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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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I actually am starting to get quite cross about how she keeps crying 'woman hating!' at the slightest thing as an attempt to distract from addressing any criticism of her. And I'm a pretty rabid feminist.

Quite right too - she devalues the concept of misogyny every time she does it IMO
You don't Laurie. But you do owe an explanation as to why you called two committed anti-racists racists.

I'm going to look out for events she's speaking at and go and heckle her mercilessly from now on.

I can't make it to this wrong time etc but she returns as a speech-giver at the London School of Economics:

"Public Lecture: Women, Protest and the Nature of Female Rebellion

Speaker: Ms Laurie Penny

Date: Tuesday 22nd January 2013
Time: 6.30-8pm
Venue: Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building

'A talk about women, protest and the nature of female rebellion, when that rebellion must take place on structural as well as personal fronts to be effective. Taking in Pussy Riot and the 2011 uprisings and stretching back to the Paris Commune, a contextual look at how the rage and pride of women is personal, political - and endlessly powerful.' Laurie Penny is a journalist, blogger and author. She is a columnist and reporter for The Independent and has written for The New Statesman, The Guardian, The Nation, Salon and many other publications."

I'll try and find someone who might know someone to ask a question on how accusing anti-racists of being racists qualifies as female rebellion.
I actually am starting to get quite cross about how she keeps crying 'woman hating!' at the slightest thing as an attempt to distract from addressing any criticism of her. And I'm a pretty rabid feminist.
Yes, this really annoys me too, makes me cross. You can tell she's not living in the real world through that alone.

And trolling her? I think she's just validated every negative thing ever said about her on this thread through how she's behaved today. Calling people, committed anti-racists, racists and then refusing to apologise is well out of order.
Yes, this really annoys me too, makes me cross. You can tell she's not living in the real world through that alone.

And trolling her? I think she's just validated every negative thing ever said about her on this thread through how she's behaved today. Calling people, committed anti-racists, racists and then refusing to apologise is well out of order.

She's come across as a bit spoilt and unpleasant. Vive la revolution.
Also aren't her repeated attacks on Julie Bindel also misogynistic:

26 Nov 2007: 'Giving Feminism a bad name': "Julie Bindel, the headline speaker at this year's anniversary event, spokesperson for the spirit of feminist direct action, genuinely hates men."

If a woman refuses to accept brothels being advertised in magazines, or questions medical establishment's eagerness for surgery in trans-sexual cases, then she 'hates men'. Then lying about interviewing JB for her book, and changing her words from a brief general phone conversation.
I don't agree with all of JB's politics, but wouldn't dream of saying she genuinely hates men.

Yeah, I'm far from in agreement with a lot of what JB comes out with but I've still got quite a bit of time for her though.
"There have been many afternoons, in that black and bile-encrusted teatime of the soul, when I've come to on the carpet, my DMs full of vomit, with an HIV-positive transsexual schoolgirl from southend mopping up the bloodstains on my arms and legs with a copy of The Complete Nietzsche, when I've thought to myself, 'why can't I be more like Cheryl Cole?' And yes, there have been times, practising Kuburi rope bondage on a rooftop in Haringay with otherwise well-behaved undergraduates from respectable homes, snorting Ketamine off the shrivelled genitals of today's misspent youth and screaming my latest psychotic break to the sky whilst listening to the music of My Chemical Romance, that I've wept for the latest puffball dress or bikini waxing treatment.... There have been nights, getting my nipples pierced by illegal immigrants in Soho, five fags clamped between my teeth, tripping my tits off on a ground-up-and-snorted copy of Heat magazine, that I've wished that I had the figure of Geri Halliwell or the address book of Jade Goody.... And often I've staggered home from binge-drinking in terrible pubs with my pinko commie bisexual friends, mainlining raspberry flirtinis and gang-raping local members of the landed middle-classes with copies of The Socialist Worker, only to bleed my expensively educated brains away in front of Big Brother 18: Stripper Slaughter Nightmare, and on waking to find the words 'what went wrong?' tattoed into my forearms with a blunt stanley knife, I've wondered...what went wrong? Tell me something I don't know, Tanya [Gold, Guardian journalist], and tell it to me without anodine celebrity name-dropping. Tell me what it's like to be a young (or not so young) woman growing up in a world that wants too much of you. We are infinitely more fucked up than you realise, and infinitely more in control than the trim-taglined world of 'grown-up' journalism can understand or countenance."

Let's have it right, we've all been there.
Why does she always go on about smoking roll ups like its cool? You'll regret taking up smoking, sugar - It's the one addiction that you can't come to terms with.
I wouldn't be surprised if she came back on for the odd sentence here and there tomorrow, answered the odd non-challenging question and then fucked off back to twitterland to watch this thread expand by yet another 10 pages... U75 trolled by la penny... who'd have thought it....

@pennyred: You also owe spiney and the other antifash you accused of being that which they fight against an apology. Not that it will be forthcoming of course...
I haven't really been paying much attention of her (or this thread until today) but she reads like a satirical construct of what the wealthy thinks squatters are like. For that audience.
I haven't really been paying much attention of her (or this thread until today) but she reads like a satirical construct of what the wealthy thinks squatters are like. For that audience.

I think that's the 'market' she's playing too, she cut her niche and she's gonna milk it for all it's worth.
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