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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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On a semi-related note, who is @blacbloc on twitter and what's going on? He seems to be having a meltdown after being accused of domestic violence and grassing activists to newspapers

He's an activist from London iirc.
Some of what has gone on is this:

There was an activist in Liverpool called Paul Cunliffe (who was @xv_brigada) who has sexually harrased some women activists:

blacbloc took issue with the above, defending paul cunliffe, seeing it as a kangaroo court (although the liverpool people say that they had private conversations with paul before outing him like this [and I believe them], and has accused @smashkyriarchy (Romana) who is one of the people cunliffe harrased of being a honeypot / lieing. He's also said he was falsely accused of rape by an activist that he says was an undercover police officer, and has also accused various other activists who have said stuff against him of being undercover police / police informants. There have been some accusations that @blacbloc beat one of his ex-partners but I can't remember where I saw the emails about that.

so blacbloc gets accused of misogyny / rape apologism by various activists (mostly the liverpool group) due to his defence of paul cunliffe and the other things that have apparently happened, there's a certain amount of harrasment of blacbloc going on, in that they won't leave it, but how blacbloc was talking around the time that paul cunliffe's thing happened and what he's been saying recently were out of order imo.

I'm not sure what the thing about arrests is - some of the liverpool activists got nicked over the weekend or early this week but @leila_shark says that was because she swore at police and called them murderers and others got nicked trying to dearrest her.
Meanwhile, he (blacbloc -- whose real name I know, but won't descend to his level) has been d0xing people to their employers & the Old Bill left, right & centre. As Big Tom says, the arrests in Liverpool over the weekend are unrelated, but he's been grassing away since.
And meanwhile again, he's set up another Twitter account (which I'm not going to post on here), giving the home addresses & photos of the houses of folks in Liverpool, giving them the hashtag #EDL. Which is basically giving their details to the far right. Lovely.
grassing to police and right wing (esp. in liverpool where the NWI are nasty fucks) is totally out of order. I think it was fair enough to question the way the liverpool people went about outing paul cunliffe, and to ask what kind of process there was and what right to defence paul had but blacbloc went further than that and was just flat out saying his accusers were lying and didn't like paul so made up this stuff / honeypot trapped him in order to disgrace him.
as OU said, a fucked up situation, blacbloc seemed decent before all this, but he's gone a bit warped in the past 6 months or however long it's been.
Yeah, he seems to be a bit mental about the whole Assnage thing and also about Syria.
He seems to suspect all reporters with a different view to his as agents/tools of the state
grassing to police and right wing (esp. in liverpool where the NWI are nasty fucks) is totally out of order. I think it was fair enough to question the way the liverpool people went about outing paul cunliffe, and to ask what kind of process there was and what right to defence paul had but blacbloc went further than that and was just flat out saying his accusers were lying and didn't like paul so made up this stuff / honeypot trapped him in order to disgrace him.
as OU said, a fucked up situation, blacbloc seemed decent before all this, but he's gone a bit warped in the past 6 months or however long it's been.
I had a wee look at this yesterday (not hard, there's a lot online), and it really is fucked up. I wonder how these kids are coping with it, tbh.
Yeah, he seems to be a bit mental about the whole Assnage thing and also about Syria.
He seems to suspect all reporters with a different view to his as agents/tools of the state

And meanwhile again, he's set up another Twitter account (which I'm not going to post on here), giving the home addresses & photos of the houses of folks in Liverpool, giving them the hashtag #EDL. Which is basically giving their details to the far right. Lovely.

I reckon he might be state. Just coz people who go out of their way to cause this much trouble, if they're not being employed by the state, they're doing the job for free.
...reporting this guy to the police would seem a tad unwise.

It strikes me as plain stupid - and a little surprising.

What would she report him for?

Upsetting Laurie. That's bound to be a criminal offence.

Will her scurrying off to Mr Plod, now she's been offended, inhibit her from publishing all sorts of juvenile anti-Plod slogans? Nah, I shouldn't think so.

She isn't the first to have a weird combo of attitudes towards Plod. She won't be the last.

