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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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New statesman circulation - 4000
Independent - 100 000

I wonder if a lot of the missing zeros came with the 'editor' name?
Yes, but the Indy is read by civilians and other mug punters. Der Staat's readership boasts a greater concentration of opinion shapers, glitzy laptoperati and people who will inevitably give Laura a job in the near future key policy wonks at think tanks.
I rarely if ever read it to be honest. Must be run at a big loss if it's circulation is only 4000
Rumours were that Lord Ashcroft was looking into buying it a few weeks back, the Russian gangster who owns the Independent has also been in the frame (and i expect some people will use this non-news to push that line again this week).
I got the 4000 figure from here - but that doesn't include subscribers i.e it's just newstand sales. The wiki article has 20 000 sold (with 17 000 paid - what were the rest then?).
They give them out free at Labour conference and Guardian type stuff. 4000 news-stand sounds about right for them. But 16k subs sounds high - I know they'll have institutional ones (libraries etc.) but still...
any chance the Indy have kicked her out because she's unbelievably shite?

it's not as if her workload at the NS would prevent her doing a few shit opinion pieces for the Independent as well as the NS
The trouble is, that most of these interns are so desperate for a foot in the door that they'll do it for nothing. It drives wages down, it's unpaid labour, these are "real" jobs that should be waged, and the people that can do it for nothing usually have parental subsidy so ensuring a continual recruitment way in for middle class journalism. Most of media's pretty bad for it and there are hardly any complaints (relatively) so it's unchecked.
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