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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Because no one knows or care who Andy newman is. Why not start a thread on him?
Because treelover doesn't do stuff, treelover asks why others don't do what treelover thinks is a great idea.

And when in doubt, treelover leaves an ellipsis hanging in the air to denote something of great gnostic significance...
For all her faults, Laura has wrote passionately about basic issues like welfare(though increasingly less) why not target other dubious individuals like Andy (Cardinal ) Newman, of Socialist Unity grouping, this week the Tories are talking about freezing benefits and uprating them with average wages not inflation, yet what is on their 'very popular' site?, Israel, Palestine, Galloway, Yaqoob, BNP, Assange, etc talk about priorities!

Cos no one gives afuck about Andy Newman.
In an excellent earlier blog post on the New York Times, Daniel J. Wakin talked to Palmer, who said:

“If you could see the enthusiasm of these people, the argument would become invalid. They’re all incredibly happy to be here.”

That plonker grit on the suicides at Foxconn in China:
Not to mention the fact that Chinese workers are lining up down the street to work there.
Only vaguely related to this thread, but I'm enjoying the Facebook spat between Gopal "pompous windbag" Balakrishnan and Richard "truly hopeless" Seymour :D
People lined up for Ford's 5-dollar day too...
But that's their choice Lo Siento, who are we to stand in their way if that's what they chose to do.
Amanda 'fucking moron' Palmer said:
especially in this day and age, it’s becoming more and more essential that artists allow each other space to figure out their own systems.
the minute YOU make black and white rules about how other artists should value their own art and time, you disempower them.
anyone is allowed to crowdfund a record. and anyone is allowed to crowdsource a musician. or a pair of socks. or a place to crash. or a meal. anyone. the band at the local pub can do it, i can do it, tom waits can do it, and justin bieber can do it (his fans would FLIP to be up on that stage making music with him. i’m imagining a crowdsourced belieber playing violin on “boyfriend” right now and loving the image, truly. it’s also fun to think of tom waits wearing fan-knit-socks.)
i could ramble on about my million-dollar Kickstarter and where that million dollars actually went (actually, i already did that, in a blog over
)…and i could tell you that i wish i had enough money to hire a second tour bus and put eight full-time musicians on salaries. but the funny thing is: i actually don’t. i don’t wish that. not right now.

because this isn’t about money. for me, this is about freedom. and about choices.
I think we should have a thread naming and shaming all these pricks who want people to work for them simply for the chance to be in their presence. Kind of like the celebrity scabwatch thread (also surely that could do with a bit of updating, there must be twats in South Africa and Chicago that we can add to it).
I made the mistake of looking at her chosen 13 albums; the prose that went with them made even the ok choices seem wretched.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Yes, some bland choices and no insight into why she likes them, what they mean and so on. I read that a few weeks ago and gave her the benefit of the doubt on the basis that her old band were named after a fall song - turns out they weren't and dresden dolls are a real thing.
Because treelover doesn't do stuff, treelover asks why others don't do what treelover thinks is a great idea.

And when in doubt, treelover leaves an ellipsis hanging in the air to denote something of great gnostic significance...

There are very good reasons why 'treelover' doesn't do the things he asks of others...
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