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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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You are all fucking girls.

I was blocked on her Twatter feed.


'And now, direct from the House of Penny Dreadful, this latest quality item that deals with those inconvenient questions, suggestions of falsified reporting, non-existent fact-checking, malicious and knowingly dishonest insult, libellous allegations of bigotry and various other signs of the next desperately fame-hungry and talentless wannabe, this season's must have for anyone caught blatantly lying and not wanting to face facts...'


'Another quality item from British Journalism!'

'British Journalism: Best in the world...'
Now these fags really will kill you:


That's because this pack is a copy of the KGB's infamous double-barrelled 'cigarette gun' (as deliverd to the West by defecting KGB hitman Niolai Khoklov in 1954) which contained a hidden button that fired two razor-edged .22 bullets filled with potassium cyanide.

Dying for a fag..?
I smoked Regal until they changed the blend and started smoking B&H. I later started smoking rollies and any bootleg baccy. Then I ended up only smoking the holy toke and now I don't smoke at all (apart from the occasional blunt). Fascinating.

I wonder how Laurie got on this evening with her lecture on Radical Journalism?

I'll hear all about it tomorrow, for some reason I passed up on the stellar line-up of Callinicos and LP at ORF today.
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