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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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#@spineynorman78 yeah, I saw. yr problem with LP's identitarian feminism predates that, though, no?#

"Identitarian"....fuck me, that's one for the album.

Identitarian intersectionality?


It kind of makes sense within Penny's own fantasy land. She's pretty much perfect - she knows what's going down at all times. So why would anyone criticise her unless it was because she's a woman?

She's basically the essence of all women congealed into one person so if you criticise her you're having a go at all women.

I think she's genuinely so self-absorbed that she really doesn't think there's any reason, other than misogyny, to criticise her.

Actually...since, as someone pointed out about, LP starts her 'Oxbridgeplaining' with an 'um'...I think her next tweet should read...

Um-diddle-diddle-um-diddleye...Super Troll misogynistic sexists are atrocious

But that means I've turned into one of those sycophantic freaks who do all her 'work' for her.

Mind you, I reckon if she tried to sound Cockney, she'd sound just like Dick Van Dyke...I can just picture her dressed up like a chimney sweep.
Actually...since, as someone pointed out about, LP starts her 'Oxbridgeplaining' with an 'um'...I think her next tweet should read...

Um-diddle-diddle-um-diddleye...Super Troll misogynistic sexists are atrocious

But that means I've turned into one of those sycophantic freaks who do all her 'work' for her.

Mind you, I reckon if she tried to sound Cockney, she'd sound just like Dick Van Dyke...I can just picture her dressed up like a chimney sweep.

She does try to put a vaguely cockney sounding accent on at times, doesn't she?
She does try to put a vaguely cockney sounding accent on at times, doesn't she?

When she rang me she felt it very important to impress on me that it was the real deal. It doesn't sound that way but then again 'speaking as' someone who divided his formative years between Chesterfield and Peterborough when I'm pissed I sound like a plastic brummie. I'm mixed accent :cool:

So check your consistent accent privilege :mad:
When she rang me she felt it very important to impress on me that it was the real deal. It doesn't sound that way but then again 'speaking as' someone who divided his formative years between Chesterfield and Peterborough when I'm pissed I sound like a plastic brummie. I'm mixed accent :cool:

So check your consistent accent privilege :mad:

I lost my car in Chesterfield once. Went to a party and got cabbaged. Spent 4 hours looking for it next morning. Rang the missus and told her it'd been nicked. She told me to keep looking. Rang her back two hours later and she finally decided to remind me I'd gone on the bus.
I lost my car in Chesterfield once. Went to a party and got cabbaged. Spent 4 hours looking for it next morning. Rang the missus and told her it'd been nicked. She told me to keep looking. Rang her back two hours later and she finally decided to remind me I'd gone on the bus.

When I first passed my driving test I nicked my parents spare car keys went to Sainsburys where they were shopping and moved their car to the other side of the massive car park on a really busy Friday evening and then went home.

My parents thought they had gone mental.
Not sure where it goes, but Bindel slagged off Trigger Warnings this morning - think she might have been aiming at their overuse, but ended up slating the lot. Moore jumped in to her defence, and is now telling people to 'stop telling her off'.


I believe Bindel's also annoyed that she's being mistaken for Burchill.
closest I'm likely to get to being published in The Independent :) (fake fucking toff was mine as well)

You could always submit an article and tell the editor you've just come down from Oxford, your trust fund's running out and you're vewy wadical. You can write about the pain and humiliation a young left wing graduate goes through when their gonzo gap year journal fails to find a publisher...and how it's like a y'know corporate plot to keep consciousness raising writing from the public...cos you write about the kinship and empathy you felt with the simple folk who cleaned your beach hut...and how spiritual and at-one with nature they were and how they regarded you as a brother and stuff. And that's pretty much communism and that's why the straight-laced neo-liberal suits won't let the masses read it. And if you were a woman, it'd be misogyny and so they need to check their privilege cos you slept on some girl's floor once which makes you pretty much an honourary member of the sisterhood and shit and that's pretty intersectional in anyone's book.

You'd have a regular column and be the new voice of the left in no time.
The response is pretty mind blowing tbh, I wonder if Hensher actually thinks what he's written there or is just going along with what seems to be the trend at hte moment of write shit article then claim that all the criticisms of it amounted to "I'm going to kill you by choking you to death with your own penis".

