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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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And now for something completely different:



Actually, I quite like her music: saw her in Dublin a couple of years ago and she put on a pretty good show. Her basic shtick is adolescent romantic individualism, though, something I suspect she has in common with Penny and Crabapple. Unlike those two, she actually has some talent.
New album is miles too long, but the Australian themed one she released last year had some good moments.
This again. May 2010.

I'm not interested in change. I'm interested in specific transformation: transformation of the parliamentary system through direct challenge to the two-party orthodoxy in this election, transformation of our creaking, illiberal democracy; transformation of the state's attitude to women's issues; nuclear disarmament.

It is for these reason that I am going to be voting, in my constituency of Leyton and Wanstead, for the Liberal Democrat Party.


David Osler@davidosler
@PennyRed @PollyB1967 @SteveAkehurst @owenjones Tell me again ... how did you vote in 2010. Lib fucking Dem, that's how!

Laurie Penny@PennyRed
@davidosler @PollyB1967 @SteveAkehurst @owenjones nope, I voted for John Cryer, Labour Left, in Leytonstone.
John Cryer according to wiki.
He is the son of Ann Cryer and the late Bob Cryer, both Labour MPs.[3] His partner is Ellie Reeves, a Labour NEC member and a trade union lawyer, who is the sister of Rachel Reeves, the Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury.
In with Reeves, good move.
She's spent this afternoon starting a new # campaign about challenging sexism in media, cos that's all she knows lol
'Privilege' speak is back.

What do people make of this?

Liberals not anarchists are trying to import this from the USA. WWD means women with disabilities by the way.
'Privilege' speak is back.

What do people make of this?

Liberals not anarchists are trying to import this from the USA. WWD means women with disabilities by the way.
This is following on from the Moran shitstorm (or rather, not-give-a-shitstorm) isn't it?
'Privilege' speak is back.

What do people make of this?

Liberals not anarchists are trying to import this from the USA. WWD means women with disabilities by the way.

women of colour lol. Won't take long though for the anarchists to starts using this language.
Where? Wherever will pay her to write it....which is not many places, which is why she only 'sort of' wants to write it.
Vice? She reads it, Warren Ellis has a column, why can't she?
It was coming wasn't it.


Also this. Forrins trying to do music lol.

Laurie Penny@PennyRed
Hilarious folksy Greek cover of 'The Guns of Brixton' playing in this cafe.
It was coming wasn't it.


Also this. Forrins trying to do music lol.

Laurie Penny@PennyRed
Hilarious folksy Greek cover of 'The Guns of Brixton' playing in this cafe.

Telling - from that article:

The Golden Dawn created a YouTube sensation earlier this year when MP Ilias Kasidiaris assaulted a left-wing politician on live TV, and they still appear to see no reason why elected parliamentary representatives should not punch the shit out of known journalists in the street.

(my emphasis) - clearly it wouldn't be a problem if it were merely proles and normals but known journalists? How dare they :mad:
Also from the link copliker posted:

We’re having this phone conversation in front of a row of riot cops, who start to give us some extremely dodgy looks.

Is it just me who thinks that doesn't make any sense at all? Surely the person she's having the conversation with isn't there so how do the row of riot cops "start to give us some extremely dodgy looks" and how are "we" are having the conversation in front of them? Has she just accidentally admitted to doing a Hari or am I missing something?
Also from the link copliker posted:

Is it just me who thinks that doesn't make any sense at all? Surely the person she's having the conversation with isn't there so how do the row of riot cops "start to give us some extremely dodgy looks" and how are "we" are having the conversation in front of them? Has she just accidentally admitted to doing a Hari or am I missing something?

She's using the royal "We".
Telling - from that article:

(my emphasis) - clearly it wouldn't be a problem if it were merely proles and normals but known journalists? How dare they :mad:

even unknown journalists are implicitly lumped in with the normals - it's only known journalists like her who are different/special

she seems to come out with this thing quite a bit - how dare the police occasionally hit journalists at demos (while their hitting normals which is ok), how dare the cops lift artists like molly at occupy events etc..
did anyone call her on the lying about voting labour thing?
Technically what was posted up does not prove she was lying, she may have changed her mind between saying she was going to vote lib dem and the time she voted. Is there anything more conclusive out there?
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