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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Nearly a full 24 hours have passed since Laurie last had a bowel movement on twitter. I am getting a bit of a cold turkey here. Guess it was a heavy night of radical journalism, champagne and quaffing; still in bed with a hangover.

Come on Laurie, I am bored.
What? A ponce's fag.


now there's a proper proley fag

Prior to L & B, the "proper" prole-smoke was

It was half Guinness, half Gold Label all round on giro day in the pub I worked in. A proper treat for anyone, man, woman young or old.

Not in The Woolpack though Jim.:) Gold Label came in "nips", a third of a pint. Laurie (Lee) bought me a pint of Gold Label for my sixteenth birthday, I was as sick as a pup in the churchyard for the rest of the afternoon.

First mention in this thread of a Laurie with true Socialist credentials. None of this flying down to Cairo to have a sniff about, Laurie Lee walked to Spain.
Not in The Woolpack though Jim.:) Gold Label came in "nips", a third of a pint. Laurie (Lee) bought me a pint of Gold Label for my sixteenth birthday, I was as sick as a pup in the churchyard for the rest of the afternoon.

First mention in this thread of a Laurie with true Socialist credentials. None of this flying down to Cairo to have a sniff about, Laurie Lee walked to Spain.

And if you tell that to the young people today, they won't believe you. More lefty fags:


I wonder if he had a fag after shooting that 14 year old kid?
Not in The Woolpack though Jim.:) Gold Label came in "nips", a third of a pint. Laurie (Lee) bought me a pint of Gold Label for my sixteenth birthday, I was as sick as a pup in the churchyard for the rest of the afternoon.

First mention in this thread of a Laurie with true Socialist credentials. None of this flying down to Cairo to have a sniff about, Laurie Lee walked to Spain.
You have me on a technicality :D We did the generous half of Guinness in a pint glass, then you'd slowly pour your Gold Label in, which was a third of a pint as you say. Think people called it a Black Velvet tho the real one uses champagne I think.
Crowdsourcing isn't anything new or contagious. Sunny isn't doing anything out of the ordinary for a journalist of his calibre.
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