ACAB! ACAB! Smash the Fascist Pigs! Um. Officer, officer, help, help! That nasty man called me names. He has no right to do that! It must be a crime! Arrest him! Lock him up! Um. Smash the Fascist Pigs! ACAB! ACAB!
That would have happened without Brands embarrassing intervention and probably a lot earlier

I doubt that. Brand, with cameras and crew in tow drew passing interest, then the scene which unfolded was recorded and broadcast to a wider audience. No Brand and no cameras, then what? More than likely the usual BNP response would have been banal uttering's about "race traitors", with probably other abuse thrown in for good measure and they would have been off. Instead, the BNP contingent were unable to withdraw from the situation, otherwise they would have looked inept. Instead they were seen struck dumb, unable to string a coherent sentence together and still looked inept in the process. Again, this was then seen by a wider audience and, this small BNP coterie at least, were exposed as the charlatans they really are. They then went off with a flea in their ear, no doubt wishing they'd not taken Brand along, with TV crew and avoided the pub garden altogether. They got carried away with their own ego's and the sense they were marching to some great victory, with the British public on their side. Didn't turn out like that.
I reckon he might be state. Just coz people who go out of their way to cause this much trouble, if they're not being employed by the state, they're doing the job for free.

Aye. But he may not know it. If I was trying to fuck up activist communities I'd cultivate a few loose canons then set them off randomly. There is something about activism that inevitably attracts a few unstable souls but there are others that just seem a bit too destructive to be real.
Aye. But he may not know it. If I was trying to fuck up activist communities I'd cultivate a few loose canons then set them off randomly. There is something about activism that inevitably attracts a few unstable souls but there are others that just seem a bit too destructive to be real.

Tbh I don't think he's state at all, there's no way the police would let someone that clearly deranged do a job like that. They have like psycometric tests and profiling and stuff to stop headcases like that. He's probably not involved in anything at all, just sitting on his PC being a weirdo.

I'd keep well the fuck away whatever's behind it, he's clearly trying to incite a reaction.
Tbh I don't think he's state at all, there's no way the police would let someone that clearly deranged do a job like that. They have like psycometric tests and profiling and stuff to stop headcases like that. He's probably not involved in anything at all, just sitting on his PC being a weirdo.

I'd keep well the fuck away whatever's behind it, he's clearly trying to incite a reaction.

That was what I was driving at really. But it doesn't mean that he hasn't been deliberately put in a position to do the damage, some of the most effective damagers are those who don't really know what they're doing or why. Anyway, no point getting too paranoid about it, it's perfectly possible he's just gone off on one, it happens. Just something to think about I reckon.
That was what I was driving at really. But it doesn't mean that he hasn't been deliberately put in a position to do the damage, some of the most effective damagers are those who don't really know what they're doing or why. Anyway, no point getting too paranoid about it, it's perfectly possible he's just gone off on one, it happens. Just something to think about I reckon.

He has AVOID writ large, no matter his provenance.
I doubt that. Brand, with cameras and crew in tow drew passing interest, then the scene which unfolded was recorded and broadcast to a wider audience. No Brand and no cameras, then what? More than likely the usual BNP response would have been banal uttering's about "race traitors", with probably other abuse thrown in for good measure and they would have been off. Instead, the BNP contingent were unable to withdraw from the situation, otherwise they would have looked inept. Instead they were seen struck dumb, unable to string a coherent sentence together and still looked inept in the process. Again, this was then seen by a wider audience and, this small BNP coterie at least, were exposed as the charlatans they really are. They then went off with a flea in their ear, no doubt wishing they'd not taken Brand along, with TV crew and avoided the pub garden altogether. They got carried away with their own ego's and the sense they were marching to some great victory, with the British public on their side. Didn't turn out like that.

That sure is one lot of supposition there. Do you honestly think that a TV crew has to be present to regulate a BNP non BNP interaction? As for this exposing the BNP at the time it was made they were sailing high and it didn't for one moment affect their trajectory one jot. The BNP and Brand have very different audiences.
Its about time sexism was outed in the anarchists scene.Its been the last bastion for too long imo.

I don't really keep track of what's going on in the anarchist scene apart from asking a few questions here and there. It wouldn't surprise me if sexism was the last bastion, but equally I don't think the anarchists particularly stand out in that regard. I think it's encouraging that, for example, south London Solfed comprises a third female nowadays so in terms of membership at least it doesn't seem exclusively male anymore.

I think it's a good thing that they're now taking a more active stance on this particular situation, but I still think issues relating to in loco parentis for these 16/17 year old members is worth discussion.
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