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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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The bash street kids were the real class warriors - Leo Baxendale being an anarchist of course.

They acted in unison. Dennis, if we are to take him as a class warrior, was a strangely individualistic lone gunmen- certainly he never built up grass roots support and had no respect for common goals.
Dennis is a footsoldier in the BUF more like- I simply won't have this appalling revisionist take on the beano.

Dennis and Gnasher put the boot into Walter and Foo-Foo, kicking the ruling classes where it hurt! :mad: Dennis wore the red and the black, obviously an expression of his anarcho-communism! :mad:
He was no anarkid

Red and black - check.
Direct Action against fascism and the forces of the state - check.
Scruffy hair - check.
Affinity group in which he was the informal but accountable leader - check.
Support for animal rights (he had a liberated pig Rasher, and his dog had freedom of movement) - check.
Desperate Dan, now there was a comic character in The Dandy. Initially Dan was a desperado on the wrong side of the law. Later on he switched sides and become a friendlier character, helping the underdog. His favourite food being 'cow pie' – an enormous meat pie with the horns sticking out.
Desperate Dan was published by Dundee based DC Thompson a notoriously anti trades union company.
Desperate Dan, now there was a comic character in The Dandy. Initially Dan was a desperado on the wrong side of the law. Later on he switched sides and become a friendlier character, helping the underdog. His favourite food being 'cow pie' – an enormous meat pie with the horns sticking out.

Desperate Dan was published by Dundee based DC Thompson a notoriously anti trades union company.

who also only employed protestants. this went on into at least the late 60s. my dad (raised a protestant) was asked at his own Sunday Post (lol) job interview with them "and you are a protestant?".
My favourite was an athlete called Wilson in a comic called The Wizard. Although born in the late 18th century ( and in Yorkshire) had been given the secret of eternal life from some old bloke and lived on nuts and berries. Had an incredible record including a three minute mile,first man to really climb Everest, captained the Engalnd cricket team to victory in the Ashes and shot down 20 odd german planes during the war.

Role model- we need more like him .
My favourite was an athlete called Wilson in a comic called The Wizard. Although born in the late 18th century ( and in Yorkshire) had been given the secret of eternal life from some old bloke and lived on nuts and berries. Had an incredible record including a three minute mile,first man to really climb Everest, captained the Engalnd cricket team to victory in the Ashes and shot down 20 odd german planes during the war.

Role model- we need more like him .

Sounds like an obituary from the Telegraph.
dennis is middle class. his dad always wore a suit and tie. walter is a swotty cunt what deserved lamping though, so fair play.

'lazy bones' was my hero but that was in 'whizzer and chips' which was probably a bit too hardcore for you cunts.
All he says is i am a kingpin. He doesn't comment on any 'influence'. These people are in for a shock. Not in their intern and think-tank and party workshops though.
now now, why can't you just be media savvy, as one of these types kept going on about the other week
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