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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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No need to over-dramatise, belboid. A pic like that is also an opportunity to push back agains sexism, it's not to be run from in horror or boredom, not if the topic is important.
but the topic is one minor journo. As I said, low-hanging fruit.

Still, whatever. Enjoy yourselves
but the topic is one minor journo. As I said, low-hanging fruit.

Still, whatever. Enjoy yourselves
Thought you said just now you took my point about this being a wider issue. This thread is also a What not to do lesson for all anarcholeftie journalists.
Thought you said just now you took my point about this being a wider issue. This thread is also a What not to do lesson for all anarcholeftie journalists.
Bollocks. It's a 'penny is shit thread.' Any lessons are hidden amongst the drivel
Bollocks. It's a 'penny is shit thread.' Any lessons are hidden amongst the drivel
there are plenty of wider lessons to be learnt. And what's all this superior stuff about 'drivel'? You sometimes spend whole threads swearing at someone you don't like, Mr Content.
one of the organisers had invited two of his uni friends, now editor of Dazed and Confused, to cover the (illegal) action from the inside. I and others were called wreckers for objecting to this.
really? He's a friend of mine. I wouldn't characterise him as a flag-waving radical :D
Dan Franklin ‏@DigitalDanHouse
I'm v pleased that we're going to be publishing DISCORDIA by @PennyRed and @mollycrabapple in late summer (ish)
Mr.Digital Publisher at the Random House Group UK, you are mental.
Unfortunately, there's an audience for this kind of bollocks. I can hear Warren Ellis and his ilk wanking themselves stupid over it already. It'll also get loads of publicity through the likes of the Guardian, Indie, NS etc.

I asked A Senior Person at Verso about this, a while back (they published LP's collection of blog posts). They very overtly look for writers with an existing audience, and you have to be able to demonstrate that people would buy your book if they published it. So their first advice to anyone wanting to get a (non-fic) book deal these days is, 'get a blog, and a Twitter account, build an audience and then talk to us'.
That's how it works apparently.
Of course, if you already had a blog and a Twitter account and an audience then you might decide that it would be easier, less irritating and more true to your original vision to self-publish the damn thing, and bypass mainstream publishers entirely.
That would involve far less compromising on the content at the instructions of some marketing random in order to make it 'saleable'. But then you wouldn't get to hobnob with Owen Jones at the Verso Christmas party.
Swings & roundabouts.
the thing that gets me about penny, is the whole claiming to be a voice of a generation thing - like how the fuck can she know what everyone's lives are like? i mean fuck me im not the most proletarian person in the world but i could bet that my social circle is wider than hers. how can you know what everyone's lives are like if you've gone straight from brighton college into a meejah job paying more than what the majority of the country earn?

Her boyfriend, maybe, ex, boyfriend was on disability benefits, her ire towards that part of the system seems genuine..
Of course, if you already had a blog and a Twitter account and an audience then you might decide that it would be easier, less irritating and more true to your original vision to self-publish the damn thing, and bypass mainstream publishers entirely.
That would involve far less compromising on the content at the instructions of some marketing random in order to make it 'saleable'. But then you wouldn't get to hobnob with Owen Jones at the Verso Christmas party.
Swings & roundabouts.

You might, but then you would have to buy in professional support for editing, proofing, marketing etc...

Swings and roundabouts.
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