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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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I wouldn't give a flying fuck so long as I got my wages. Proofing isn't about preserving someones journalistic integrity- thats their own problem. And anyone who has a clue what proofers do will know that. It's donkey work, on the behalf of people who shouldn't need your eyes. Not nice to be shat on to cover up her indiscretions of writing though, I imagine, if you've pride and aren't at fault. Would be wounding if you consider your work to be anything other than tidying up the ill-thought rantings of some egotist....
I am extremely satisfied with this product. Arrived very quickly, perfect condition and a great read, definately worth the money. This is an inspiring read!
Mmmm, lovely, juicy, Meaty product!
Quick - Amazon only has THREE LEFT IN STOCK on her other tome (the one endorsed by butchersapron & Hydra Books):

If you find it boring can't you just not read or post on the thread? I mean, it's not particularly productive I admit but I at least find it quite amusing to laugh at her hypocrisy - she embodies all that I hate about the liberal left, it's like someone has taken all the most irritating traits of student wadicals and distilled them into one person. This isn't just a thread about Laurie Penny - it's a thread about all that's wrong with the middle class left.

'autonomous' used as a swear word throughout that review. I smell trot! Great sweaty metaphors btw

Good spot. It was originally written to be published on Counterfire’s site but to be honest they were still rather ‘involved’ with her and so I decided against submitting it to them. Got the chance to add more invective for the Amazon audience though! In hindsight ‘autonomous’ is used in a rather glib and unnecessary way. A bad habit I’ve hopefully rid myself of.
Independence Day has self-awareness of near monolithic proportions compared to Penny.
And that review was a bit tongue in cheek.

Will Smith popping onto an alien mothership, uploading a killer computer virus and getting out in one piece is, frankly, a lot more believable than most of the rubbish Penny Dreadful comes out with.
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