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The Windsors, worth every penny

My sister through charitable work, and I through my job. And I have a minor title too, from when the family was in Germany pre WW2. I'm well posh.

...and to have them "reduced to the ranks" as normal humans, like we all are...

speak for yourself, you fucking pleb!

go through the sums that Republic.uk put forward as the opportunity and actual costs that having the Windsors as Royals and Heads of State, and take out the costs that would be incurred by having an elected head of state, by not selling Windsor Castle, Buck House, Kensington and St James's Palace to completely upstanding Russian Oligarchs, and you'll find the savings start to look a bit sparse.

and no, i'm not their greatest fan - the only one i've met, big ears, is a complete waste of skin.
Biggest scroungers in the country and come from immigrant stock yet the Daily Fail and other tabloids love them? Load of ole bollocks let them fend for themselves.
If UKIP get in, maybe they'll be sent back with other immigrants. Philip is, after all, a EU immigrant, he doesn't seem to have many skills to at least claim a trade. She was a driver IIRC and since then seems not to have developed her skills either. Neither have anything much to offer, and as EU economic migrants, should not be allowed to remain in the country.
My elder sister was a friend of Anne. I have some time for her because she genuinely does things that we don't normally hear about.

Anne's alright. The couple of times I've been in the same room as her it's been for things that only made the local paper. Really unglamorous things, to be honest, but it does make a difference if the visiting bigwig actually gives a shit, and Anne clearly does. She's stern of face, but kind in voice. She escapes the bunker, come the revolution.
The reason for the thread was to get opinions of republic and its ideas. It was also to get a critique of it.

I've never made a secret of my German title. It is the lowest rank so not at all important in modern day UK. I have never made a secret of having had business with Andrew nor connection to Anne.
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