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Penny Mordaunt

I don't see what's in it for anyone - the Tories are probably going to lose half their seats, there is realistically no chance that whoever is leader of the party in GE night isn't going to have to resign, even if they've only been in post 3 months.

The prize is getting to be the leader after the GE defeat on order to shape the party to your will, not to resign within a week and a comedy pub quiz answer like Liz Truss....

Except Mordant is highly likely to lose her seat with the polls as they are so won’t be able to stand for leader of the opposition. She might have wanted to have PM on her CV.

Can’t see it happening though, as I don’t think the Tories are so mad as to go for yet another leader. But fingers crossed I’m wrong.

(Conservative Home comments section is amazing just now BTW. 5 stars, would recommend)
Except Mordant is highly likely to lose her seat with the polls as they are so won’t be able to stand for leader of the opposition. She might have wanted to have PM on her CV.

That's another good point, a majority of 15,780 should be safe, but Portsmouth North is predicted to go to Labour.

And, that's a possible problem with almost any new Tory leader before the GE, even if they have a 20K+ majority, with clever cooperation amongst the other parties to out them, they could be out on their arses straight away, and that includes Badenoch.
I think Portillo was tipped for the leadership following the ‘97 election, and him getting booted out basically ended all of that. So I’d take particular delight on the political decapitation of leadership hopefuls, just because it will fuck the party up for longer.

Sensible Penny.

Rats in a sack. Delicious. Penny's too liberal for the headbangers... The headbangers don't have any mass appeal. The membership and Tory media seemingly gaslight themselves into believing otherwise. They forget the win in 2019 was down to Brexit. They haven't got anything like that and gammmony Lee Anderson type fans, motivated by the culture war, anti immigrant stuff above economic competency aren't as abundant as they think.
The headbangers don't have any mass appeal. The membership and Tory media seemingly gaslight themselves into believing otherwise. They forget the win in 2019 was down to Brexit.

I don't think they've forgotten, I think it's more that they see any sort of Brexit vote as being about their version of it - the most right wing, little Englander interpretation possible. And without wanting to reopen that particular can of worms, it's pretty obvious that's not really the case for a lot of Brexit voters.
Except Mordant is highly likely to lose her seat with the polls as they are so won’t be able to stand for leader of the opposition. She might have wanted to have PM on her CV.

Can’t see it happening though, as I don’t think the Tories are so mad as to go for yet another leader. But fingers crossed I’m wrong.

(Conservative Home comments section is amazing just now BTW. 5 stars, would recommend)

ooh - do you have a link to that - cant find it.
I don't see what's in it for anyone - the Tories are probably going to lose half their seats, there is realistically no chance that whoever is leader of the party in GE night isn't going to have to resign, even if they've only been in post 3 months.

The prize is getting to be the leader after the GE defeat on order to shape the party to your will, not to resign within a week and a comedy pub quiz answer like Liz Truss....

100%. This stuff is just the usual 'Westminster bubble' pish tossed off as political insider analysis. In the real world, this endless tory psychodrama is yet another marker of an administraton that's run out of ideas, is managing to lose the culture war it itself started as a distraction from its inability to actually competently run the state and which feels sleazy and clapped out.

The Tory realignment can and will only take place in opposition. Mordaunt may be the candidate of the wets at that point, but the political wind isn't blowing in that direction.
I wish they would stop anointing PMs though, once they go they get a lifetime of personal protection, even Truss ffs, though the lettuce ended up in a BigMac, where's the justice? This shit is expensive, so to shell out that dough just to rearrange the deckchairs would be a pisstake. Maybe Prince Harry should throw his hat in to the ring, half an hour's light PM-ing and he gets his security detail back, not just here but he'll get it for free in the US too...
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Mordaunt has had an interesting early life which one might think would make her normal and relatable, but she has turned out to be an evil princess of darkness like nearly every Tory I have met or become aware of.
I would love nothing more than another leadership election but think it’s very unlikely. The minute it looks serious Sunak will simply trigger the nuclear option and call an election.
So he says. But if it comes to that point he might conclude there's nothing in it for him and quit, just like Cameron did after the ref. That way he could go down in history as the man who bravely tried to hold rebellious loons together but was unable so to do. Rather than just an abject failure which is what he seems destined for at the moment.
Presumably, the frequently so-called "most sophisticated electorate in the world" having last chosen as prime minister someone who was outlasted in office by a lettuce, now believe that Pouting Penny Mordaunt's ability to handle a large sword in public is among the personal attributes that she possesses which are important for electoral success.

An update on the size of her war chest:

Penny Mordaunt has built £26,000 war chest since Rishi Sunak became PM
So he says. But if it comes to that point he might conclude there's nothing in it for him and quit, just like Cameron did after the ref. That way he could go down in history as the man who bravely tried to hold rebellious loons together but was unable so to do. Rather than just an abject failure which is what he seems destined for at the moment.
He won’t quit unless forced.
He won’t quit unless forced.

Tbh, I think shit is so completely off the wall that ruling anything out would be silly - I think he probably will see it through to the end, I think that even the headbanger wing of the PCP grasp that it's the party and it's record that people are sick of, and that one more change of leader won't solve the problem, but make it worse, and I think they'll drag it out till the years end to a) see if something magic happens, and b) make a recovery by Labour even more difficult - but I wouldn't put more than a couple of quid on any of those predictions.
He won’t quit unless forced.
Maybe. He won't walk unless pushed, but I don't see him as a Johnson, so bedazzled by his own charisma that he'll expect to win whatever the odds. He's a pragmatist, without the motivation of the swivel eyed ideologues or the passion of the fully tribal. So he has the prospect of leading a failing, fractious mess into an attritional election on a hiding to nothing and with little in the way of direct, personal support, not much of a hat to find a rabbit in and the sure knowledge that he'll be toast immediately after the campaign finishes. A parachute might be exactly what he wants.
Maybe. He won't walk unless pushed, but I don't see him as a Johnson, so bedazzled by his own charisma that he'll expect to win whatever the odds. He's a pragmatist, without the motivation of the swivel eyed ideologues or the passion of the fully tribal. So he has the prospect of leading a failing, fractious mess into an attritional election on a hiding to nothing and with little in the way of direct, personal support, not much of a hat to find a rabbit in and the sure knowledge that he'll be toast immediately after the campaign finishes. A parachute might be exactly what he wants.
He's PM, no one gives up that power willingly.

Penny is a laughable idea, as is the idea the Tories are pinning their hopes on Susan Hall becoming London Mayor.
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