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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Newman is a senior union rep,his blog is very well read, many of his contributors are very active on the left such asi ti is...

what you are talking about is radical youth politics, which is a temporary activity, increasingly marginal to the issues of the day, poverty, benefit cuts, etc, and which really shouldn't be a main topic for middle aged posters(not sure if you are);)
what you are talking about is radical youth politics, which is a temporary activity, increasingly marginal to the issues of the day, poverty, benefit cuts, etc, and which really shouldn't be a main topic for middle aged posters(not sure if you are);)

Except that it's not.

The issues of "precarity" that are key to much of the global resurgence in "youth protests" are just as relevent for many of us are a little older (and , no, I'm not middle-aged...:p).
Newman is a senior union rep,his blog is very well read, many of his contributors are very active on the left such asi ti is...

what you are talking about is radical youth politics, which is a temporary activity, increasingly marginal to the issues of the day, poverty, benefit cuts, etc, and which really shouldn't be a main topic for middle aged posters(not sure if you are);)

surely the Visteon
Newman is a senior union rep,his blog is very well read, many of his contributors are very active on the left such as it is...

Well read? Really? in comparison to Laura's outlets?

...very active on the left? the left that is, as you surely must acknowledge, is almost entirely absent from almost everyone's everyday life?

The rare occasions when we do encounter the left, we certainly wouldn't want it to be the left as represented on the SU site. Fortunately that's highly unlikley to happen.
Not necessarily, just that at current prices, that money doesn't buy much in Kingston. For all I know, £750,000 might have been what he paid 10 years ago, in which case his money would have gone further.
Yeah fair enough I know what you're saying.....the point i was trying to make was more about Laura & Molly's mates and supporters appearing to come exclusively from the moneyed (monied?) classes, which in part explains some of the naive journalism.
Yeah fair enough I know what you're saying.....the point i was trying to make was more about Laura & Molly's mates and supporters appearing to come exclusively from the moneyed (monied?) classes, which in part explains some of the naive journalism.

Insulation from reality, you mean? Yup, does seem that way, and what's been unearthed about Laura's own upbringing seems to support that too.
Not necessarily, just that at current prices, that money doesn't buy much in Kingston. For all I know, £750,000 might have been what he paid 10 years ago, in which case his money would have gone further.

Use the Zoopla search. It will, for example, tell you that (ex) PC Simon Harwood's house is currently worth around £560,000.
Lets hope the civil actions that Tomlinson's family launch against him will force him to cash in his assets to compensate them. :)
Well, if he is concerned about losing the shirt off his back perhaps Simon could pop round to see his neighbour Keith and ask if he has any cash-in-hand work available commensurate to his skillsets and abilities.

I like Ames and the exiled crew a lot. Thinking of subscribing to NSFWCORP for the War Nerd's latest article
I bet lib-com are well happy to have stuff by this parasite in their library.

It's not libcom's job to decide who's a fully worthy anarchoid or not; I'd rather they uploaded too much to their servers than too litte. the example of a infos is a warning from history! That open letter from Harris seems to be an interesting insight into occupy, at least. No surprise that stuff involving by the crimethinc posers turns out to be parasitic, though.
They wouldn't be deciding that by not putting that up. They'd be deciding what they want to have in their library. All this stuff is on-line elsewhere - in fact you can barely avoid the little ivy-league Jacobins if you read any political analysis. It doesn't need to be in the lib-com library (this,cof course, is their decision).
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