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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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She appears to have blocked me too and now I can't send any tweets or even log in? Maybe just a bug? A twitterbug?
I posted that to stress the "I'll always have time for ... for the Socialists, the Communists, the bickering Far Left beaurocrats, for the poor" (17 December 2007).
I posted that to stress the "I'll always have time for ... for the Socialists, the Communists, the bickering Far Left beaurocrats, for the poor" (17 December 2007).
Small print read "while they're grist to my career-building, after that, who knows where the next junket might take me?"
I fucking said it before, 'Penny', 'Crabapple' and Lezard would have all been hauled out by Fresquet's companeros and summarily shot.

Revolutions can be nice.
She appears to have blocked me too and now I can't send any tweets or even log in? Maybe just a bug? A twitterbug?
You might have been reported or perhaps the software thinks you're a spammer, it happens with newer accounts I think.
I only really got into twitter a few months ago, never realised how easy it was to upset people with massive egos.
Good. I was being serious. If she's blocking everybody, then ban her. She's been a bit of a one thread pony so far.

She hasn't broken any posting rules that I'm aware of. There are unanswered questions such as explaining something about this:

"There's a calculation that I've begun to do whenever I find myself visiting an events hall, or a posh set of offices , or the home of someone over 40. I take in the number and size of the rooms and work out how many of the legion poor and peripatetic young people I know could live in the extra space. ... It's easy when you get the hang of it. The second floor of the RSA, for example, could comfortably house ten young families. The ladies' loos at Thomson Reuters could sleep 16 single people if you knocked out some of the sinks. My own father's bachelor pad could squeeze in eight bodies at substantially higher than the living standards most impoverished London renters enjoy. I'm serious. There's only so much space to go around and with millions of young, poor and precariously employed people struggling to hang on to accommodation, the notion of sharing it out more fairly is hardly a crazy communist plot... I'm currently without secure accommodation for the fourth time this year, and trying desperately to find another hovel within commuting distance of my job. It's draining, and it's debilitating, and it's a daily experience for millions of people with the misfortune to be low earners, or immigrants, or under 30."
She's accusing that bloke from the Times a racist and a sexist now, I think, hard to tell - can only see half the conversation.
It's totally purple. Purple, florid, overwrought, mawkish, prolix...the fuckin lot...full house..."one hundred and EIGHTEEEE!!"

Agree on the shallow, groundless, clueless etc...yet it's the lack of self-awareness I find staggering, but regardless of the content, it remains the style which first offends...and, sorry, but it's purple.

It's not all purple (and I especially agree with you w/r to the quote you're alluding to), but that stuff is a product of a culture Laurie is a part of. . . anyway, if LP is as bad as some think she is she'll trainwreck her own career somehow.
I only really got into twitter a few months ago, never realised how easy it was to upset people with massive egos.
I only really got into twitter a few months ago, never realised how easy it was to upset people with massive egos.

Graham Linehan's the best one, and Owen Jones...they are the twattering classes ... follow us you plebs but don't answer back. bag of shite.
Also aren't her repeated attacks on Julie Bindel also misogynistic:

26 Nov 2007: 'Giving Feminism a bad name': "Julie Bindel, the headline speaker at this year's anniversary event, spokesperson for the spirit of feminist direct action, genuinely hates men."

If a woman refuses to accept brothels being advertised in magazines, or questions medical establishment's eagerness for surgery in trans-sexual cases, then she 'hates men'. Then lying about interviewing JB for her book, and changing her words from a brief general phone conversation.
I don't agree with all of JB's politics, but wouldn't dream of saying she genuinely hates men.
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