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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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maybe Kensington is just his town-house?

No evidence at all there.

Top poem featuring Mad Chris Knight's burning canvas theatre Trojan Horse.


One day, and in the early spring
When dissent had spread an angry wing,
The crowd stopped and invited me,
To join their tragic comedy.

I met Hope, she bore a flag,
Words scrawled upon a cotton rag,
By Whitehall she marched in a pair,
With the gnarled form of old Despair.

I saw a canvas Trojan horse,
It cantered through the march’s course,
And ended in a blazing fire,
At the Oxford Circus funeral pyre.

I watched Cable, on TV
He wore a coat of treachery,
On strings he danced uneasily,
To a tune of Tory puppetry.

Jesus. Fucking. Titty. Christ.
Now the site of the biggest ASDA in Northumberland.

Makes me cringe that those pair of cunts have reduced it to that.

It was your point about fashion that started this all.:D

A better view of Nathan's Soviet military coat complete with star badge and F**K FEES sign.

`And these words shall then become
Like Oppression's thundered doom
Ringing through each heart and brain,
Heard again -- again -- again--

`Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number--
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you--
Ye are many -- they are few.'

More Akehurst poetry. Perhaps the New Inquiry should do a critical evaluation:

He cuts a lonely figure, that border guard at midnight,
His wisps of cigarette smoke curl into the smoke from today's fight,
Israeli troops in a garden of exiles,
Their rifles came from Capitol Hill,
On a clear night you can hear the gunfire for miles,
See the swathe of bulldozed homes where families live still.
Bombs from the Mossad,
Shattered the mosques and
The Wailing Wall mourned at the kill.
When your hospital's burning it's hard to get a prescription,
They prescribe white phosphorous for a warfare addiction,
The side effects need no description-
And you wonder why Israel has to get recruits by conscription?


Bombs from the MOSSAD? WTF?
Milibands and other labour bigwigs too.

edit: governors have voted for academy status now as well.

That was over a year ago. The most important anti-streaming all-years comprehensive school in the Labour strategy in its war against selective and private education - willingly suiciding itself.
That was over a year ago. The most important anti-streaming all-years comprehensive school in the Labour strategy in its war against selective and private education - willingly suiciding itself.

Looking back, it's quite amazing that the middle class--sections of it at least--ever endorsed the principle, let alone the practice, of comprehensive education.

I rarely see it defended these days, even in principle. It evidently doesn't even occur to the likes of Diane Abbott that the comprehensive system might have some intrinsic merit. And if it doesn't occur to her, imagine how far it is from the imagination of a Cameron or Clegg...

... which is of course what gives rise to the kind of class hatred expressed on this thread, by fostering an utter absence of connection, knowledge or understanding between the British masses and the privately-educated "top" 10% or so.

At least the real toffs--Etonians and the like--acknowledge and respect that difference, which is why the working class and the aristocracy have enjoyed a degree of understanding and even mutual sympathy in the UK. But the privately-educated middle class don't even know enough about other classes to know that everyone isn't (and doesn't) like them.
One of the security guards at a cheap Moscow hotel I stayed at was like the chaps in that pic.

I don't know if I've told you this story before, but the first time I was in Moscow my local contacts showed me around the city centre and at the end of our tour, I said come back to my hotel, I'll stand you a drink at the bar.

We were halfway across the lobby when we were challenged by the security guys, who told us NYET to guests having guests in the bar.

I think we ended up in a Texas-style steakhouse in the end (but only for beer, not steak). Anyway, they told me that they didn't think Russia was like that anymore.


Actually, I think this is the original version of that pi
she's hated by most of whats left of the left in parliament

Is that coz she shafted John McDonnell when she ran for leaders (in exchange for a shadow cabinet position)?

Anyway did you know that Laurie Penny is an anagram of Purely Inane? And that Delroy Booth is an anagram of Booty Handler.
I believe - not sure - its reputation as a leftwing stronghold is exaggerated. Its catchment area is immediately around it ie Chelsea and west of Westminster and so has very rich people as its parents, plus it can select 10% of its intake.

Unsurprisingly, it has facilities like this on-site.


Tony Benn sent his children there.

Comp: A Survivor's Tale by John-Paul Flintoff is a moderately diverting memoir of a middle-class schoolboy placed there by liberal parents.
Of course in my mind the word Booty Handler is someone who looks after a pirate's stash. Why I am shocked and appalled that it has some other sexual connotation. Not being a disgusting pervert the thought hadn't even crossed my mind Idris...

Too many letters.

Booty Holder.

yum ;)
Looking back, it's quite amazing that the middle class--sections of it at least--ever endorsed the principle, let alone the practice, of comprehensive education.

