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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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there are a lot of genuine posts as well. and genuine serious criticisms of laurie. trouble is they get lost amongst the shit.
i'm not singling anyone out. your reaction was angry but understandable, as was the reaction of laurie upon discovering this thread.

but the fact this thread has gone on for so long when other criticisms of media lefties fall by the wayside says something. even the way this thread has tended to focus on her, when callinicos has destroyed the organisation he's a part of by covering for a rapist, says something.

as ably covered by the swappie implosion thread
strike a fucking light, thats beneath you

This is blowhard bullshit, and I'm leaving this thread until it becomes either amusing or relevant again.

Malcom Harris will be wanking into his sock to see this disgraceful show. Or maybe lolicon will be his stimuli of choice. Either way, this is crap

Malcolm Harris is a wanksock.
I am bored out of my tiny paddy mind with this but I was referring to LP's imaginary role as plucky fighter for "the left", her poisonous habit of conflating criticism with misogyny and the notion that her position on the parapet is useful or realistically accessible to normals, let alone working class women, who she fucking hates.

Intersectionalism ahoy!!!
Don't get me wrong, I've doubted other feminists in the past about the level of abuse they'd experienced, before getting directed to one feminist's blog and seeing for myself the graphic rape threats she got for a post that wasn't exactly controversial.

The problem with/for Ms. Penny is that her penchant for hyperbole w/r/t her "journalism" means that some people will automatically assume that she engages in hyperbole in all subjects, with the knock-on effects that has for her and for anyone else suffering the same threats and hassles.

Sadly, there are cunts everywhere :(

You're kidding? Is that right? The same poster who then accused the mods of deleting posts made by Blagsta when it couldn't actually be found that he'd said what he was accused of sent a cartoon of Laurie Penny being violently assaulted to Laurie Penny? And he hasn't been banned?


Having a bonobo liver transpalnted into him has obviously given him so "special powers".
I have noticed there can be a huge fuss on urban for something that would be nothing at all in the outside world but perversely something that would be seen as out of order in the outside world can be seen as ok inside urban.

An example is what some on here have said about the Catholic church, yet if there is only a suggestion [and a suggestion only in somebodies mind] on other topics about something that would be nothing in the outside world then all hell breaks loose.

It just shows that there is a clique on urban that if their prejudices are not pandered too or they are challenged then watch out, yet within the confines of urban that very clique seem to be able to say what they like about anything.

If urban is a private club for only like minded posters with a very narrow outlook then fine, but it should be advertised as such.

Fuck off with your cross-thread beef and pathetic attempt to justify the crap you got banned for.
If it helps, I'm having proper home made roast beef with all the trimmings today, you know its the good shit cos I'm.having it at my mum's and my dad's cooking it so It's a little bit feminism :cool:

PS: vienetta for pudding!

Are we allowed to use the "V" word on a thread that Dottie posts on?
there are a lot of genuine posts as well. and genuine serious criticisms of laurie. trouble is they get lost amongst the shit.
i'm not singling anyone out. your reaction was angry but understandable, as was the reaction of laurie upon discovering this thread.

but the fact this thread has gone on for so long when other criticisms of media lefties fall by the wayside says something. even the way this thread has tended to focus on her, when callinicos has destroyed the organisation he's a part of by covering for a rapist, says something.

TBF, there was a fair bit of criticism of the Swappie elite on the threads specifically about the cover-up/"peoples' court" bullshit at around the same time.
Even if he has behaved like a dick there's no call to make jokes about him nearly dying VP.

I've been repeatedly making the same "joke" directly at him for the last year, with no objections from anyone, so it's nowt to do with him having "behaved like a dick".
It's not, by the way, a joke about him "nearly dying", It's a joke about his healthcare trust giving him a bonobo liver, rather than a human one, because they're cheaper and one was available. :)
Even if he has behaved like a dick there's no call to make jokes about him nearly dying VP.
fair game, imo - he's got a gsoh.


i have no idea if barney pig knew about my history of sexual assault/abuse. firky certainly did.
true :oops:
will be a-postin' in there if my neighbour's nice enough to be going into sainsbergs waving my card around and pretending to be me (keep forgetting i haven't got a tardis to get there :D)
he cba going into town :(

but he DID just lend me a fiver til i get it together enough to get to the bank and stick my bastard postal order in and it clears :cool:

he is off to the corner shop for some Lovely Fags (i ran out at 8am, and haven't obliterated myself or anyone else. i'm amazed) and some vegges :)

should really go in the 'chuffed' thread, but fuck it. i appear to be trying to burn this one to the ground and salt the earth.
I've been repeatedly making the same "joke" directly at him for the last year, with no objections from anyone, so it's nowt to do with him having "behaved like a dick".
It's not, by the way, a joke about him "nearly dying", It's a joke about his healthcare trust giving him a bonobo liver, rather than a human one, because they're cheaper and one was available. :)

It's not funny.
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