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Penny Mordaunt

I agree, I presume she would be consulted before someone put her name forward or would it be her that needed to put herself out there in the first instance, I dont know how this works

Of course it would need to be her to put herself forward, if there was a leadership race, both of which seem highly unlikely.

I suspect this is just a handful of MPs playing games, and the media lapping it up, and running with it.
Yea it all seems very unlikely, but wtf weirder shit has gone down with that bunch and why not have the top job in your gang for a while?, it would be a tough call to blame defeat on someone who only got the job after all the shit happened...but you're probably right
I'm not convinced it's total bollux, tbh. Ashcroft's polling shows the advantage of a 'clean skin' leader; they carry lighter negative 'liability' ratings and higher net favourability numbers.

If I was a Tory strategy adviser, I'd say their only remote chance of recovering things is sticking Cameron back in charge. Even then they'd still lose... but I think some floating voters in the centre might be persuaded to stick with a known Tory centrist.
If I was a Tory strategy adviser, I'd say their only remote chance of recovering things is sticking Cameron back in charge. Even then they'd still lose... but I think some floating voters in the centre might be persuaded to stick with a known Tory centrist.

He’s probably almost as tainted by Sunak now as he was already by Greensill.
I don't see what's in it for anyone - the Tories are probably going to lose half their seats, there is realistically no chance that whoever is leader of the party in GE night isn't going to have to resign, even if they've only been in post 3 months.

The prize is getting to be the leader after the GE defeat on order to shape the party to your will, not to resign within a week and a comedy pub quiz answer like Liz Truss....
I'm not convinced it's total bollux, tbh. Ashcroft's polling shows the advantage of a 'clean skin' leader; they carry lighter negative 'liability' ratings and higher net favourability numbers.

and how many of the ones who said each one would be an 'asset' misheard?

If I was a Tory strategy adviser, I'd say their only remote chance of recovering things is sticking Cameron back in charge. Even then they'd still lose... but I think some floating voters in the centre might be persuaded to stick with a known Tory centrist.
Or bloody Boris Johnson. :rolleyes:
I don't see what's in it for anyone - the Tories are probably going to lose half their seats, there is realistically no chance that whoever is leader of the party in GE night isn't going to have to resign, even if they've only been in post 3 months.

The prize is getting to be the leader after the GE defeat on order to shape the party to your will, not to resign within a week and a comedy pub quiz answer like Liz Truss....

And it’s quite a niche prize, for Westminster enthusiasts only, which would be of no interest to a Johnson or a Cameron.
There’s only one person who fits the Tory requirements of a “proven winner” and unfortunately for them he is also discredited with the electorate as a proven liar

Also why make a comeback and lose your “proven winner” status
I don't see what's in it for anyone - the Tories are probably going to lose half their seats, there is realistically no chance that whoever is leader of the party in GE night isn't going to have to resign, even if they've only been in post 3 months.

The prize is getting to be the leader after the GE defeat on order to shape the party to your will, not to resign within a week and a comedy pub quiz answer like Liz Truss....

Also the "plan" is to make this - another - internal coronation so as to avoid a full leadership election which is just going to futher inflame the infighting (and could even see liz truss back as leader! as bed enoch, cruella and the other loony wing candidates will likely wait till after the gerneal election) . I see no chance of that happening. They might acciedently trigger a contest becasue the reach the threshold of letters to the 1922 - but Sunak would still have to loose the ensuing confidence vote - which is pretty unlikely. Still - the aftermath of the may local elections is going to be pretty interesting. It may see further defections to ReFuk and party discipline continuning to unravel. Maybe a general election in june/july?
I don't see what's in it for anyone - the Tories are probably going to lose half their seats, there is realistically no chance that whoever is leader of the party in GE night isn't going to have to resign, even if they've only been in post 3 months.

The prize is getting to be the leader after the GE defeat on order to shape the party to your will, not to resign within a week and a comedy pub quiz answer like Liz Truss....

That's the thing, it's logical to let Sunak take the bullet, then ride in on a white horse, with a clean slate.

The trouble they have is enough MPs would probably ensure a right-wingnut is on the ballot for the membership, them being loopy, will probably elect them under the mistaken belief that recovering votes from Reform will rescue them, totally ignoring the fact that elections are won in the middle ground, and a massive right-turn will put off more voters than it would gain.

They really are in a proper mess. :D
There’s only one person who fits the Tory requirements of a “proven winner” and unfortunately for them he is also discredited with the electorate as a proven liar

Also why make a comeback and lose your “proven winner” status

and, assuming you mean that twat johnson, he would have to get selected for, and win, a by-election first.