I rarely see it defended these days, even in principle. It evidently doesn't even occur to the likes of Diane Abbott that the comprehensive system might have some intrinsic merit. And if it doesn't occur to her, imagine how far it is from the imagination of a Cameron or Clegg...

... which is of course what gives rise to the kind of class hatred expressed on this thread, by fostering an utter absence of connection, knowledge or understanding between the British masses and the privately-educated "top" 10% or so.

At least the real toffs--Etonians and the like--acknowledge and respect that difference, which is why the working class and the aristocracy have enjoyed a degree of understanding and even mutual sympathy in the UK. But the privately-educated middle class don't even know enough about other classes to know that everyone isn't (and doesn't) like them.

Quite, they don't want their kids mixing with the mentals and if you can pay for it why wouldn't ya? Nothing wrong with the comprehensive system that a few psychometric tests and a healthy awareness of identity polit...no fuck it, that doesn't work. Almost. Like an appreciation of fine wine, art or something, the choice of telling what you don't care for, of choosing the company you'd rather not keep. That's the style. Class.
Quite, they don't want their kids mixing with the mentals and if you can pay for it why wouldn't ya? Nothing wrong with the comprehensive system that a few psychometric tests and a healthy awareness of identity polit...no fuck it, that doesn't work. Almost. Like an appreciation of fine wine, art or something, the choice of telling what you don't care for, of choosing the company you'd rather not keep. That's the style. Class.

That's why some parents where I grew up would pay lots of money to send their kids to the local, expensive but crap, private school... just so they wouldn't have to mix with the kids from the "sink" estate who formed part of the local comprehensive's population... although the comp actually got better exam results... it's about class rather than (or rather as) education.

"When Christopher Hitchens was a small boy in Portsmouth, England, he overheard his parents arguing about the cost of sending him to an expensive private school. His father said it was beyond the family's means, and his mother countered with the devastating line, "If there is going to be an upper class in this country, then Christopher is going to be in it." In fact Hitchens, a thoroughly honest writer, admits he isn't exactly sure what wording she used. She may have said "ruling class" or "establishment," but whichever it was, he says he was definitely on his mother's side at the time."
That's why some parents where I grew up would pay lots of money to send their kids to the local, expensive but crap, private school... just so they wouldn't have to mix with the kids from the "sink" estate who formed part of the local comprehensive's population... although the comp actually got better exam results... it's about class rather than (or rather as) education.

"When Christopher Hitchens was a small boy in Portsmouth, England, he overheard his parents arguing about the cost of sending him to an expensive private school. His father said it was beyond the family's means, and his mother countered with the devastating line, "If there is going to be an upper class in this country, then Christopher is going to be in it." In fact Hitchens, a thoroughly honest writer, admits he isn't exactly sure what wording she used. She may have said "ruling class" or "establishment," but whichever it was, he says he was definitely on his mother's side at the time."

Some might say he never really left her side ie the ruling class for long. ;)
That's common. The kids who went to the nearest private school to where I live were getting a shit education at a hefty price. The standard of teaching is crap. The local comprehensive was a good school, although I didn't get on very well there coz I was a nightmare pupil and didn't realy bother turning up much past year 10, but it's a good school on the whole and y'know what dare I say it it was fairly middle class as far as comprehensive schools go. The fact that someone would pay thousands of pounds a year to avoid that kind of comprehensive education, even in a comprehensive that's quite middle-class and get's good results, it can only be pure snobbery. They're actually giving their kids a shitter education just so they can make the right contacts and get the right social skills and so on.

Not only that, but there's a large number of kids I knew who've come through the private school (Quegs in Wakefield) that now have real problems socialising. The fact it's two most notable alumni of that school are the acid bath murderer and the crossbow cannibal speaks volumes imo. It's an all boys school and to this day there's people I know who went there who are in the their mid 20's who still cannot hold a conversation with a girl, it's like being 12 and stuck in a state of arrested development. Doesn't socialising your kids so that they can function in the world have some kind of value? The thing is, I don't suppose I have the requisite social skills and affectations that would enable me to cope in the London media Booze and Schooze mileu, any more than they could cope with my life at the moment. I suppose that's what they're being taught, how to exist in the upper echelons of British society. It's training for being the ruling class. Private education is the means by which the rich and powerful perpetuate their privilige through the generations.

On the plus side I used to make some good money selling them really shady bags of weed, coz they all had parents who just threw money at them instead of, y'know, raising and caring for them and stuff, and didn't realise what things were actually worth. I was earning more money at 15 doing that than I am the moment, which has freaked me out a bit now I think about it :eek:
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