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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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I wonder what zany mismatched odd couplesque housemate lezzard will be saddled with next.

Someone who's slightly left-field, contrived, not exactly loaded but well networked to the "important people", pretends to like sci-fi, smoker and articulated.

Remember the hovel thing? "It's not me that calls it the hovel, it's Nick, Nick, Nick. I only said it because he did."

What a good friend and potential flat mate she is to have. Will lie and blame her actions and behaviour on you. Like a spoilt kid.
I'd be more gutted for her if there wasn't reports of the some those poorest in London being decanted out of the city as far afield as Liverpool because of the housing benefits cap.

Penny has some choice in where she lives and who she lives with. She will most likely have a bedroom to herself (unless of her own choosing). Tell that to benefit claimants facing finding an extra hundred pounds or more a week.
Any London council tenant affected by the bedroom tax should get right in there with an offer of a room.


Reminds me; fraudster Shapps glibly offered up this take in a lodger 'solution' on the news the other night, and I thought what impact would the rent recieved from a lodger have on folks benefits etc?
Penny is now about to lay in to Owen Jones over an article he wrote about Galloway which she hasn't read properly.

She demands that Jones picks up his phone.

It's on Twitter but cba to link to it.
Laurie Penny@PennyRed
The Left should learn from Galloway? @OwenJones84, wtf? I would have thought you know precisely why GG has been demonised. And justly so.
Helen Lewis@helenlewis
@PennyRed @OwenJones84 Thought his point that GG gets more support than you'd expect a repellent sexist to was clear, myself…
Laurie Penny@PennyRed
@helenlewis @owenjones84 I didn't get it until Owen explained it to me on the phone. I get that that's what he meant :)

Crisis over, she simply didn't get the article right away.
Reading and writing being the two main ones I would have thought.

What did she do at uni again?

Quaff and have run-away teenage bisexuals anoint her cut knees after a hard night of drinking and snorting ket. If you believe her blog.

Way back last year (back before I posted 'that' cartoon) she was wittering on about how someone called her a pixie. She took a bit of an objection to it and vented it all out on twitter. Then one her ex Oxford pals said something like, "but Laurie, we'd all call you Pixie at Uni, it was your nickname?".

Plastic penny. Faker than green gold.
Is Penny really as humourless as she comes across? Maybe she needs a little re-education at the Emma Goldman summer camp.
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