(or at least i think so - i don't have a copy of vermin party rules to hand, but expect that party leader has to be an MP)

as for 'discredited' - there is a faction of potential tory voters who still want him back, with a fair crossover with the faction who will go and vote for refuck as things stand. i'm not convinced that faction is big enough to win a general election, though...
That's the thing, it's logical to let Sunak take the bullet, then ride in on a white horse, with a clean slate.

The trouble they have is enough MPs would probably ensure a right-wingnut is on the ballot for the membership, them being loopy, will probably elect them under the mistaken belief that recovering votes from Reform will rescue them, totally ignoring the fact that elections are won in the middle ground, and a massive right-turn will put off more voters than it would gain.

They really are in a proper mess. :D

This is why Davey's their man for the job... summer with improving economic news... lower inflation... nice centrist in charge who can out-Starmer Starmer and bang on about 'Labour's tax timebomb' as in 1992. Don't need to win over the right-wing frutnuts...

Cameron also has nothing to lose really... if he looses but they don't perform catastrophically, he can probably still come out saying he recovered the position. And anway he's bored doing nothing.
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and, assuming you mean that twat johnson, he would have to get selected for, and win, a by-election first.

(or at least i think so - i don't have a copy of vermin party rules to hand, but expect that party leader has to be an MP)

as for 'discredited' - there is a faction of potential tory voters who still want him back, with a fair crossover with the faction who will go and vote for refuck as things stand. i'm not convinced that faction is big enough to win a general election, though...
If they wanted it enough they’d make it happen I’m sure.
Given the government is a mess and achieving sod all at the moment anyway, I think they should rotate the Prime Minister job amongst each other daily. That way a lot of them can claim to have been Prime Minister, and will have hopefully then got it out of their system so they can bugger off and do something else instead.

Same way my mate Nigel at school let Simon wear his school prefect's tie on the last day of sixth form, so Simon could get over being bitter at not having been made a school prefect.
I don't see what's in it for anyone - the Tories are probably going to lose half their seats, there is realistically no chance that whoever is leader of the party in GE night isn't going to have to resign, even if they've only been in post 3 months.

The prize is getting to be the leader after the GE defeat on order to shape the party to your will, not to resign within a week and a comedy pub quiz answer like Liz Truss....
Perhaps that's the plan and this is just testing the water?
and, assuming you mean that twat johnson, he would have to get selected for, and win, a by-election first.

(or at least i think so - i don't have a copy of vermin party rules to hand, but expect that party leader has to be an MP)

as for 'discredited' - there is a faction of potential tory voters who still want him back, with a fair crossover with the faction who will go and vote for refuck as things stand. i'm not convinced that faction is big enough to win a general election, though...

I think it's only agreed convention that the PM has to sit in the House of Commons, Douglas-Home was in the Lords when elected leader. So all Johnson has to do it to persuade someone to make him a Lord.

I think it's only agreed convention that the PM has to sit in the House of Commons, Douglas-Home was in the Lords when elected leader. So all Johnson has to do it to persuade someone to make him a Lord.

I don't think they could get away with a PM in the Lords nowadays.
I think they hit limit by putting Cameron in the Lords as FS, and it's not going to happen with a PM.
Although doing it for the first time in a long time kind of normalises it.

And given how clueless they are, who knows. (Don't think it's likely mind )
I'm struggling to understand the appeal of her, other than being white, and having some military service in the naval reserve.

You honestly think its about leadership qualities?


(Source: as stated in image)

Presumably, the frequently so-called "most sophisticated electorate in the world" having last chosen as prime minister someone who was outlasted in office by a lettuce, now believe that Pouting Penny Mordaunt's ability to handle a large sword in public is among the personal attributes that she possesses which are important for electoral success.


(Source: as stated in image)

Presumably, the frequently so-called "most sophisticated electorate in the world" having last chosen as prime minister someone who was outlasted in office by a lettuce, now believe that Pouting Penny Mordaunt's ability to handle a large sword in public is among the personal attributes that she possesses which are important for electoral success.
I feel like you're trying to make some kind of a point by calling her 'Pouting Penny' and posting that particular photo. Would be good to understand what that point is.
I'm struggling to understand the appeal of her, other than being white, and having some military service in the naval reserve. Though I guess that's maybe good enough for the Tories..
And didn't she have something to do with the baddies in Lord of the Rings?
saw this in the queue yesterday. With sufficient letters for a vonc she could be in within weeks, and given how many have said they're leaving at the next election, they can submit their letters without much fear of retribution if it all goes wrong.. GOK what she might do in the few months before a GE.

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I would love nothing more than another leadership election but think it’s very unlikely. The minute it looks serious Sunak will simply trigger the nuclear option and call an election.
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