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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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All kinds of things are sexual turn offs - Cyril Smith, the Swiss constitution, the workings of the internal combustion engine.... I just happen to include the smug arrogant expression of Deborah Orr amongst them. This is all.

Of the ones you mention, only Deborah Orr is a female sexual turn-off. :hmm:
And I suspect that in terms of arousal-preventers, more people (male or female) would focus on Anne Widdecombe than on Deborah Orr if they had to choose a specific public gobshite.
If john prescott or gideon had a sex column i think we could expect plenty of comments about them on a similar level.
Sure look at the posts that followed the picture of thise young tory nerds with their copy Hayek.
1. Observing that someone (of whatever gender) has a smug punchable face isn't sexist.

2. Observing that a woman who wrote a sex column at some point, isn't able to make you cum - is sexist. This comment is not "lesser".

Neither of the comments are "nice" and they're not meant to be. But one (1) isn't sexist and the other (2) is.

Whether it's sexist or not, a bloke fantasizing about violence to a woman is always going to look dodgy.
If john prescott or gideon had a sex column i think we could expect plenty of comments about them on a similar level.
Sure look at the posts that followed the picture of thise young tory nerds with their copy Hayek.
I could see a sex column by Prescott being at least amusing, full of shaggy dog stories about what he did with his "girl in every port" back when he was a ship's steward.
Gideon would only be able to give advice such as "rub coke on your helmet to stop yourself cumming too quick", though.
You have a bachelor's degree, so lets assume the ability to read critically.

You're assuming a lot there. I went to Salford. I got my degree out of pity.

Care to explain what "Is it a sign of my inner patriarchal oppressor tendencies that every time I see a picture of her, I marvel at what a smug, punchable face she has?"
"Wow I'd love to punch her in the face"
have to do with each other besides including the word "face"?

Not really, no. I just can't remember looking at Laurie Penny's face ever in my life and thinking how punchable it is, smug or not. I'm not going to try intellectualising it, my gut feeling was "wow that's a bit nasty" but I'm a massive pussy when it comes towarsd jokes and stuff that have violence directed against women/a woman as the punchline.

It's a weird thing to say tbh, and if I were you I wouldn't dig my heels in trying to defend it. I'm assuming it's an off the cuff sort of remark not some deeply held conviction or owt, bad taste but not exactly proof of how evil you are or anything.
You're assuming a lot there. I went to Salford. I got my degree out of pity.

They should have given you a masters then. :p

Not really, no. I just can't remember looking at Laurie Penny's face ever in my life and thinking how punchable it is, smug or not. I'm not going to try intellectualising it, my gut feeling was "wow that's a bit nasty" but I'm a massive pussy when it comes towarsd jokes and stuff that have violence directed against women/a woman as the punchline.

Which kind of misses the context of what I posted, but hey ho.

It's a weird thing to say tbh, and if I were you I wouldn't dig my heels in trying to defend it.

You're not me. You're better-looking, for a start. :)

I'm assuming it's an off the cuff sort of remark not some deeply held conviction or owt, bad taste but not exactly proof of how evil you are or anything.

It's not an "off the cuff" remark, it's an ironic comment. The clue is in the first ten words, and the irony is in Laura's willingness to deploy claims about patriarchy and male dominance and violence without any apparent reflexivity about her own privilege. Admittedly, calling her face "smug" and "punchable" might appear to the likes of _angel_ as fantasising about violence against women, but it's not about violence directed at women/a woman.
Context is everything, Del-boy.
Nah I get the context, just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I don't get it. You can't make me agree with you, or stop me from thinking what you posted was a offensive load of shit, and this wriggling around the semantics of it isn't getting you off the hook either. Learn from Articul8 and quit while you're ahead.

Anyway I'm gonna leave it there, my postings in this thread are already a cautionary tale about not posting when you're "tired and emotional" and I've said everything I wanted to say.

There's a fair amount of sexism there:

"Tamara Beckwith!
Aaaargh! Look at the state of that!.
Say hello to the most awesomely untalented social parasite you'll ever meet.
Gaze upon the spoil-brat face of this vacuous, non-achieving, selfish, smug non-entity and then ponder awhile about the inequalities of life that gives useless sponging slappers like her more money than most of us will ever see in a lifetime. And then give this hideous, self-centered slapper the slap"

"Ann Widdecombe
Here's the mad witch who declared a 'zero tolerance' policy on drugs
We reckon a firm slap can surely only help matters for the still-unflowered Widders, but be careful...there's something very spooky about this lady..."

"Ann Robinson
We don't care if she tries to act all tough on her shite 'Weakest Link' TV show, but when this wrinkled old hag starts slagging off the Welsh"

Hadn't ever looked at that properly before.
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