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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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I do that. And it's about what's happening in my area, and my country. No international jet-protesting for me :(

how's that for self sacrifice? Any fashion tips for the precariously dispossessed voyeur for their next gig on poverty and activism?
The exploitation is beyond vile - the behaviour of frauds, also some of the images of her art/photoshoots look really degrading linking domestic violence and sexuality:

Warning on this one example: http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4065/4636187295_ab05a44c41.jpg

Isn't that meant to be degrading, Im assuming its a rather unsubtle comment on the violence of the commodification of women.

No fan of the twats but lets not deliberately misread rather obvious things in irder to feed our otherwise righteous indignance.
This Amanda Palmer figure is fascinating.

Actually, I quite like her music: saw her in Dublin a couple of years ago and she put on a pretty good show. Her basic shtick is adolescent romantic individualism, though, something I suspect she has in common with Penny and Crabapple. Unlike those two, she actually has some talent.
Actually, I quite like her music: saw her in Dublin a couple of years ago and she put on a pretty good show. Her basic shtick is adolescent romantic individualism, though, something I suspect she has in common with Penny and Crabapple. Unlike those two, she actually has some talent.

A friend of mine toured with her as a supporting act a few years ago - if you saw a naked lass being painted that was my mate.
Dull, contrived quirkiness of the middle class female.
Actually, I quite like her music: saw her in Dublin a couple of years ago and she put on a pretty good show. Her basic shtick is adolescent romantic individualism, though, something I suspect she has in common with Penny and Crabapple. Unlike those two, she actually has some talent.

It's not my type of music so I wouldn't know, but the cheek of her is far more galling. A $1million target from your 'fans', screening the best fans to perform - Laurie Penny is a honey-pot for smooth fluffy journalism and she sometimes misleads the reader, but that's far worse.

What's the feeling on this sketch it's much better than the main title one

This one seems dumb, like a pen-and-ink version of what if a Banksy graffiti came to life.


The saving grace of these is that they don't have the whispy wool strings/smoke billowing effect all her stuff is based on.

It's not my type of music so I wouldn't know, but the cheek of her is far more galling. A $1million target from your 'fans', screening the best fans to perform - Laurie Penny is a honey-pot for smooth fluffy journalism and she sometimes misleads the reader, but that's far worse.

What's the feeling on this sketch it's much better than the main title one

This one seems dumb, like a pen-and-ink version of what if a Banksy graffiti came to life.


The saving grace of these is that they don't have the whispy wool strings/smoke billowing effect all her stuff is based on.

Well, I doubt if there are any of Palmer's volunteer force who aren't dilletantes anyway, so is it really so bad? Or at least, is it as bad as Led Zeppelin ripping off geriatric bluesmen?

As for the sketches you've posted, they have curiously preliminary feel to them, like they still need work.
Hmmm. Searle's St. Trinians cartoons were actually based on his experience as a prisoner of the Japanese. Something that would have cured him of the sort of dilletantisme we observe in the work of Ms. Penny and Ms. Crabapple.
A vile article, playing on stereotypes and accusing others in the movement of lying (but excusing, by omission, herself).

"The young people currently negotiating direct action in the face of a future mortgaged to finance the gambling of the super-rich have no time to wait for their hair to grow. The drugs are worse these days, anyway, and the police more efficient"

"Young people today don’t get to sell out. We don’t get to slink away into comfortable jobs"

"We don’t get to retreat into the country and live off the land, because the land is being torn apart for the last dregs of dirty oil."

"There is nothing the least bit Oedipal about the uprisings swelling and fading and swelling again in waves across the world right now. Oedipus, in the old myth, killed the king his father, on the road to Thebes and went on to take over the kingdom. In our story, if young people don’t stand and defend it, there’s not going to be a kingdom left to inherit. Aspects of this conflict are inevitably generational for one reason and one reason only. The people currently in charge of the money, resources and the political capital – call them the ‘one per cent’, call them oligarchs or call them, if you’ve a certain sort of surname, mum and dad – aren’t going to be around by the time the real shit hits the fan."

"A lot of lies and half-truths have been told about the Occupy generation and its equivalents. Some of them have been fostered by movement members themselves. When I visited Occupy London in January, some of its spokespeople were keen for me not to write a story giving away the fact that so many long-term residents of the protest camp on the steps of St Paul’s Cathedral were homeless people with multiple mental health and substance abuse problems. In fact, it’s been the young, the lost and the homeless who have driven these movements from the start – and to say otherwise would be doing a great disservice to everyone involved."

"Everywhere the so-called futureless generation is discovering that it has to invent the future for itself, with whatever tools it has to hand, even if it’s just a row of bashed-up tents and a way with anti-surveillance software. The greatest weakness and most-mocked feature of the new protest movements – that they’re peopled by youngsters grown old before their time, by lost kids and self-destructive vagrants, by nervous proto-revolutionaries hiding their cynicism behind straggly protest beards and unwashed hippies in V for Vendetta masks – is also their greatest strength."
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