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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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well an arrest would scotch future visa applications, forcing her to cover more intense things like chile or the african situation.
The face of youth revolt. Fuck that, staying in. She may have inadvertently made a good point by her appalling cowardly uncomradely behaviour.
Wasn't John Reed a bit of a champagne socialist, self- publicist, boho, etc?

getting arrested by NY cops is not nice no matter who you are...

is P/P turning into MATB?

and no, I'm not comparing MC with J/Reed, but i wonder what the reaction to him would have been if Urban existed then..
Wasn't John Reed a bit of a champagne socialist, self- publicist, boho, etc? [...] i wonder what the reaction to him would have been if Urban existed then..
John Reed rode with Zapata's men, and then lived in Petrograd during the revolution. I think that's hardly living the easy life.

Regarding getting arrested just for journalism - this is what it looks like http://www.panorama.am/en/society/2012/09/18/colombia-farc/
getting arrested by NY cops is not nice no matter who you are...

Absolutely - and the main point being made here is that all the others who got lifted do not get anything like the concern that the self styled celebrity activists give themselves

From the minute molly got lifted, the only thing penny was concerned about was pushing an online campaign to 'free molly crabapple' - not once did she refer to anyone else who got arrested, let alone show them any concern, or mount any campaigns to ensure their release. The only time she referred to anyone other than molly crabapple was this morning when she showed some concern for the 'troublesome artists and journalists' who had still not been released

And she's also once again done her 'i'm just a journalist, journalist shouldn't be lifted' - with the very strong implication that it's ok for normals to get lifted, just not activist celebs and journalists 'like her'. One minute she's saying journalists can be the best activists, then the next when there's a whiff of trouble, she draws a thick as fuck dividing line between journalists and activists. Both of these things she does for her own benefit depending on the situation

Coming from a privileged background can make her a more committed activist she says
btw, RTS was full of people like M/C and Laura...
Are you sure you remember right? I think others will back me up when i say there was fairly deep-seated distrust of mainstream journalists in RTS; people were very careful not to become fodder for someone's writing career.
Wasn't John Reed a bit of a champagne socialist, self- publicist, boho, etc?

getting arrested by NY cops is not nice no matter who you are...

is P/P turning into MATB?

and no, I'm not comparing MC with J/Reed, but i wonder what the reaction to him would have been if Urban existed then..
Yes you are, that's exactly what you're doing. That's the entire point of the post.

Shall everyone who posted on matb stop posting? When we weren't here you moaned that we weren't here.
getting arrested by NY cops is not nice no matter who you are...

And? are we not allowed them comment on the way that the subject of this thread deals with arrests around here? What her actions say about her? What they say about her relation to other people she's supposed to be a comrade of? That's exactly what you're doing here, so why can't anyone else?
Are you sure you remember right? I think others will back me up when i say there was fairly deep-seated distrust of mainstream journalists in RTS; people were very careful not to become fodder for someone's writing career.
It was the academic careerists that manged to wriggle themselves under the radar.
Are you sure you remember right? I think others will back me up when i say there was fairly deep-seated distrust of mainstream journalists in RTS; people were very careful not to become fodder for someone's writing career.

I mean in terms of background...
For all her faults, Laura has wrote passionately about basic issues like welfare(though increasingly less) why not target other dubious individuals like Andy (Cardinal ) Newman, of Socialist Unity grouping, this week the Tories are talking about freezing benefits and uprating them with average wages not inflation, yet what is on their 'very popular' site?, Israel, Palestine, Galloway, Yaqoob, BNP, Assange, etc talk about priorities!
For all her faults, Laura has wrote passionately about basic issues like welfare(though increasingly less) why not target other dubious individuals like Andy (Cardinal ) Newman, of Socialist Unity grouping, this week the Tories are talking about freezing benefits and uprating them with average wages not inflation, yet what is on their 'very popular' site?, Israel, Palestine, Galloway, Yaqoob, BNP, Assange, etc talk about priorities!

beeb news referred to them as handouts. again.
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