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'Penny for the guy': has it vanished forever?

Burning effigies of people is a bit unpleasant really, but strange how it wasn't up until around 25 years ago.

Despite it's origins, I don't remember thinking it was anti catholic as a kid though, it was just.... some guy made of old clothes!

How did Catholics feel about it? My wife's a Catholic and she says she never really thought about it.

We always had a home bonfire and fireworks when I was a kid and we were never allowed to have a guy, because my dad's side of the family is Catholic.
That fireworks safety advert in the 70s? 80s? where the little girl picks up a sparkler and the screen goes black and you hear her scream... then you see her with a huge bandage looking sad. That has traumatised me basically for life. I can still picture it clearly. :rolleyes::(

They showed it on tv today. :D
That fireworks safety advert in the 70s? 80s? where the little girl picks up a sparkler and the screen goes black and you hear her scream... then you see her with a huge bandage looking sad. That has traumatised me basically for life. I can still picture it clearly. :rolleyes::(

that's normal

i remeber an ad for ... arsiton i think? where there was a guy who peeled back his face and was a robot/... that shit is freeky
That fireworks safety advert in the 70s? 80s? where the little girl picks up a sparkler and the screen goes black and you hear her scream... then you see her with a huge bandage looking sad. That has traumatised me basically for life. I can still picture it clearly. :rolleyes::(

That's the one where all the injured kids run out of railway tunnel, something about "Charlie Says", and then there's some bloke saying "it's the age of the train", leaving everyone terrified.

(I might be getting public information adverts mixed up.)
the other one that did my head in was the kids playing on the train tracks and getting electrocuted... but nothing has stuck with me like that fireworks one..
actually - maybe that's the one I'm thinking about.

that's what I mean - that one is hazy.. but the sparkler one - I can visualise that perfectly in my head.
basically I remembered kites, kids and getting electrocuted.. so I think it must that substation one with frisbees?? Unless there was a train one and I'm getting the two confused? Is there a thread on public information adverts somewhere?
This isn't the tunnel horror one that, as a seven year old, I found quite disturbing... but you get the idea. Quite long. Public service horror from about 4:00 :D :(

it might be the substation one - see above.

That sounds vaguely familiar and I remember where I lived, there was an electricity sub-station and no kids would go near it because apparently a "friend of a friend of a friend" got electrocuted there. Don't know if that was before the adverts though. Would have been early 70s. I believed it though :D
(They clearly got to me too early. I started playing on railway lines at about 11 years old. Tube lines. Live ones. *eek*)
This looks like it could be the substation one

Don't remember this one either

All I can think of is the fireworks one and Jimmy Savile and Green Code Code ones
There was actually a really good one, maybe five or ten years ago? I think it was about joy riding, and made/acted by teenagers. It was quite subtle. Might have even won some awards.
definitely wasn't that one I remember though... I was much to old to care by then. ETA electricity/kite.

Apols to Ed for destroying his thread.
Well there's this but this is from 89. It wouldn't have scared me then as I was 13 so maybe I'm getting confused too.

Sparklers were banned from Brockwell Park with the warning that anyone daring to light one up would be escorted out of the park and the entire display may be held up as a result.

Sparklers FFS!
White-hot metal rods wielded by excited children in a crowd. It's a H&S nightmare to be fair.
This one has the substation at 2 mins 45 ish. It's horrific. Death himself features in the "No swimming" section Fricking hell!

It looks like the electricity/pylon/substations ones were remade. There's kites, frisbee and football and some were remade years after the original which might help with the confusion
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