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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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I don't really keep track of what's going on in the anarchist scene apart from asking a few questions here and there. It wouldn't surprise me if sexism was the last bastion, but equally I don't think the anarchists particularly stand out in that regard. I think it's encouraging that, for example, south London Solfed comprises a third female nowadays so in terms of membership at least it doesn't seem exclusively male anymore.

I think it's a good thing that they're now taking a more active stance on this particular situation, but I still think issues relating to in loco parentis for these 16/17 year old members is worth discussion.

Explain a bit more about this loco parentis issue. Is there a way to have some form of an alternative to CRB checks?
Explain a bit more about this loco parentis issue. Is there a way to have some form of an alternative to CRB checks?

I don't know about alternatives to CRB checks, whether they'd have a need or want for anything like that - how do you imagine that might work?

I was thinking more along the lines of making the very young members more aware of the potential for abuse, and what they can do to stop it/report it at an early stage.
I don't know about alternatives to CRB checks, whether they'd have a need or want for anything like that - how do you imagine that might work?

I was thinking more along the lines of making the very young members more aware of the potential for abuse, and what they can do to stop it/report it at an early stage.

I think that's a starting point but we need to think about reporting to whom?

The non state CRB check idea , it might not have wings but given the fact hat those outed so far have previous how can we prevent this area from further becoming a magnet for those who are taking advantage of vulnerable young women?
I think that's a starting point but we need to think about reporting to whom?

The non state CRB check idea , it might not have wings but given the fact hat those outed so far have previous how can we prevent this area from further becoming a magnet for those who are taking advantage of vulnerable young women?

In terms of reporting, my thoughts are that they need to set up some kind of accountability process. Identify (at least) one person per group that has responsibility for investigating complaints (and that complaints should be made to them) and that they are properly trained in how to do so. Then the results of the investigation given to (and this is where it gets trickier) an elected person/s who would make a decision about what course of action to take. Possible courses of action could include (but not limited to) expulsion from the group, details of the decision being circulated amongst the wider activist community, encouraging the target to report to the police with active support, etc.

I suppose that details of any such decisions if circulated, could form the basis for pre-acceptance checks on joining which kind of takes up your non-state CRB check idea but that would need developing.
That sure is one lot of supposition there. Do you honestly think that a TV crew has to be present to regulate a BNP non BNP interaction? As for this exposing the BNP at the time it was made they were sailing high and it didn't for one moment affect their trajectory one jot. The BNP and Brand have very different audiences.

I don't wish to derail this thread anymore. I've given my thoughts to your comment in reply to my post, but just to reiterate the point that I made, that Brand and a TV crew there, in that particular moment in time, won't have helped them any. It's no more than that.
In terms of reporting, my thoughts are that they need to set up some kind of accountability process. Identify (at least) one person per group that has responsibility for investigating complaints (and that complaints should be made to them) and that they are properly trained in how to do so. Then the results of the investigation given to (and this is where it gets trickier) an elected person/s who would make a decision about what course of action to take. Possible courses of action could include (but not limited to) expulsion from the group, details of the decision being circulated amongst the wider activist community, encouraging the target to report to the police with active support, etc.

I suppose that details of any such decisions if circulated, could form the basis for pre-acceptance checks on joining which kind of takes up your non-state CRB check idea but that would need developing.

There was a poster on here , Herbert Read an anarchist, who developed some form of anarchist social work around safeguarding. Think he is a lecturer now. he is your man. Soeone might be able to pm you his details.
There was a poster on here , Herbert Read an anarchist, who developed some form of anarchist social work around safeguarding. Think he is a lecturer now. he is your man. Soeone might be able to pm you his details.

Same as Herbert Read on MATB?

Thanks for the suggestion.

It would be interesting to know what other Left wing groups have done, too.
This is priceless - one of the best: Penny and her mates will Save The World, if only a rich lefty philanthropist will pay them to do it.

Laurie Penny@PennyRed
Right there must be some rich leftists out there. Who wants to help finance and support a cabal of brilliant young journos to Fix The Media?

Chaminda Jayanetti@1000cuts
@PennyRed I'm sure Toynbee or Meacher could fund it by selling one of their mansions.

Laurie Penny@PennyRed
@1000cuts They don't even have to sell the mansions. Just open one up so twenty young guns can live in it and create wonders.
This is priceless - one of the best: Penny and her mates will Save The World, if only a rich lefty philanthropist will pay them to do it.

Laurie Penny@PennyRed
Right there must be some rich leftists out there. Who wants to help finance and support a cabal of brilliant young journos to Fix The Media?

Chaminda Jayanetti@1000cuts
@PennyRed I'm sure Toynbee or Meacher could fund it by selling one of their mansions.

Laurie Penny@PennyRed
@1000cuts They don't even have to sell the mansions. Just open one up so twenty young guns can live in it and create wonders.
Fizzy pop, pin wheels and fluffy bunnies! :D:facepalm:
that is fantastic!:D

If I didn't know better I would assume she was trolling us.
Isn't she/they trolling the hari-whitewasher Whittam-Smith and his laughable democracy20125 (even though that monstrous initiative is pretty much her and her politics all over - she's proud to be british and proud of our democratic traditions, they're proud of britain and its democratic traditions etc)
There was a poster on here , Herbert Read an anarchist, who developed some form of anarchist social work around safeguarding. Think he is a lecturer now. he is your man. Soeone might be able to pm you his details.

he is probably a senior lecturer now on on the board of the 'adaptive personnel reconfiguration panel', eg, sacking people...
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