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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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I don't think they are in for a shock, this lot look like becoming the new elite.

Elite of what though?

The thing is that the people who really matter in all this are the overwhelming majority who do not join any campaigns against the cuts (or anything else), and
don't go on any protests. To them, it doesn't matter on the whole who is seen to be leading this or that campaign (except on relatively rare occasions that the arguments are looked at in detail.) All that matters is the propaganda war, and in the long run this can't be won when the real enemy controls the media.

Linked to this is the lack of any viable opposition. Most people opposed to the cuts will look to Labour to rescue them-and Labour will, sooner or later, carry out cuts on the same scale-because the corporations who allow them a chance to rule will, of course, demand it. Perhaps by that time young Penny and Sunny et al will be arguing for 'socialist cuts' or some such on their way up the career ladder, but it doesn't matter in the larger scheme of things.
Fucking hell. She wants someone to write her book for her. I wonder who gets the royalties? What world does she live in?

I'm too busy tweeting to write my own book

edit: there's clearly far more than 80 hours work there as well. A whole lot of unpaid on top. Should i go for this?
they were talking about twitter & social media's role in the tunisian revolt. maybe she's the only journalist they know who's under 25, and therefore a premier expert on twitter and the like?

she was shit.
Callinicos is a prick, Penny is shockingly naive. We were all young once, I used to support Plaid Cymru ffs, we've all got skeletons. I'm not a huge fan of Penny, but at the same time I don't think she's the antichrist either. There's much more worthy targets for abuse imo.
Does this red pepper Student competition mean that EMA students are excluded? What are higher education institutions? The rules seem to suggest that it means only university students?

Competition rules
1. You must be enrolled on a course at a higher education institution in the UK for 2010/2011.

Yep, why would they be interested in FE students, RedPepper is a middle class rag for middle class activists on their way to a cushy job for an NGO or charity.
If only there was someone from Red Pepper posting here. Someone, for example, with a seemingly endless appetite for taking abuse and justifying bonkers politics?
1950's kids. Plastic sandals from woolworths, pumps, baseball boots, snakebelts, boots with studs, raincoats, short trousers and jumpers yer mam knitted. Scruffy urchins most of the year, except for one Sunday, when kids dressed up in new clothes, bought on tick, and went round to the neighbours who gave you a tanner.
Fucking hell. She wants someone to write her book for her. I wonder who gets the royalties? What world does she live in?

I'm too busy tweeting to write my own book

edit: there's clearly far more than 80 hours work there as well. A whole lot of unpaid on top. Should i go for this?

go for it butch :D
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