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The Windsors, worth every penny

The reason for the thread was to get opinions of republic and its ideas. It was also to get a critique of it.

I've never made a secret of my German title. It is the lowest rank so not at all important in modern day UK. I have never made a secret of having had business with Andrew nor connection to Anne.

Would your title be important in modern day Germany? If it were of a 'higher rank' would it be more important in modern day UK?

Oh, and "...having had business with Andrew..."; what's that then?
The reason for the thread was to get opinions of republic and its ideas. It was also to get a critique of it.

I've never made a secret of my German title. It is the lowest rank so not at all important in modern day UK. I have never made a secret of having had business with Andrew nor connection to Anne.
Enough to get you stood against a wall I'm afraid.
Enough to get you stood against a wall I'm afraid.

Really? Everyone who has ever delivered a chicken korma to a minor royal, or unblocked their u-bend afterwards, or popped round to look at a lawnmower the princeling in question is offloading on ebay, should taste revolutionary justice? Seems a little harsh.
Really? Everyone who has ever delivered a chicken korma to a minor royal, or unblocked their u-bend afterwards, or popped round to look at a lawnmower the princeling in question is offloading on ebay, should taste revolutionary justice? Seems a little harsh.
No, I'm with Bees...every single one of them that carried a title they had chosen not to renounce.
No, I'm with Bees...every single one of them that carried a title they had chosen not to renounce.

So it's fine to importune Charles when your door-to-door driveway resurfacing canvassing round takes you to Highgrove, unless there is some absurd Ruritanian flourish to your surname that you haven't bothered to expunge by deed poll. In which case, firing squad.
So it's fine to importune Charles when your door-to-door driveway resurfacing canvassing round takes you to Highgrove, unless there is some absurd Ruritanian flourish to your surname that you haven't bothered to expunge by deed poll. In which case, firing squad.
I don't know if German titles can be renounced via UK deep poll....but basically, yes.
I don't know if German titles can be renounced via UK deep poll....but basically, yes.

So basically the issue is with Von Dessiato's title, rather than with him procuring teenage girls for Andrew and selling Anne's unwanted horses to Findus. Fair enough. It would help if we knew what it was and how his ancestor had come by it.
It might not be so bad if it was just the Windsors as is, but according to the news THEY ARE BREEDING!
So basically the issue is with Von Dessiato's title, rather than with him procuring teenage girls for Andrew and selling Anne's unwanted horses to Findus. Fair enough. It would help if we knew what it was and how his ancestor had come by it.
Not sure how the ancestors got the title.

My job meant that I had to visit Andrew in my working capacity. I certainly never went socially.

Anyway, I wan to know what people think of the republic organisation and its ideas, not discuss my ancestry.
Anyway, I wan to know what people think of the republic organisation and its ideas, not discuss my ancestry.

An entirely understandable wish, which I think should be granted.

I'm not keen on Republic because they want an elected head of state.


Probably one of the many thousands of hereditary knights, so more of a

''The Queen only said to me the other day,
One should not be a name dropper.''
Norman St John-Stevas.
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Not sure how the ancestors got the title.

My job meant that I had to visit Andrew in my working capacity. I certainly never went socially.

Anyway, I want to know what people think of the republic organisation and its ideas, not discuss my ancestry.

Why even mention that or your title then? :hmm:
Sprocket. : I'm old enough to remember that. He was definitely taking the piss out of himself there :)
I know he was, but it's inclusion in the thread is because of folk claiming glory just because they know someone.
It's like people who used to work or knew celebs before they found fame.
An illustration not an observation in this case. :)
Thing is it was nicked back in the day that if you turned up with a sword and a bunch of blokes and said this land is mine now it was yours and they kept it so short of a revolution it is theirs by any legal right.
Getting rid of the royals would probably cost a lot of money and not do anything for the average bloke in the street. Cutting the list to the minimum
and getting a new national anthem would be nice though.
I'm curious about this great tourist buck they are supposed to generate actually. Is it real? Do tourists really come here solely because they think the royals are great and would they cease to come if we shot them all?
I'm curious about this great tourist buck they are supposed to generate actually. Is it real? Do tourists really come here solely because they think the royals are great and would they cease to come if we shot them all?
According to the tourist board figures (I'll look for a link later) there is little evidence to support the idea that people visit the UK for "royalty". The majority visit family. Of course the thing is that some do go to the various historic sites, which, some might argue, is "royalty". However, these attractions would still be there with, or without, the Windsors, it is reasonable, IMO, to assume that people would still want to visit these sites.

Additionally, official statistics show that the majority of people visit places outside London, as you would expect. This would suggest, to me, that the royals are not the attraction people say they are, since most of the royal sites are London/SE
Just seen on the BBC that the new princess will be worth £1bn by the age of ten.
Glad we are all in it together!
Some information can be found here: file:///C:/Users/Andrew/Downloads/sn06022.pdf about the tourist strategy and purpose of visit.

This report http://www.visitbritain.org/insightsandstatistics/reports/Overview.aspx says that most inbound visitors go to London, staying for less than a week. It also says that the main visitors are young people, that the city is seen as vibrant and exciting, and that the traditional, iconic sites are an attraction.

I haven't read the whole report yet, but it does seem to support the fact that the sites are the attraction, not the Windsors.
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