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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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shes savvy enough to ensure she can get some good copy from this thread & twitter - this is a fuckin gold mine for anyone with an opportunistic bent & a large ego.
I only really got into twitter a few months ago, never realised how easy it was to upset people with massive egos.

Your cartoon was still a load of shit y'know. I don't care how repulsive and vile Laurie Penny is, she's waaay exceeded my expectations btw, but that's just the way I feel about it. You should've apologised for any offence caused and moved on.

I've had loads of people giving me shit accusing me of being in favour of beating up women coz of that fucking cartoon, despite the fact I've never uttered a single word in defense of it. Even you yourself noted how unfair this was, well thanks for noting it comrade but that's hardly any consolation for me, is it?

But yes, it is astonishing. Especially the simpering pathetic narcissistic liberal left in this country, who get very angry at people who don't love and adore them the same way they love and adore themselves, people on the far left who don't recognise how wonderful they are and how they're leading the fucking way for us all!

Laurie Penny, this is how shit she is, took one look at the IWCA website and assumed, because the headline was critical of mult-culturalism, that it must be some far-right racist group. So ignorant is she of the theory behind anti-fascism, and class struggle anarchism, that she assumed it must've been the BNP or something. She had absolutely no idea that these are the very people who put it all on the line, in a way she never had to and never will have to, to get the BNP off the streets.

Then she slandered two people as racists, completely without any justification, despite the fact they're both committed anti-fascists and anti-racists. Does she not realise that accusations like that can costs normal people their jobs? Get them in serious trouble within their communities? What an irresponsible sack of shit.

And rather than show even the slightest trace of contrition of humility, she just systematically blocks people who object to her doing this, accuses literally everyone who objects to this as being a misogynist, completely devaluing the term, turning it into just some buzzword than be thrown at people who dare to criticise you on any level whatsoever.
Your cartoon was still a load of shit y'know. I don't care how repulsive and vile Laurie Penny is, she's waaay exceeded my expectations btw, but that's just the way I feel about it. You should've apologised for any offence caused and moved on.

I've had loads of people giving me shit accusing me of being in favour of beating up women coz of that fucking cartoon, despite the fact I've never uttered a single word in defense of it. Even you yourself noted how unfair this was, well thanks for noting it comrade but that's hardly any consolation for me, is it?

But yes, it is astonishing. Especially the simpering pathetic narcissistic liberal left in this country, who get very angry at people who don't love and adore them the same way they love and adore themselves, people on the far left who don't recognise how wonderful they are and how they're leading the fucking way for us all!

Laurie Penny, this is how shit she is, took one look at the IWCA website and assumed, because the headline was critical of mult-culturalism, that it must be some far-right racist group. So ignorant is she of the theory behind anti-fascism, and class struggle anarchism, that she assumed it must've been the BNP or something. She had absolutely no idea that these are the very people who put it all on the line, in a way she never had to and never will have to, to get the BNP off the streets.

Then she slandered two people as racists, completely without any justification, despite the fact they're both committed anti-fascists and anti-racists. Does she not realise that accusations like that can costs normal people their jobs? Get them in serious trouble within their communities? What an irresponsible sack of shit.

And rather than show even the slightest trace of contrition of humility, she just systematically blocks people who object to her doing this, accuses literally everyone who objects to this as being a misogynist, completely devaluing the term, turning it into just some buzzword than be thrown at people who dare to criticise you on any level whatsoever.
And she still hasn't explained how you can crouch over a plate whilst eating from it
Had a quick look - usual spiel, i.e i find you are a racist cunt if you question the capitalist use of diversity through multi-culturalism etc. And brilliantly, she's begging Kenan Malik, probably the most aggressive and articulate critic of multi-culturalism for links so she can understand better - guess when the reading and research is supposed to come Laura? Is it before or after the conclusion? No accusing him of wanting a 'well-behaved white monoculture' is there? Shallow, shallow shallow.

From earlier in the thread.
She's managed to ignore pretty much any question of substance put to her so far. You never know, though. No, you do. She won't.

Yet she came back, she sought on some level some validation from a bunch of "weirdo" socialists, even when she's an editor at the New Statesman.
Now she knows if she does try and attend a bookfair or something, people will say hey who are you calling iwca people racist. I'm not sure what but something happened.
and we are off

Laurie Penny@PennyRed
Now all the trolls are bitching that I've blocked them. Seriously. What makes these people think I owe them my attention?

You don't Laurie. But you do owe an explanation as to why you called two committed anti-racists racists.

I'm going to look out for events she's speaking at and go and heckle her mercilessly from now on.
"Now all the trolls are bitching that I've blocked them. Seriously. What makes these people think I owe them my attention?" (Laurie Penny, Twitter)

"I'll always have time for ... for the Socialists, the Communists, the bickering Far Left beaurocrats, for the poor" (17 December 2007).

There's lots that LP could say that's interesting - like the house in Turnpike Lane she lived in 2008-2010, describing at as holding 7 people even though it was meant for 3.
Things were bad, but as a committed left activist, why didn't LP contact the Haringey Housing Action or Haringey Solidarity Group or Haringey Defend Council Housing. Why no record of any activity against it? How many rooms were there? 7 people living in 2 rooms is serious over-crowding. I feel bad that I didn't know about the serious level of overcrowding.

But at the same time there's this account:

"There have been many afternoons, in that black and bile-encrusted teatime of the soul, when I've come to on the carpet, my DMs full of vomit, with an HIV-positive transsexual schoolgirl from southend mopping up the bloodstains on my arms and legs with a copy of The Complete Nietzsche, when I've thought to myself, 'why can't I be more like Cheryl Cole?' And yes, there have been times, practising Kuburi rope bondage on a rooftop in Haringay with otherwise well-behaved undergraduates from respectable homes, snorting Ketamine off the shrivelled genitals of today's misspent youth and screaming my latest psychotic break to the sky whilst listening to the music of My Chemical Romance, that I've wept for the latest puffball dress or bikini waxing treatment.... There have been nights, getting my nipples pierced by illegal immigrants in Soho, five fags clamped between my teeth, tripping my tits off on a ground-up-and-snorted copy of Heat magazine, that I've wished that I had the figure of Geri Halliwell or the address book of Jade Goody.... And often I've staggered home from binge-drinking in terrible pubs with my pinko commie bisexual friends, mainlining raspberry flirtinis and gang-raping local members of the landed middle-classes with copies of The Socialist Worker, only to bleed my expensively educated brains away in front of Big Brother 18: Stripper Slaughter Nightmare, and on waking to find the words 'what went wrong?' tattoed into my forearms with a blunt stanley knife, I've wondered...what went wrong? Tell me something I don't know, Tanya [Gold, Guardian journalist], and tell it to me without anodine celebrity name-dropping. Tell me what it's like to be a young (or not so young) woman growing up in a world that wants too much of you. We are infinitely more fucked up than you realise, and infinitely more in control than the trim-taglined world of 'grown-up' journalism can understand or countenance."
Billy Bragg joins in:

54s Billy Bragg: ‏ It's not violating free speech. They're still free to say what they like about you but they can't force you to listen

6s Owen Jones: Exactly.
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