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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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I love it that she's a first-rate writer and thinker. We are on the same side politically,...
He voted Libdem as well then. That's the best bit surely, until someone explains what 'proto-bohemia' is.
People with a keen interest in a subject. You could be said to be a spod about the SWP (except spods tend to be neutral about their chosen subject).

The term 'spod' has been around for quite a while. IIRC, I first heard it in London during my Uni days (the missus was from Staines but always preferred to say she was from Egham because she thought it sounded better, apparently) and that was back in the mid-1990's.

I used to think I was a pure-bred spod about some things (Led Zeppelin, military stuff, good whiskey, old school motor racing, crime and criminals and so on), but now I have the proper diagnosis I realise that my pre-existing spoddish tendencies have merely been exacerbated by Aspergers and thus I'm either an Aspod or Spoderger depending on whichever word people might prefer.
Laurie Penny on Twitter just now:

Live in NYC? Always wanted to buy a tiny British radical journalist lots of coffee and laugh at a proto-Bristolian accent? NOW YOU CAN!

I always thought Ms Penny hailed from Brighton, not Bristol???
Laurie Penny on Twitter just now:

I always thought Ms Penny hailed from Brighton, not Bristol???

Ah, but in her world it isn't about where you come from, it's where you want to get that matters. In her case to being the ubiquitous 'voice of the radical left' and the general 'talking head about anything and everything' job is also, I suspect, firmly in her sights as well.
Oh please move to bristol laurie​

But then she might actually have to meet some genuine radicals. Couldn't have that, now could she? Imagine what would happen if she were to suffer the company of genuine activists who genuinely care about what they do, she'd probably have a sincerity overload and explode in a cloud of her own falsity.
I always thought Ms Penny hailed from Brighton, not Bristol???
Dunno. But..."So anyway, NYC: I'm gonna be in town for a few days making trouble. Who wants to drink tea with me? I'm from London and I'm HERE TO HELP."

I'm just relieved that she hasn't gone to Chile.

"The plane touched down in Santiago a bit ahead of schedule and I clapped the pilot. As I made my way down the aisle to the exit clutching 200 duty free fags and a bagful of World Of Whiskies goodies, a doe-eyed air hostess touched me lightly on the arm and said 'Please. Tell the world what's going on here.' Slightly embarrassed that she somehow knew that I'm a radical left wing journalist, I consulted the Spanish phrase book left in my dingy flat by a visiting Barcelona anarchist and muttered 'I'll try' in the least Manuelish accent I could muster. Instinctively, we raised our fists in mutual revolutionary salutation, then I descended to the tarmac, the acrid odour of last night's tear gas and burning barricades still hanging in the air..."
Dunno. But..."So anyway, NYC: I'm gonna be in town for a few days making trouble. Who wants to drink tea with me? I'm from London and I'm HERE TO HELP."

I'm just relieved that she hasn't gone to Chile.

"The plane touched down in Santiago a bit ahead of schedule and I clapped the pilot. As I made my way down the aisle to the exit clutching 200 duty free fags and a bagful of World Of Whiskies goodies, a doe-eyed air hostess touched me lightly on the arm and said 'Please. Tell the world what's going on here.' Slightly embarrassed that she somehow knew that I'm a radical left wing journalist, I consulted the Spanish phrase book left in my dingy flat by a visiting Barcelona anarchist and muttered 'I'll try' in the least Manuelish accent I could muster. Instinctively, we raised our fists in mutual revolutionary salutation, then I descended to the tarmac, the acrid odour of last night's tear gas and burning barricades still hanging in the air..."

So she's from Brighton, London AND Bristol now, is she?

And more of her chunder-inducing, wince-makingly efforts to make Private Eye's 'Pseuds Corner' can be found here:

And more of her chunder-inducing, wince-makingly efforts to make Private Eye's 'Pseuds Corner' can be found here:

Of all the myriad problems with the Nowhere Island project, the press have inevitably focused on the most anodine and inconsequential: the money.
I ain't had no fancypants schoolin' so what does 'anodine' mean? 'Anodyne' maybe? Even then it makes no sense. Perhaps she meant 'asinine', who knows.
With all the hate she attracts I'm surprised there's not more people coming out of the woodwork from her past revealing embarrassing or contradictory stuff about her tbh...
She seems to have no idea at all that, once something is out on the web then it's there to stay. She also seems to have trouble with a couple of basic things (like not making things up and/or giving false impressions to people rather than outright dishonesty) and doesn't seem to realise that criticism isn't automatically inflicted by jealous and hateful misogynists, when constructive criticism is exactly that and only to be expected for someone in her line of work. That's not to say that some of the ad hominem personal stuff thrown at her isn't highly objectionable, because it clearly is, just that she seems to take against anybody who criticises her for any reason and is far too free with accusations of bigotry/misogyny/insert bad ideas here rather than simply accepting that, shock horror, she might get things wrong occasionally.
I don't know what's most depressing about that blog entry - the disingenuous load of cobblers she comes out with, the grovelling comments underneath ("Laurie, you're a legend") or the fact the once rather marvellous Warren Ellis is writing a forward for her dreary book. Spider Jerusalem would be spinning in his grave (if he were real).
I don't know what's most depressing about that blog entry - the disingenuous load of cobblers she comes out with, the grovelling comments underneath ("Laurie, you're a legend") or the fact the once rather marvellous Warren Ellis is writing a forward for her dreary book. Spider Jerusalem would be spinning in his grave (if he were real).

Not so sure, I've never really rated Warren Ellis...
I don't know what's most depressing about that blog entry - the disingenuous load of cobblers she comes out with, the grovelling comments underneath ("Laurie, you're a legend") or the fact the once rather marvellous Warren Ellis is writing a forward for her dreary book. Spider Jerusalem would be spinning in his grave (if he were real).
Spider Jerusalem is just a liberal with guns and drugs. Remember that in the election he advocated voting for "the beast" as the (slightly) lesser of two evils and in his final battle with the Smiler he survives due to being supported by a millionaire political donor who's spoilt daughter fancies Spider.
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