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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Beware of fibbing or exaggeration for effect:

“In Athens, there are tourist bars, and there are bars where local people actually drink. Cantina Social is the latter, set back from the street down a narrow alley guarded by two sozzled old men in vests and a beast that can only be described as a dog because it is too big to be a wolf and too obviously carnivorous to be a horse.”

Cantina Social so un-tourist it's part of Lonely Planet's guide to Athens nightlife


“In Athens, there are tourist bars, and there are bars where local people actually drink. Cantina Social is the latter, set back from the street down a narrow alley guarded by two sozzled old men in vests and a beast that can only be described as a dog because it is too big to be a wolf and too obviously carnivorous to be a horse.”





"Ένα καφενείο από τη δεκαετία του ’70 μετατράπηκε το 2006 σε μία πολυσύχναστη, καλλιτεχνική αστική στέγη."

A coffee-house from the 1970s turned itself in 2006 into a crowded, artistic urban site(?).
'η στέγη' means 'roof' ? ?.

From Half way down this list


Turns out there are cafes in Athens called 'Booze Cooperativa' and 'Hoxton' :D

The 'bohemia' of Athens is very 'yuppified', my guess is this is a place that has been gentrified to bring in a more lucrative crowd. If anyone does know that would be interesting.

Similar forces want to do the same thing in Istanbul. Ironically, David Harvey gave a lecture at the posh private university in that area.
I heard someone telling me she was at the Anarchist Bookfair last year, but if they saw her this year they ask her some questions.
She was - i saw her make a determined beeline for heather brooke and they had a long convo outside the main doors tried to earwig what they were talking about, didn't manage to hear anything though. We were talking to Bone right by them at the time and trying to force a meeting of the great minds :D
She was - i saw her make a determined beeline for heather brooke and they had a long convo outside the main doors tried to earwig what they were talking about, didn't manage to hear anything though. We were talking to Bone right by them at the time and trying to force a meeting of the great minds :D

That was a year ago but this really stuck in people's throats from the April 2012 essay:

Nonetheless, just after midnight, a man with dreadlocks who I had never met before in my life started jabbing a less than entirely sober finger in my face, calling me scum, asking how I dared to speak on behalf of others, and attempting to assault me gently with a rusty bicycle. I was moved by the idiosyncracy of this attack, but far more perturbed by the fact that five or six comrades, people I had stood beside as police horses charged into lines of protesters in Parliament square, people I would have trusted if not with my life, then at least with my dignity – they turned away, and they pretended not to see. I was bewildered, and heartbroken. More than any other print journalist working in the mainstream media in Britain at that point, I understood what these people were trying to do. I was the same age, I had read the same books, I went to the same meetings, I declined to name names when to do so might have endangered activists, I stepped outside my job description to report faithfully on protests and incidents of police violence that the rest of the press ignored. None of this, by the way required any special cookies for effort - but I thought it might at least be enough to prevent me getting thrown out of a party by drunk hippies. I thought wrong. The abrupt realisation that solidarity is not extended to members of the mainstream press was less upsetting than the realisation there are entirely good reasons for this.

On the streets of Athens and Madrid as well as during the London riots of August 2011, journalists have been threatened and attacked by desperate young people making havoc in the streets. Why? Not because these young people don’t want to be seen, but because they don’t want to be seen through the half-closed eyes of privilege.
Laurie Penny on 18th Sept 2012 at Occupy demo said:
That's it. Sorry, guys, but I'm not going back out there today. Really don't want to be arrested and deported just for journalism

I believe in fearless journalism, and I believe that it will continue, and I have seen it change the world in the most daring and intimate ways.

Paul Mason is using Discordia as an important source on Greece.

The British author Laurie Penny has captured the situation in a recent memoir of a trip to Athens: "We came here expecting riots. Instead we found ourselves looking at what happens when riots die away and horrified inertia sets in." (Penny L and Crabapple M, Discordia, Random House 2012)
What's the feeling on this statement...

