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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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So paying through the nose for somebody to pain a daft picture on a limb, which looks from a distance like a nasty burn of something else you'd pay even more for to have removed if acquired by accident, is self-expression?

Are we really that culturally impoverished?
No, you are just prejudiced and ignorant of any culture beyond your tiny little world
There may be parallels. After all, this socio-economic system will come crashing down at some point, probably when we're not looking.

dotty posting:

Were the thousands of ancient cultures which were covered in tattoos as culturally bereft as us or is there something special about our tattoos that makes them less valid in your eyes? :D
dotty posting:

Were the thousands of ancient cultures which were covered in tattoos as culturally bereft as us or is there something special about our tattoos that makes them less valid in your eyes? :D

I don't know. But the current fashion for tattoos is just that: mere fashion, driven by an all-pervasive media and commerce. Bored and frustrated by any chance? Have another big fuck off tattoo to show your dickhead mates. They probably won't be able to tell what it actually is, but having to repeatedly explain it will kill another few hours, especially as they won't actually listen, necessitating your having to keep repeating yourself. Whole evenings can pass like this.

On the whole, speaking of today's society, tattoos=empty head.
I don't know. But the current fashion for tattoos ia mere fashion, driven by an all-pervasive media and commerce. Bored and frustrated by any chance? Have another big fuck off tattoo to show your dickhead mates. They probably won't be able to tell what it actually is, but having to repeatedly explain it will kill another few hours, especially as they won't actually listen, necessitaing your having to keep repeating yourself. Whole evenings can pass like this.

On the whole, speaking of today's society, tattoos=empty head.

You don't half talk some rot. Sham tolerance? Permanent teenagerdom? Are you Tony Parsons?

No, although I wouldn't mind his bank account.

What you can say about Parsons is that he became wise enough to grow up and realise he spent much of his younger years talking a load of old shit.
I don't know. But the current fashion for tattoos is mere fashion, driven by an all-pervasive media and commerce. Bored and frustrated by any chance? Have another big fuck off tattoo to show your dickhead mates. They probably won't be able to tell what it actually is, but having to repeatedly explain it will kill another few hours, especially as they won't actually listen, necessitaing your having to keep repeating yourself. Whole evenings can pass like this.

On the whole, speaking of today's society, tattoos=empty head.


so the aztecs, the polynesians, the p-celts presumably had a village elder/eeyore who would look scornfully upon designs worked in woad and scoff that it is all distraction and vapidity for a generation of empty-headed fools.

so the aztecs, the polynesians, the p-celts presumably had a village elder/eeyore who would look scornfully upon designs worked in woad and scoff that it is all distraction and vapidity for a generation of empty-headed fools.

I have no idea. But they didn't have Posh Spice or Jedward as 'positive role models' (itself a concept arising from a thoroughly infantilised society.)
I have no idea. But they didn't have Posh Spice or Jedward as 'positive role models' (itself a concept arising from a thoroughly infantilised society.)

anyone who thinks that jedward and posh spice are positive role models is a fucking idiot tbf.
At the very moment that, to use Hobsbawm's words, the individual triumphed over society, individualism disappeared. Its rotting corpse is a hideous spectacle to behold.
Sham tolerance? Permanent teenagerdom?

Tolerance these days usually means imposing the absurd, commercially driven cult of eternal youth and phoney individualism on the rest of society.

It's why political protest*, for instance, now so often resembles a teenage temper tantrum writ large. Last summer's riots were one big trashing of your own bedroom and a refusal to clean the away the pubes after a bath.

*And impotent protest is, politically, all there is left-in itself a result of today's sham tolerance.

I dread to think what lletsa would have to say on the matter of henna tatooes. By their transient nature and hennas association with that cult of individualism 'hippydom' henna tatts would surely rank as even more annoying to the man.
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