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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Laurie Penny@PennyRed
This tour has been a feminist boot camp - every day interviews and writing, every night speaking, defending my arguments. I need a montage!


Penny Dreadful answering her critics, yesterday.
She is back in New York by the end of the week hosting a Q and A session with ("post-modernist") academic and author Kate Zambreno.

Here is Zambreno describing her major novel Green Girl: "A work that Green Girl is in dialog with is the Portuguese writer Clarice Lispector’s slim, devastating The Hour of the Star — about a girl living in the slums of Rio and working this blank yet somehow mystic experience as an unloved, orphaned typist enthralled to Coca-Cola and Marilyn Monroe — although the god-narrator in that book is male, and I had always wondered why. I think of Green Girl as a meditation on youth and beauty, but also an interrogation into the creative process, into writing, into being a woman writer, into the girl who lives her life as an object, a character, into the blank yet mysterious girl in literature and film by male auteurs. The Hour of the Star is about class, rigorously, as well as gender — about the invisibles of society — but in some way I feel Green Girl is too, Ruth is a nameless foreigner, a shopgirl. I think I used the narrator oftentimes to indicate my ambivalence towards Ruth, my cruelty towards this girl, who is in many ways self-consciously a character, a cipher, a grotesque. I often experienced horror at Ruth. I didn’t always like her. I wanted her and Agnes to be banal and boring sometimes. I love Ruth though. I love her, I loathe her. I think I am asking whether this loathing comes somewhat out of our culture. I was interested in the role of the blonde ingénue as a Hollywood construct (when writing the book I was really aware of all these Saw-like horror films, or like Catherine Deneuve in Roman Polanski’s Repulsion), the blonde as this victim character. I was also kind of obsessed with celebutantes like Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan, and their quite public unraveling and the way the media functioned as a cruel coliseum. So for me there was a whole other fascinating layer to the Tournament of Books spectacle — the passionate vitriol directed at Ruth — that is basically doubling what I was investigating and even echoing the book’s own narrator. Yet, I don’t think Ruth is entirely a wet-blanket — I see glimmers of possibility in Ruth, the sort of coming to consciousness. A watchfulness, an intensity."

The book Laurie will be discussing is a work of literary criticism

"In Heroines, Zambreno extends the polemic begun on her blog into a dazzling, original work of literary scholarship. Combing theories that have dictated what literature should be and who is allowed to write it—from T. S. Eliot's New Criticism to the writings of such mid-century intellectuals as Elizabeth Hardwick and Mary McCarthy to the occasional "girl-on-girl crime" of the Second Wave of feminism—she traces the genesis of a cultural template that consistently exiles female experience to the realm of the"minor," and diagnoses women for transgressing social bounds. "ANXIETY: When she experiences it, it's pathological," writes Zambreno. "When he does, it's existential." By advancing the Girl-As-Philosopher, Zambreno reinvents feminism for her generation while providing a model for a newly subjectivized criticism."

Her blog is here http://francesfarmerismysister.blogspot.co.uk/ :

I'm considering my mad streak of writing a blog entry 6 minutes before I have to jump in the shower and motor to class. I need to figure out my unwillingness to get anywhere on time. This morning I have prepared a Powerpoint re: rape culture where I show pictures of Edward Cullen and Chuck Bass. I chose the sexiest pictures because I'm an old maid. Really, I feel like such an old person, finally figuring out Powerpoint. What a rickety form. What a form! To teach in Powerpoint. This is what we're expected to do. Show some images & links. Someone, maybe, who has a finger on the pulse of the novel today, should write a novel or at least a chapter dealing all with Powerpoint. Wouldn't that be something?

I have been in a very positive contemplative space lately. It has been quiet and watchful. I feel poised, like on some precipice. I don't know where the future leads, but I do feel that I am ready for a metamorphosis. Oh, god, I have been in therapy. But, really, though - this is what I think - at this moment, I will decide to take writing seriously, go back in the cave and scrawl on the walls and attempt to really fucking do something - or I should go to graduate school. That's what I've decided. I'm in love today, with the possibility of the novel. Of what a novel can hold and breathe and incubate. I want to fail and learn. I need time and space. I feel open to all of this. I also feel, perhaps, finally, after the tour is over, I might try to write a play. To write plays! Something about writing something that can be viewed and communicating in a public space sounds wonderful to me today. Scary + wonderful.
Is it me or does it sound pretentious?:(
If I do say it's pretentious, is that 'diagnosing women for transgressing social bounds'? :hmm:
The Kundera quote is actually "the struggle of people against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting".

