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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Garf coming in every day demanding to know why the neds atomic dustbin biography isn't stocked.

When I did a few years in a bookshop, it wasn't the customers who knew exactly what they wanted that bugged me, or the browsers (because people who wandered in and appeared to browse aimlessly often bought a handful of books), it was the ones who sort of knew what they wanted, but didn't have any actual information that told me what the author or title was, just "it was that one reviewed in the TLS a couple of months ago, it's a biography of a 19th century notable" or similar vague tosh. You'd spend half an hour wrking out what the fuck they were talking about, and then 9 times out of 10 you'd say "it's £19.95" and they'd say "ooh, that's too expensive", like the price isn't usually given in the TLS (or any other) review! That used to have me reaching for my hip flask, I can tell you!
When I did a few years in a bookshop, it wasn't the customers who knew exactly what they wanted that bugged me, or the browsers (because people who wandered in and appeared to browse aimlessly often bought a handful of books), it was the ones who sort of knew what they wanted, but didn't have any actual information that told me what the author or title was, just "it was that one reviewed in the TLS a couple of months ago, it's a biography of a 19th century notable" or similar vague tosh. You'd spend half an hour wrking out what the fuck they were talking about, and then 9 times out of 10 you'd say "it's £19.95" and they'd say "ooh, that's too expensive", like the price isn't usually given in the TLS (or any other) review! That used to have me reaching for my hip flask, I can tell you!
i used to work in one too and i know exactly what you mean. have you seen this blog:
http://jen-campbell.blogspot.com/2011/05/weird-things-customers-say-in-bookshops.htmlCustomer: There was a book in the 80s that I loved... but I can't remember the title.
Me: Can you remember anything about it?
Customer: I think it was called 365 fairy tales.
Me: *searches on wholesaler website* Nothing under that name, sorry.
Customer: I might have got the number wrong. Could you just type in 'fairy tales' and see what comes up?
Customer: Do you have this book *holds up a biography* but without the photographs?
Me: I think the photographs are published alongside the text in every edition.
Customer: Why?
Me: I suppose so you can see what everyone looked like.
Customer: I don't like photographs.
Me: Ok.
Customer: Could you cut them out for me?
Me: .......
I have too - I remember some guy coming in and asking for (or rather demanding) the biog of Johnny "Mad Dog" Adair (sp?) I pointed him to crime section :)
Read a book shop worker complaining elsewhere that you now get to spend ages helping someone work out what their dimly-recalled title is, only to have them say they can get it cheaper on Amazon and fuck off :D
I've had beef with warren ellis for riffing on Midwich Cuckoos in his Freak Angels comic then claiming not to TO MY INTERNET FACE on his mssg board thing. Freak Angels is still a good comic though.

Ellis denying that is hilarious - it even acknowledges the influence on the Freak Angels Facebook page!

Me: Ok, so with postage that brings your total to £13.05. One second and I'll get the card machine."
Customer: No. No, absolutely not. I demand that you charge me £12.99. I will not pay for anything that starts with thirteen. You're trying to give me bad luck. Now, change it or I will go to a bookshop who doesn't want me to fall down a hole and die. Ok?


Man: Do you have black and white film posters?
Me: Yes, we do, over here.
Man: Do you have any posters of Adolf Hitler?
Me: Pardon?
Man: Adolf Hitler.
Me: Well, he wasn't a film star, was he.
Man: Yes, he was. He was American. Jewish, I think.
Me: ...........


oh god :D
With all the spanish civil war 75th anniversary stuff happening I had a peculiar feeling today that Laurie might see fit to cast herself and her mates (real, imaginary, whatever) as being the "new international brigades". I might even do it for her.
With all the spanish civil war 75th anniversary stuff happening I had a peculiar feeling today that Laurie might see fit to cast herself and her mates (real, imaginary, whatever) as being the "new international brigades". I might even do it for her.

Don't encourage her, please. The thought of her casting herself as some latter-day La Passionara would be quite enough to make me boke up.
Too late. Like Passionara she'd see no fighting, she'd just wave people off then decide which of them get in the same journo plane out with her when it all falls down. It's quite a good comparison actually.
Too late. Like Passionara she'd see no fighting, she'd just wave people off then decide which of them get in the same journo plane out with her when it all falls down. It's quite a good comparison actually.

Come to think of it, you're not wrong. She reminds me of a certain type of hack who claims to be a 'war correspondent' while filing their copy from a hotel bar in the capital of whichever country is doing the fighting.

If she'd been around for the Russian Revolution she'd probably claim to have been storming the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg while she was in fact still in Moscow, sipping vodka and patching together other people's copy before filing it as her own like her mate Hari.
Events were bloody in Moscow, so she probably would've been hiding there. :D

There was quite heavy street fighting in the city a few days after Piter was taken, when Provisional Government loyalists seized the centre and briefly shut down the Moscow Soviet.
Those hipsters didn't exist anyway.

Official voice of youth's tentacles reach New Zealand.. One step closer to the syndication jackpot.
They said it could never happen in America.
Dunno who 'they' are but I bet they said no such thing. Unless she's referring to ignorant wanker mates of hers.
The air tastes of pepper spray
I saw that one coming.
I don't suppose its occurred to her to actually use a hotel like any non-poncing individual.

Perish the thought! No doubt she'll blag her way into some poor sod's place, then feel free to pass comment on their living arrangements ("near the sexy danger of the Ramblas, er, no, where I am again?"), and tell us, the dear reader, what a hard life she lives in having to be forced to share living space with hardline activists (as "no hotel would take her, the hardline journalist"), and then ripping off their stories for easy copy telling us how it is on the mean streets of Madrid...
Perish the thought!

Seeing as Penny seems to think it's OK to sponge off actual activists, does that mean that when I go to Le Mans next year I can scab a few nights on the sofa of some French Green campaigners while telling them I'm doing an expose of the dreadful environmental consequences of motorsport?

Because that would make things a lot cheaper.
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