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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Captain Steven Hiller wouldn't have felt threatened by David Starkey. Take notes Laura.

Who's the man? Huh? Who's the man? Wait till I get another plane! I'm a line ya friends up right beside you! Where ya at, huh? Where ya at?
[Hiller opens the spaceship, the alien screams, Hiller smacks him in the head]

and an alien civilisation with the technological awesomeness and biological knowledge to travel across the stars and then engage a biosphere with hostile intent can be brought low with just a laptop and jeff goldblum. Amazing.
and an alien civilisation with the technological awesomeness and biological knowledge to travel across the stars and then engage a biosphere with hostile intent can be brought low with just a laptop and jeff goldblum. Amazing.

No mention in the film about the alien civilisation being a socialist one. Odd, as only a socialist society can be capable of the development needed for interstellar travel...as of course we all should know.
I also like how the brits in that film are reduced to standing around waiting for uncle sam to save them.

honestly though, the sight of the whithouse being rendered to ashes by aliens is worth the ticket price
"Welcome to earth"

Independence Day, beloved of the American right - where a black guy and a jew save the world :cool:
Oddly enough, the same two groups that were routinely attacked by the American right up till the 1980s... well, blacks still got attacked (George Bush snr's campaign team deliberately used race as an issue).
Oddly enough, the same two groups that were routinely attacked by the American right up till the 1980s... well, blacks still got attacked (George Bush snr's campaign team deliberately used race as an issue).

It's not really funny if you have to explain it though.
To be fair, we didn't order it - we were a bit desperate for stock due to opening a month earlier than planned so i rang up pluto and asked what they could do to help asap and they said they had boxes of their top 25 sellers sitting there just waiting to go, so i said we'll have that - little did i suspect...
Why not ask her to come in to give a reading.
Has this been posted yet about Molly Crabapple?

She raised $65,000 from devotees on the internet so she could paint 9 pictures

edit: and the money was raised in just three days from initial appeal
Has this been posted yet about Molly Crabapple?

She raised $65,000 from devotees on the internet so she could paint 9 pictures

edit: and the money was raised in just three days from initial appeal

'ckin hell.

...and to think I do my "anti-capitalist paintings" for free and then give them away. I'm missing a trick here!
Has this been posted yet about Molly Crabapple?

She raised $65,000 from devotees on the internet so she could paint 9 pictures

edit: and the money was raised in just three days from initial appeal
And there she was, hounding Laura over a piddling few hundred for the privilege of sleeping on her floor? What a monster. Laura lied about that too btw, she posts pics of her bed and room on the twitter.

This nonsense reminds me of Plunkitt of Tammany Hall.
There’s an honest graft, and I’m an example of how it works. I might sum up the whole thing by sayin’: “I seen my opportunities and I took ‘em.”

There's a whiff of conspiraloon off her as well.
Has this been posted yet about Molly Crabapple?

She raised $65,000 from devotees on the internet so she could paint 9 pictures

edit: and the money was raised in just three days from initial appeal

Are you maybe a super-rich fan of Molly's work and also like to get involved in really trendy stuff like crowd-sourced funding for art and all that, but may be turned off a bit by the whole left-wing thing? Don't worry, Molly's thought about that, it might look political but relax, it's just Art;

"Is Shell Game dirty commie pinko propaganda?
Maybe a little. But you'll find the same scampering fat cats, tentacles, and surreal details that are always in my work. So my fans who could care less about world affairs should still like it."

It's really important not to alienate that whole right-wing demographic, right?
Just finished A New England tonight in a mad binge (well this whole month has been a mad binge), right before I take off for three weeks to Paris-Amsterdam-London-Athens. It was really watching the UK student occupations unfold that got me thinking in the vein of political art, so this was an honor and joy for me to do

This is the first painting I've done that hasn't been scooped up by collectors yet, so if you're interested, get in touch.

For just eight yankee grands you can have Laura by Molly on your wall, forever.
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