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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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They're worse than I remember.

When I was at school some people would pick up discarded regal and B&H fag packs to put lambert and butler in. If you smoked L&B's you were a scummer.

Anyone remember the L&B adverts and how they tried to get rid of that PFWC image by having a bloke on a bilboard getting his L&B sparked up by a butler?

i remember them. i smoked L&Bs at school, and indeed until my early 20s (unless i was too poor, in which case it was baccy). most kids smoked B&H, but lamberts were cheaper. my mate Jim, in an effort to be classy, smoked Embassy Number Ones because he thought they were posh.
I smoked Regal until they changed the blend and started smoking B&H. I later started smoking rollies and any bootleg baccy. Then I ended up only smoking the holy toke and now I don't smoke at all (apart from the occasional blunt). Fascinating.

I wonder how Laurie got on this evening with her lecture on Radical Journalism?
i remember them. i smoked L&Bs at school, and indeed until my early 20s (unless i was too poor, in which case it was baccy). most kids smoked B&H, but lamberts were cheaper. my mate Jim, in an effort to be classy, smoked Embassy Number Ones because he thought they were posh.
L&B are quite pricey now iirc, which I find funny - not "premium fag" level, but above the cheap stuff. Once they've got people on to a brand, they raise the prices to exploit those who have brand loyalty, and then launch a new line of budget fags.
L&B are quite pricey now iirc, which I find funny - not "premium fag" level, but above the cheap stuff. Once they've got people on to a brand, they raise the prices to exploit those who have brand loyalty, and then launch a new line of budget fags.

i hope they taste better. i' surprised i don't have lung cancerr already. my mate smoked l&b gold until he gave up. if you turned one upside down all the baccy fell out.
Ha! I used to get a packet of these every New Year's Eve. But every cunt wanted one, like, so I stopped.

That's why I started on the Camels. I didn't mind people poncing my B&H until they started taking them without even asking so I started on unfiltered Camels instead.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I'd notice hands come near the pack and then scuttle away as if to say:

'I'll wait until TOMORROW to get lung cancer, thank you...'
I rarely smoked tailor-mades, made me feel awful in the morning. Mind you when I did, e.g. when I'd gone out and run out of baccy I'd have Marlboros and although the smoke was a lovely grey-blue colour they made my throat swell up the next day.

I'm really glad I stopped, though. Not a single fag for over 2 years, now.
:) three months for me. The Sobranies and Benny Hennies were my Nan btw, I used to smoke Lambert and Butler menthols.

Ah, gotcha. Well, well done. The gaps between me really fancying a fag are up to about every couple of months, now.

So, Penny - is the rollies thing a pose, or what?
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