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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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oh and don't go on about welfare too much because that means people will associate it with the unions and socialism
if you go on too much about class, people will think you're some kind of marxist or something and this issue doesn't really have anything to do with politics

let's keep politics out of it
Nobody mention class. The rich fuckers don't like it.

typical trot, trying to control everything as usual, the media aren't gonna like that

now, can we mention green jobs anywhere on this banner? they have to be green, that's the most important thing , can't have any of those nasty industrial type jobs
dennis is middle class. his dad always wore a suit and tie. walter is a swotty cunt what deserved lamping though, so fair play.

'lazy bones' was my hero but that was in 'whizzer and chips' which was probably a bit too hardcore for you cunts.

In the 1930s every working man wore a jacket and tie

Best comic, The Victor
did your mom and dad own a fucking papershop? moneybags.

Surname's Menzies.

Lad called Brian in primary school (WBA fan as it happens), his mum worked in WH Smiths and got all last week's comics for free. Brought them in Monday morning and shouted 'scramble'.

Roy of the Rovers was my fave.
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