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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Way back last year (back before I posted 'that' cartoon) she was wittering on about how someone called her a pixie. She took a bit of an objection to it and vented it all out on twitter. Then one her ex Oxford pals said something like, "but Laurie, we'd all call you Pixie at Uni, it was your nickname?".
I don't dislike my magic anarcho-feminist pixie voice. YOU CAN HAVE THREE WISHES AS LONG AS THEY ARE ALL #FULLCOMMUNISM.

Not sure how authentic that is :hmm:
who has had some problems expressing himself

That's sinister. Think about what she's saying there, it's orwellian.
So @jamiekilstein is playing all this week at the Soho theatre. If you want your faith in feminist men restored, you should go. #comedy

Jamiekilstein is Followed by Jonnie Marbles and mollycrabapple.

Oh, I wonder if that is coincidental? No other 'lefty' I follow seems to have heard of him. How odd.
Tea doesn't fix fuck all, coffee and cannabis doesn't fix anything either, its just better

Being patronised by Laura of a cup of wankers brew- some shte earl grey or something- isn't going to fix even a broken kinder egg toy

Middle class bollocks anyway. Everyone knows that what you do when you want to sort out a difference of opinion is get pissed together
Tea doesn't fix fuck all, coffee and cannabis doesn't fix anything either, its just better

Being patronised by Laura of a cup of wankers brew- some shte earl grey or something- isn't going to fix even a broken kinder egg toy

She knew her last public speech was going badly when the usherette came round at the interval with a tray of cyanide capsules.
traditionally followed by a fight and/or a crap shag
Bag of chips surely?
not mutually exclusive

I think my cat would have a lot to say about intersectionality in professional and public spheres and would have some very important insights into the state of radical politics today.
That Jones article is basically the 'Galloway a huge pustule ridden fuckknuckle, but the boy gives good rhetoric' argument isn't it?

Edit - oh, it's more than that. It's sort of, kind of aimed at the identity politics and lingustic gymnastics squad. The right have better, simpler narratives because their narratives tend not to include the margins - just a big rolling snowball of white, middle class comfort. The left need to come up with equally simple stories but include everyone.

The problem with simple stories is that it relies on established tropes - scroungers, immigrants etc. And utlising simple tropes can get you the support of Burchill if you're not careful.
Something that stuck out for me in that article was he thought people in the audience of question time are "non-politicos". Maybe they're not quite from the westminster village but it's telling about how small his world is that he thinks non-politicos would apply for tickets to be in the question time audience.
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