - than my rapey ex and his harrassing fuckwit partners, mates and colleagues put together :) imo.
lying cunt.
aren't screenshots BRILLIANT

emanymton - you didn't, don't worry :)
i asked mrs m to ban me for a week, cos by my reaction to a totally innocent comment, i could tell i was already going a bit headwrong :oops:
(i think i've mentioned that it's not always been a good idea for me to post on this thread :hmm:)
i was scared that i was going to go absolutely fucking nuclear about all the shit taht'd gone on in my life over the previous month, and wasn't at the point where i felt ok about talking about it (and was being told 'not to talk outside the group' about stuff. i'd gone off on one about the 'milder' stuff the week before on here/fb, and it didn't go well).

so yeah. that night, i decided to go and have a sleep in the snow. then got bored and decided i needed sectioning so that i couldn't hurt myself or tell people what had gone on. admittedly, i'd expressed how blindingly furious i was with everyone involved, and that if they came near me i'd (er) hurt them.

and then had a horrendous text conversation with rapey ex, which ended up in him telling the crisis team i was about to stab his other partner up (she was 200 miles away), sending the paramedics, me walking out of the assessment in hospital being fucking traumatised and mildly hypothermic, and then getting arrested under the mental health act (unlawfully) and dragged out me house in handcuffs.

i did gob in a coppers face and call him a rape apologist cunt without any charges being pressed though :D

/that is what happened the day i banned myself. interesting times :D
Fuck, this is horrible (well apart from the gobing on coppers bit), really hope you are doing better now.
Fuck, this is horrible (well apart from the gobing on coppers bit), really hope you are doing better now.
i was. then july happened and i tardissed backwards, with a little help from a rl 'friend' on urban, and then firky/ern's doings. tbh i get those two and ninja boy mixed up at times - they're just a massive glob of trollcunts that are pretty much indistinguishable half the time.

working on getting better, next week i'm going to try go further than 200m from my house on my own again. ffs - i went to *TODMORDEN* unassisted less than a month ago :mad:
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