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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Camila Vallejo is at the NUS do in the University of East London. How unfortunate that the voice of global youth rebellion is swanning about new york for no apparent reason and whining about being broke. We could've had a proper new left vs old left smackdown.

Isn't she the Chilean Claire Solomon?
Just to say I think there is a huge difference between Dauve's arguments around paedophilia and Hakim Bey's, one is really just a kind of abstract historicism and the other is just an outright justification from an actual nonce. Like Butcher's said one is incidental (a kind of solophism), the other is pretty central.

Also Dauve has some worthwhile ideas, Bey is completely worthless, and I detested his TAZ shite before it became clear he was a paedo.
Just to say I think there is a huge difference between Dauve's arguments around paedophilia and Hakim Bey's, one is really just a kind of abstract historicism and the other is just an outright justification from an actual nonce. Like Butcher's said one is incidental (a kind of solophism), the other is pretty central.

Also Dauve has some worthwhile ideas, Bey is completely worthless, and I detested his TAZ shite before it became clear he was a paedo.
why did you destest bey's stuff before it became clear he was a nonce?
why did you destest bey's stuff before it became clear he was a nonce?

a TAZ is basically a teenage party in those heady times when it's hours before mum and dad get home and nothing needs to be worried about. surely most people would prefer a Permanent Autonomous Zone.
His side comments on sexual violence also display this kind of abstract historicism, and of course the approach that flattens out the singularity of the holocaust. oh im talking about Dauve here, Bey isnt worth discussing.
I read parts of it around then, immediately followed by Bookchins unbridgeable chasm, a fine palate cleanser.
Me too, but I'd already read some of his writings from the 1960s, where he'd talked about rebellious students and so on forming a "new class" that was the new revolutionary agent (iirc 15 years on). So I couldn't take his condemnation of the new anarkids too seriously.
Yep, a Commie who was actually in Buchenwald...
I forget the correct psychoanalytic term for it - transference maybe? -where victims of trauma/violence, carry out similar acts as a coping mechanism (have a book at thome I could check if i remember)...certainly well documented with holocaust survivors...i doubt anyone who experienced the camps would've left without permanent psychological damage.
a TAZ is basically a teenage party in those heady times when it's hours before mum and dad get home and nothing needs to be worried about.

Beware - inside all our heads lurks our own Guido the Killer Pimp

mine doesn't lurk in my head, he hangs around in the landing commenting on my dress sense :(
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