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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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You might, but then you would have to buy in professional support for editing, proofing, marketing etc...

[Re marketing in particular]

Not necessarily, certainly not at the costs involved in production for a physical print run, and definitely not if it's not aimed at a mass market audience where there would have to be immense breadth in penetration.

[Edited to specify marketing]
For fuck's sake. A sparkly party that most of the people she claims to speak for would never be able to get to, full of twats and media luvvies. A sparkly party for occupiers jesus fucking fucking christ. A party by the bourgeoisie thrown "for" us. For us! Would my mate carly be able to go to that eh penny or would they throw her out for looking like a chav and not knowing about all that radical bullshit you're talking about? Would my mates be able to afford the price of the drinks? Is it any wonder people don't give a fuck about the left and don't give a fuck about you?

The zeitgeist that provids their income. What a load of fucking shit! Raise awareness about the occupy movement among those in New York society who spend their trust funds in private clubs. Do you know something? FUCK those people! I don't want them near ANY movement im part of especially if they're going to be making money out of it and turning it into some sort of che t-shirt merchandise bollocks.

And what if they don't get invited to the bowery hotel because they've got no money or because they're union reps who are working hard with problems AT WORK eh penny? problems that you almost certainly know absolutely nothing about but your parents' generation probably will? Sorry for the epic rant it just makes me sick !!

Wasn't it the case that there was a massive chasm in ONY between the poor, homeless, wc, occupiers and the more affluent and 'geeky' Uptown occupiers: not having a welfare state, the division between young people from poorer backgrounds and the trustarians, sons and daughters of elites, etc must be much wider than here, at least uptil now, after the welfare cuts, tuition fees rises, well..

btw, why some of this is revealing,. like some others I find it a bit disturbing to have thread of so many pages focussing on one person, i don't think it it has happened before, not even with Gogarty...
Wasn't it the case that there was a massive chasm in ONY between the poor, homeless, wc, occupiers and the more affluent and 'geeky' occupiers: not having a welfare state, the division between young people from poorer backgrounds and the trustarians, sons and daughters of elites, etc must be much wider than here, at least uptil now, after the welfare cuts, tuition fees rises, well..

btw, why some of this is revealing,. like some others I find it a bit disturbing to have thread of so many pages focussing on one person, i don't think it it has happened before, not even with Gogarty...
That's because he was a one week thing - this shit is still going on, week after week after week. If you can't see the issues that are driving this then you're not reading it right.
It's not about Laura as an individual. It's about Laura as a manifestation of a certain power relationship and the effect that this has on the rest of us.

"Laurie Penny" is a fictional character anyway...a role eagerly assumed.
Back in the old days there must have been loads of Pennys walking around. . . but there were also people like this:

It's not about Laura as an individual. It's about Laura as a manifestation of a certain power relationship and the effect that this has on the rest of us.

"Laurie Penny" is a fictional character anyway...a role eagerly assumed.
That's it exactly. I lost the argument to shelf her book in the fiction section of the Hyrda bookshop.

(hers and chavs absolutely flew out as well - fucking plebs in this town)
You stock her book?!?!

Not cool.
To be fair, we didn't order it - we were a bit desperate for stock due to opening a month earlier than planned so i rang up pluto and asked what they could do to help asap and they said they had boxes of their top 25 sellers sitting there just waiting to go, so i said we'll have that - little did i suspect...
Maybe it's time to revive the Hari thread ...
He's back on Twitter as well btw, if anyone wants to joust with him.
Edit: And lo, it came to pass, that what I predicteth came true. He is now working on a book, according to his Twitter biog. I knew it.
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