Laurie Penny ‏@PennyRed
My nanna was a low-waged immigrant with six kids. Today, because of wage repression, she would be reliant on welfare

is 'Dead Grandparent= Pension Credit' (if they were born 30 years later) sounding odd because it's her or is it just odd?
Just skimming through the channels before bed and there was a documentary on sky arts 'sex in the comix' voiced over by none other than Molly crabapple, who for no good reason spent a great deal of time being filmed from different angles doing a sketch.
Laurie Penny@PennyRed
Nothing to do tonight...oh hey, @amandapalmer's playing a show up the road from me. #Berlin loves me and wants me to be happy.

herrmann herman@franziska_
.@PennyRed you too could visit the refugees on hungerstrike!!#refugeecamp at brandenburger tor! @amandapalmer

Laurie Penny@PennyRed
@franziska_ @amandapalmer I went last week - nobody seemed very receptive to press so I went away again.

Beautiful. A group of Iranian and Afghan refugees begin a hunger strike in central Berlin, then have the police raid them looking for identity. But 'nobody seemed very receptive to press'.
I wonder why.
I wonder why there's a massive list of press articles about it on this site.

Flüchtlinge harren bei eisigen Temperaturen vor Brandenburger Tor aus (Berliner Zeitung, 28.10.2012)
Polizei nimmt Demonstranten Decken und Iso-Matten weg (spiegel online, 28.10.2012)
Flüchtlinge zeigen Polizisten an (Neues Deutschland, 27.10.2012)
Hungerstreik und Festnahmen am Pariser Platz (Tagesspiegel, 27.10.2012)
Anzeige gegen Polizisten nach Einsatz in nigerianischer Botschaft (rbb, 26.10.2012)
Polizisten wegen Körperverletzung angezeigt (tagesspiegel, 26.10.2012)
Mehrere Flüchtlinge festgenommen (taz, 26.10.2012)
Festnahmen auf dem Pariser Platz (BerlinerZeitung, 26.20.2012)
«Menschenfeindliche» Asylgesetze - Flüchtlinge im Hungerstreik (greenpeace magazine, 25.10.2012)
Polizei räumt Protest-Camp am Brandenburger Tor (spiegel online, 24.10.2102)
Sie beißen die Zähne zusammen (taz, 24.10.2012)
Brandenburger Tor - Flüchtlinge in Hungerstreik getreten (Berliner Morgenpost, 24.10.2012)
1000 Berliner solidarisierten sich spontan mit Flüchtlingen (junge Welt, 17.10.2012)
Flüchtlinge beklagen Aggression (taz,16.10.2012)


Well not exactly massive really, but that's not because they're batting journos away.
Laurie Penny@PennyRed
I've been travelling too much. Arranged to spend some proper time back in London from Christmas onwards. Reconnect w/ people and politics.

@PennyRed Going on a trip around Europe at the end of year, mostly on own, what do you do in foreign city where you don't know anyone?

Laurie Penny@PennyRed
@Mr_Knew I generally find a nice queer bar/coffee shop/bookshop and hang out reading. And chat to people on the subway :)
Laurie Penny - avoiding the hunger strikers seeking the nice coffee shops. :eek:
Just because I don't want to clog up the board with a new thread.
Is "Mr Lustbather" "Peter Murphy"? Does he have some master strategy as to who he targets?
He's managed to provoke ice between Owen Jones and Ava Vidal.

@lustbather @Mairtin1927 Did I ever call anyone inbreds?! Just go back and play with your stupid friends. Twat.

Peter Murphy@lustbather
@AvaVidal @Mairtin1927 Your fellow stupid mates did though .Twat.Send the future of the left Owen to civilises the brutes up here .Twat.

@lustbather @Mairtin1927 And take up your shit with @OwenJones84who is NOTHING to do with me. I don't give a toss.

Owen Jones@OwenJones84
@AvaVidal Feel free to waste your energy on an unprovoked grudge with someone else. Thanks!

@OwenJones84 Not interested in you sweetheart. Even though you think I should 'know my enemies' and be grateful to you. I am not. Go away.

Owen Jones@OwenJones84
@AvaVidal Bye then.

Molly Crabapple is illustrating the 'importance of introversion' for the Royal Society of Arts. I like how they've found a fame-seeking, burlesque dancing, charge $5 for a photo illustrator to highlight how dangerous extroversion.
Just because I don't want to clog up the board with a new thread.
Is "Mr Lustbather" "Peter Murphy"? Does he have some master strategy as to who he targets?
He's managed to provoke ice between Owen Jones and Ava Vidal.

Peter 'Master Strategy' Murphy as we like to call him.
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