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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Model and activist Ella Raff is fastly becoming one of FLF’s faves, positively smoldering in solidarity with coal miners. Ella recently became a hit dressing like a toff as part of a ‘posh protest’ in order to dismiss the inaccuracy that ‘lefty = badly dressed’. We wish her well in her modelling and campaigning, especially in her work championing free education.
neither the tory right or the non-intersectional, tired old working class left, but a new radical protest movement for creative change, a movement for Action!

Ella Raff is on twitter here:



'St Hugh's College being sued for taking financial concerns into postgrad allocation of places is absurd. Absolutely NOT the fault of the > college or the university for not having the funding, and it is TRUE, what is the point in offering a place when it is bound to be rejected > applicant's claim that they would have worked during their time is absurd, completely impossible and definitely > compromising rigorous academic standards of postgraduate work. don't blame the university, blame the government which has cut funding for postgrads > agree that it is an absurd situation but think unis particularly oxbridge doing as good a job as they can to mitigate.'

Attacking the legal challenge to Oxford by that student earlier.
I think that is looksism.

He told you 'Support grassroots!'
If roll-up trouser style is unwanted, shorts on top of trouser leggings is possible.


depressingly, the grungers style has come back around. Fuck you, the march of years, fuck you
Yes, there's a lot to this. In mental health work, recovery is considered to largely be about acceptance of one's situation, normalisation of emotional states, exploration of distress and distressing events.

In other words, finding out you weren't really ill in the first place...?
Ella Raff is on twitter here:

applicant's claim that they would have worked during their time is absurd, completely impossible and definitely > compromising rigorous academic standards of postgraduate work.

Nice. I worked in a shop a minimum of two days a week throughout my degree and got a First. Guess I'd better self-combust now.
Ella Raff is on twitter here:



'St Hugh's College being sued for taking financial concerns into postgrad allocation of places is absurd. Absolutely NOT the fault of the > college or the university for not having the funding, and it is TRUE, what is the point in offering a place when it is bound to be rejected > applicant's claim that they would have worked during their time is absurd, completely impossible and definitely > compromising rigorous academic standards of postgraduate work. don't blame the university, blame the government which has cut funding for postgrads > agree that it is an absurd situation but think unis particularly oxbridge doing as good a job as they can to mitigate.'

Attacking the legal challenge to Oxford by that student earlier.

Nice. I worked in a shop a minimum of two days a week throughout my degree and got a First.

It's for postgraduates hence different standards of rigour are meant to apply.

Note 'particularly oxbridge doing as good a job as they can'.
Reminds me of tea on a desert island, bell hooks - middle-class university professor - is the companion.


On the LP front, remember these guys - the New Inquiry where LP is a contributing editor - the UK arm if you like:


This is their new artwork.

I don't know if it's unfair to have a go at it? Can someone identify the bits on the Medusa?

There is
Isaac Newton(?), ??? , Samuel Beckett, T S Eliot, ???, James Baldwin and C L R James.

Who are the other two? It sort of says (considerably) 'more educated than you' but not sure.

Pope not Newton, and Borges next to Beckett.
That lad in the faux bolshevik civil war greatcoat is one of the leading SEYMOUR!-ites. Oxbridge and former youth parliament member.

He forgot to mention where he was a Youth Parliament Member for.

Nathan Akehurst, MYP for Kensington and Chelsea, said: "Congratulations to Lily on her election. I'm looking forward to working with her this year and hope that we'll both be able to make a difference for all the young people who live and go to school in Kensington and Chelsea."


It's actually Kensington and Chelsea, but the Chelsea bit is missing in his twitter bio.

Nathan Akehurst
Socialist, student, Oxonian, blogger, would-be journo/author. Ex-Member of Youth Parliament for Kensington. All opinions those of Steve, my Galapagos tortoise.
Both from Holland Park shool, the socialists stronghold/eton.

I believe - not sure - its reputation as a leftwing stronghold is exaggerated. Its catchment area is immediately around it ie Chelsea and west of Westminster and so has very rich people as its parents, plus it can select 10% of its intake.

Unsurprisingly, it has facilities like this on-site.


Tony Benn sent his children there.
WTF as well. At how glib and posh and ... well, just how shit it is.

I think it is a party look at the food behind, so the bin-bag fashion sort of makes sense I think:confused:

Nathan 'Socialist, student, Oxonian, blogger, would-be journo' (his words, not mine) Akehurst on the SWP's democracy:

"The party's democracy impressed me and it was something I was pleased to be a part of- what I think remains the healthiest and most vibrant democracy of the parties on the British far left. Not that it is a wise idea to ever measure oneself against opponents alone- the strive for success is, in a Weberian fashion, its own goal (except that success in moulding a revolutionary party has much greater, ambitious, and more idealistic endpoints.). This preamble is there to not only reaffirm my own dedication to socialist politics but the highlight the shock and betrayal I and many others in the organisation felt over the intervening weeks between the pre-party conference period and now."
Milibands and other labour bigwigs too.

Milibands? The two Milibands went to Haverstock School, similar vibe but for the rich of Hampstead.
Their own children are still at primary school age.

Also Holland Park School is not just for Labour


Boasting alumni such as Hilary Benn and Polly Toynbee, Holland Park School is sometimes known as the "socialist Eton". So there was much eyebrow-raising when Michael Gove made a visit to the London comprehensive last week, not in his capacity as Edu- cation Secretary but as prospec- tive parent. I can disclose that he is considering sending his son to the school, as the Goves live in the catchment area. Gove himself was both state and privately educated, although most of his friends went to Eton. The move would be unusual for a Tory minister; figures show that 50 per cent of Notting Hill residents send their children to feepaying schools. Controversially, the local council has just spent £60m on a swanky new building for the school. Only last year, Mr Gove was attacking architects for "creaming off" money that could be better spent on teaching. That should make him popular at the school gates.

I think it was £80m but am not sure.
I think it is a party look at the food behind, so the bin-bag fashion sort of makes sense I think:confused:

Nathan 'Socialist, student, Oxonian, blogger, would-be journo' (his words, not mine) Akehurst on the SWP's democracy:
Does "Oxonian" mean you come from Oxford or you're an alumnus?
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