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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Fuck me, close reader aren't you delroy?

This is the quote right?

Is it a sign of my inner patriarchal oppressor tendencies that every time I see a picture of her, I marvel at what a smug, punchable face she has?

There's not some other bit I'm missing? Coz if there is I apologize and take it back.
I'll do you a favour and strongly suggest that you search the thread for the quote before you make your next post.

Nah I'm really tired, I've been to a funeral today, I can't be arsed I'm going to bed in a bit, if there's some other chunk of text that puts it into a different context then fair enough, I'm not searching through a million pages of thread for it though. I'll do it tomorrow. That's kinda why I asked you butchers, it's only fair I asked before jumping to conclusions.

Coz in isolation it's a pretty nasty quote. I've never onced looked at Laurie Penny's face and thought to myself "Wow I'd love to punch her in the face" not once.
lol listen I'm not searching for it now coz it's past midnight, you gonna put me out my misery or what? EDIT: Was it even you that said it? Or some other numpty?
ViolentPanda! No way!

Poor form.

Butchers, please accept my most sincere and grovelling apologies.

EDIT: How the fuck did ViolentPanda get away with saying that yet Articul8's getting dragged over the coals for a lesser, yet still distasteful, comment?

EDIT 2: Here's another quick tip for Articul8, based on bitter personal experience. When you're wrong, or you say something stupid you end up regretting, the best thing to do is to admit it, say sorry, with grace and good humour, and then get on with your life. I'm not sure if that sort of stuff gets you very far within the Trade Union movement but in real life it'll do you no harm at all.
1. Observing that someone (of whatever gender) has a smug punchable face isn't sexist.

2. Observing that a woman who wrote a sex column at some point, isn't able to make you cum - is sexist. This comment is not "lesser".

Neither of the comments are "nice" and they're not meant to be. But one (1) isn't sexist and the other (2) is.

But the person in question re VPs comments was a woman - which entails the basic scenario of repeatedly punching a young woman in the face. All I said was that for blokes trying not to cum thinking of Deborah Orr's smug face would be a good idea (there are lots of people/things this could apply to - how is it specifically sexist)?
But the person in question re VPs comments was a woman - which entails the basic scenario of repeatedly punching a young woman in the face. All I said was that for blokes trying not to cum thinking of Deborah Orr's smug face would be a good idea (there are lots of people/things this could apply to - how is it specifically sexist)?
"All I said".

People haven't just been having a go at you for that comment, we've explained properly. If you choose not to read those explanations, or still persist despite those explanations; then repeating those explanations is clearly a waste of effort.
All kinds of things are sexual turn offs - Cyril Smith, the Swiss constitution, the workings of the internal combustion engine.... I just happen to include the smug arrogant expression of Deborah Orr amongst them. This is all.
All kinds of things are sexual turn offs - Cyril Smith, the Swiss constitution, the workings of the internal combustion engine.... I just happen to include the smug arrogant expression of Deborah Orr amongst them. This is all.
It's frankly creepy that you think about sex in these contexts at all. I now imagine you having a wank whilst posting in P&P.
"Can't get to the vinegars with Cyril Smith, but Milliband totally helps me shoot my load. Ooer, Red Ken and the GLC tug tug tug"
Revol's comment is probably meant to be funny, but seeing it from here sounds like a how to guide to not apologise for sexist comments. "Articul8 should have played it out cooler than he did, he got too defensive too quick, a toss away "suck my balls" would have sufficed."

'Suck my balls' - the next move from 'one woman effort to prevent premature ejaculation - her face = anti-aphrodisciac'. ...:confused:

More generally, none of this offers much room for women (LP, DO or any woman) being able to be photographed, without it being degraded or commented either for sexual measured or as a punch-bag.
I think it's out of line. Where any of my posts have given the impression to be goading or encouraging this type of thought or comments, I apologise. I am also sorry for being part of the "lynch mob" A8 refers to. A8 - I think - is suggesting we are all guilty of crimes but choosing to scapegoat/dump on him to cover our own arses. I feel :facepalm: and sordid for being part of this.

This should be about tracking the carefully crafted hype (and how media and Oxbridge are part of it) behind Laurie Penny, and how her own classism and hypocrisy ruins her voice-of-youth-protest that monopolises and blocks others. Latest example: "Laurie Penny ‏@PennyRed Still in my German publisher's house. No clean socks left. Trying to muster the courage to ask if I can borrow some socks. #trampstyle"
This is the quote right?

Is it a sign of my inner patriarchal oppressor tendencies that every time I see a picture of her, I marvel at what a smug, punchable face she has?

There's not some other bit I'm missing? Coz if there is I apologize and take it back.

You're missing who actually posted that comment.
Nah I'm really tired, I've been to a funeral today, I can't be arsed I'm going to bed in a bit, if there's some other chunk of text that puts it into a different context then fair enough, I'm not searching through a million pages of thread for it though. I'll do it tomorrow. That's kinda why I asked you butchers, it's only fair I asked before jumping to conclusions.

Coz in isolation it's a pretty nasty quote. I've never onced looked at Laurie Penny's face and thought to myself "Wow I'd love to punch her in the face" not once.

You have a bachelor's degree, so lets assume the ability to read critically.

Care to explain what "Is it a sign of my inner patriarchal oppressor tendencies that every time I see a picture of her, I marvel at what a smug, punchable face she has?"
"Wow I'd love to punch her in the face"
have to do with each other besides including the word "face"?

But the person in question re VPs comments was a woman - which entails the basic scenario of repeatedly punching a young woman in the face. All I said was that for blokes trying not to cum thinking of Deborah Orr's smug face would be a good idea (there are lots of people/things this could apply to - how is it specifically sexist)?

Stop digging.
My comment entails nothing related to "...repeatedly punching a young woman in the face", and the fact that you misrepresent me as saying that is yet another sign of your dishonesty, your flexible depth of engagement with reality, and your willingness to lie.
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