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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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People's attitude, demeanour and politics cuts across any sexual attractiveness. Is that sexist?
Your reaction to her face was about the sex-based imagery it aroused in you and that you shared with us expecting similar reaction. You were mistaken - get over it.
If all the comments about Maggie were taken ad comments on women or the elderly in general you'd all be in the dock.

she was well unfit lol i so wouldn't subscribe to her politics, i mean my god, YOU SEEN HER FACE???

you commented on thingybob's looks in a shit, sexist way and got called out for it. just admit it and try n get over your cock up if you have any integrity in you..
Your reaction to her face was about the sex-based imagery it aroused in you and that you shared with us expecting similar reaction. You were mistaken - get over it.

I reckon he actually wants to bang her though, I can't say I thought about whether or not I thought she was sexually attractive when I saw her pic, I did think she looked like a smug twat, something quite stereotypical about people who are "sex experts".
I reckon he actually wants to bang her though, I can't say I thought about whether or not I thought she was sexually attractive when I saw her pic, I did think she looked like a smug twat, something quite stereotypical about people who are "sex experts".
Totally smug face which was ld's point of posting it, yep. There was something about that smugness that provoked sexytime in arty though, otherwise he wouldn't have graced us with the cum imagery. Unless he was using sexy time to demean her, like.

Sadly I'm now imagining arty either with a semi over that face expression or a deliberate use of sexy to insult her. Not sure what's worse.
What I meant to say was this, even though my actual words did not resemble that in any way

Where the fuck did Leon go? :mad:

we're going to need a bigger shovel

That is a fucking awesome pic.
Totally smug face which was ld's point of posting it, yep. There was something about that smugness that provoked sexytime in arty though, otherwise he wouldn't have graced us with the cum imagery. Unless he was using sexy time to demean her, like.

Sadly I'm now imagining arty either with a semi over that face expression or a deliberate use of sexy to insult her. Not sure what's worse.
Tangentially related to this thread:

"Well, my feeling is you have to draw a distinction between people who are successful coming from Oxford and Cambridge and people who are successful coming from Eton and Harrow. Because with Oxford and Cambridge, certainly in the era I was there, no one was paying any fees, so it was about the academic grades," he says. "I'm not saying that privilege doesn't come into it in the Oxbridge-success link, but it's much less of a factor than it is in the Eton-Harrow-Westminster-success link. Eton and Cambridge are often lazily lumped together in a way that harms our whole civilisation."

Cheers, David. He's quick to note that whilst he did go to "a minor independent school", his parents were polytechnic lecturers. What, no "and of course, I was on a scholarship"? Must have fallen off the page.
Do you think those people on full grants and who couldn't afford to do all them things that you did just chose not to David? Private school and oxbridge - the poor poor man.
Because with Oxford and Cambridge, certainly in the era I was there, no one was paying any fees, so it was about the academic grades,

Yes and the 70%+ private school figures merely reflected this academic superiority. The 2% qualified for free school meals are totally equal in their opps.
You've made several outright unacceptable remarks all over this thread, and haven't apologised for a single one. I thought you would have apologised over an hour later. This above you've written is (again) sexist nonsense. Just so it's crystal-clear to you. No woman writing a sex column is under any obligation to be sexy to anyone at all, neither her editor nor including her readers. Sex columns do not have to be written seductively or by sexist-ly characterised 'sexy' female journalists. Only sex columns in outright sexist publications like GQ or FHM endorse that demeaning idea.
You are condemning the editor at the time (Simon Kellner or Andrew Marr maybe) for giving the job to a woman whose appearance does not match your desire-to-intercourse.
Your vile attitudes suggest that editors (male ones, in all current broadsheets, as it happens, I wonder why that is with attitudes like yours in the Red Pepper newsroom?) should judge the worthiness of a columnist or sexual affairs on the basis of what the columnist looks like if they are women. You are driving wedges between us.

Oh FFS - I was going to drop it and let the lynch mob drift away but this is more serious and totally unwarranted from anything i've said. All I meant was that there are certain people who I'd rather not think of in a sexual context - I wouldn't relish reading a column on sex by Edwina Currie, Eric Pickles or my Dad. Deborah Orr would fall into that category for me.

Nowhere have I suggested that in order to write about sex you have to fit the image of an ideally desirable sexual partner. Nor was I basing my comments on DO's looks primarily - I just happen to find her personality (as it comes across in her columns), her demeanor and attitudes - as typified by the smugness of the expression on her face - about as antithetical to erotic interest as it's possible to get. Sexism doesn't come into it.
No, that's not what you actually said at all though is it? And your characterisation of people angry at you for your crass drunken sexism as a lynch mob tells us all we need to know about how seriously you take this. In this very thread you argue that it's ok to say that you dismiss a woman because she doesn't make you cum because she did a sex column and failed to do this 'seductively'. You are a fucking clown. Seriously, you write:

Nor was a basing my comments on DO's looks primarily

when you actually wrote:

a one woman effort to prevent premature ejaculation - her face = anti-aphrodisciac

Fucking clown.
by which I meant
I just happen to find her personality (as it comes across in her columns), her demeanor and attitudes - as typified by the smugness of the expression on her face - about as antithetical to erotic interest as it's possible to get
This is what I meant in the original post, but clearly there was enough room for malicious interpretation. Given my view above - she doesn't strike me as in the best place to be writing about sex in any way that would induce me to want to read it (this is what I meant by "seductively" incidentally).
a one woman effort to prevent premature ejaculation - her face = anti-aphrodisciac

This is what you meant by write seductively. You're a fucking disgrace.
by which I meant

This is what I meant in the original post, but clearly there was enough room for malicious interpretation. Given my view above - she doesn't strike me as in the best place to be writing about sex in any way that would induce me to want to read it (this is what I meant by "seductively" incidentally).
I take it Hilary endorses this Mcfarlance approach to the issue?
I take it Hilary endorses this Mcfarlance approach to the issue?
Don't know what you mean by "Mcfarlance" but some of my closest political comrades are women, and feminists - which you know damn well. But well done on your opportunist intervention here - you'd make an excellent leader of a lynch mob.
Don't know what you mean by "Mcfarlance" but some of my closest political comrades are women, and feminists - which you know damn well. But well done on your opportunist intervention here - you'd make an excellent leader of a lynch mob.
I mean the copper who told the young lad that his problem was that he would always be a nigger but only in order to get him on the right track. I feel your drunken intervention was motivated by the same desire to put this poor woman back on her feet. I wonder if these close comrades would support this interesting approach of yours? Or do you think they'd think that you acted like a prick?

There's only one real victim here.
I mean the copper who told the young lad that his problem was that he would always be a nigger but only in order to get him on the right track. I feel your drunken intervention was motivated by the same desire to put this poor woman back on her feet. I wonder if these close comrades would support this interesting approach of yours? Or do you think they'd think that you acted like a prick?

There's only one real victim here.

The comparison beggars belief...
Can't even call someone a one woman effort to prevent premature ejaculation - her face = anti-aphrodisciac blah blah eu blah blah heffer political correctness gone mad blah blah representation blah blah say what you like about Kinnock but blah blah Badiou blah blah but miliband said blah blah
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