There were two bits in the article that particualry made me want to slap Hensher, and I was quite reasonable about his first article:

What led to trouble was that I did suggest that some assessment was necessary.

err.. has anyone who is opposed to ATOS/WCA actually said there should be no assessments? This is one of the most annoying myths perpetrated by those who support the ATOS/WCA process, making it out like we're mad and want there to be no tests and no ongoing support for disabled people ("warehousing").

The thing is that I do know about incapacity. I know how mental health can make it impossible to work. I also know that, in many cases, the incapacity retreats, with or without government benefits, and the full ability to work slowly returns. I have learnt that it is apparently unacceptable to say anything other than that illness is in every case indefinitely extended, and that no option other than a permanent retreat from work can ever be envisaged or discussed. I don’t believe it. It is not, necessarily, the mark of a “twat” or a “cunt” to suggest otherwise

Now in his original article he said this:

There are thousands off work with depression, even anxiety. In most cases, depression is incapacitating only for months, or even weeks.

Now I responded to this, by letting him know that I've been depressed for at least 23 years and that my severe depressive episodes during that time have lasted 2-4 years, and that this is pretty much the same for the people I closely know who also suffer from clinical depression. I've known a couple of bi-polar people too, and their depressive episodes have been shorter, maybe a few weeks to 6 months/1 year.. but then they've had the manic episodes too.
I don't think I really know anyone whose depressive episodes have only lasted for a few weeks tbh, though I wouldn't want to suggest that they don't exist.
It's madness to say that what I said was suggesting that illness in every case is indefinitely extended, but that his suggestion of weeks/months is out by an order of magnitude and that in my experience it is not most people who have shorter episodes, this is in fact unusual.

I've reached a point with my depression where my coping strategies are good enough that I could deal with regular work, though I've been lucky to be self-employed and able to vary hours when I've been in a depressive episode. I know how much harder that is when you've got fixed hours or no job at all.
When someone says most cases of depression are only incapacitating for a short time it adds to the stigma around it, it's an invisibile disability obviously and there's already enough people who think depression is just feeling unhappy, no idea what it really means, think it's easy to fake and that anyone who says they are depressed for a long time is just milking it/choosing to be depressed/not depressed any more but realising they can stay on esa.

It's total fucking bullshit that he can say what he says with no awareness of what it means and then claim he knows about incapacity, about mental health. If he did he would never have said those things, and if he was a halfway decent person he would have responded with understanding of why people had reacted against it.
Philip Hensher needs to check his sanity privilege :mad: ;)
The original article also claims that there must be lots of fakers because claims are becoming more frequent and vary between areas.

They're becoming more frequent because we're getting better at keeping people alive with disability, especially premature babies (hence the rise in learning difficulties also), heart disease and cancer.

And the rate of disability varies by area because people impoverished by disability have to move somewhere affordable (as well as differences in industrial causes of disability, differences in healthcare available in poor vs rich areas, and the fact that poverty causes depression and exacerbates disability).

His ignorance (in both sense of the word) is astounding.
The original article also claims that there must be lots of fakers because claims are becoming more frequent and vary between areas.

They're becoming more frequent because we're getting better at keeping people alive with disability, especially premature babies (hence the rise in learning difficulties also), heart disease and cancer.

And the rate of disability varies by area because people impoverished by disability have to move somewhere affordable.

His ignorance (in both sense of the word) is astounding.


Big shock. Look at the big prescription areas. I suppose Norfolk's there cos it's basically so fuckin depressing.
The original article also claims that there must be lots of fakers because claims are becoming more frequent and vary between areas.

They're becoming more frequent because we're getting better at keeping people alive with disability, especially premature babies (hence the rise in learning difficulties also), heart disease and cancer.

the number of people on ESA/IB (which is what he's talking about) has been falling consistently for over ten years
As it happens, I'm right in he middle of a 'blackspot', next to a purple as well as adjoining a 'no data'. The 'no data' is Stockton...which I think we can assume takes on a shade so dark that black can't do it justice...kinda 'anti-light'. Luckily, I'm actually at that point in my life where urban blight has a strong aesthetic appeal. I buzz off it.

Or to be more accurate, I block it out and only really engage with it fully after a couple of 3 litre bottles of ASDA's finest. Then I'm lord of all I survey...the land where brutalist architecture reached its logical conclusion.

But seriously, environment and lack of light and 'big skies' are significant factors.
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