You're not suggesting that Laura is "doing a Hari", are you?
I hope not, because it's not her fault, it's the fault of her twitter sub-editor!
'your days of pretending to check your privilege are OVER. You will give your privilege a name! You will give your privilege a twitter account. Because that is the only privilege you maggots will see untill you leave this autonomous convergence queer space!'


'This is my ego. There are many others like it, but rarely this inflated. My narcissism is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my ego is useless. Without my relentless self-promotion, I am useless. I must ignore my critics, who are trying to criticise me. I must smear them before they make solid points against me. I will. Before God I swear this creed: my career and myself are defenders of my ego, we are the masters of our enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. Amen.'
on a scale of 'fuck me' wrt depictions of casual racism Full Metal Jacket is only about a 5.

Scum is far worse. Bonus points for when there is a basketball match and it turns into a total race brawl. I didn't even have to live in the 70s but thankfully people did films that illustrate how shit it was. Although if you were a cheeky yet charming window cleaner you were balls deep.
People have started asking me and my friends when we’re going to sell out, move on and get real jobs, like they did after the Sixties. We are told that pretty soon, we’ll need to face reality.

The young people currently negotiating direct action in the face of a future mortgaged to finance the gambling of the super-rich have no time to wait for their hair to grow. The drugs are worse these days, anyway, and the police more efficient. This is not a generation war, but a new class war expressing itself along generational lines.

When I visited Occupy London in January, some of its spokespeople were keen for me not to write a story giving away the fact that so many long-term residents of the protest camp on the steps of St Paul’s Cathedral were homeless people with multiple mental health and substance abuse problems.

The greatest weakness and most-mocked feature of the new protest movements – that they’re peopled by youngsters grown old before their time, by lost kids and self-destructive vagrants, by nervous proto-revolutionaries hiding their cynicism behind straggly protest beards and unwashed hippies in V for Vendetta masks – is also their greatest strength.
Laurie Penny@PennyRed
Most important feminist moment of tour: tonight a girl in audience asked me 'I just don't know what I'm supposed to want anymore. Do you?'

“My nerves are bad to-night. Yes, bad. Stay with me.
Speak to me. Why do you never speak? Speak.
What are you thinking of? What thinking? What?
I never know what you are thinking. Think.”

I think we are in rats’ alley
Where the dead men lost their bones.
Slightly disappointed to learn that Laurie Penny's penned in to speak at the LSE in the Ralph Miliband programme next year on 'Women and Protest', considering that every other speaker is at least double her age, with surely at least 10 times more experience and substance to speak of on their chosen topics.

/age privilege /experience privilege
Has she - a 26 year old private school educated, oxbridge graduate with the best of contacts, the easiest job available and so on - ever explained in any detail why:

penny said:
This is not a generation war, but a new class war expressing itself along generational lines.

I, for one, as a 40 year old unskilled manual worker of no fixed abode, no pension, no savings etc would be very interested to hear it.
More text and words from Discordia.


Is there is a female couple kissing, with one of the women with her arm around a man (facial expression obscured by ink) who is holding her back-side.:confused:


The riot police have immense upper body muslce but are walking on a puny artificial limb system - suggesting they are general paper tigers or that people should strike at their legs or that they can't run as fast as protestors. :hmm:

Anyway, here they are with the finished version on a portable device.

finished product.jpg
More text and words from Discordia.


Is there is a female couple kissing, with one of the women with her arm around a man (facial expression obscured by ink) who is holding her back-side.:confused:


The riot police have immense upper body muslce but are walking on a puny artificial limb system - suggesting they are general paper tigers or that people should strike at their legs or that they can't run as fast as protestors. :hmm:

Anyway, here they are with the finished version on a portable device.

View attachment 24498
So are they an item?
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