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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Yep, why would they be interested in FE students, RedPepper is a middle class rag for middle class activists on their way to a cushy job for an NGO or charity.

Does anyone actually have a reasoned criticism of the mag's politics, rather than this half-arsed pseduo-sociological shit. Engels was a factory owner, Marx married into the aristocracy. SO fucking what?
Does anyone actually have a reasoned criticism of the mag's politics, rather than this half-arsed pseduo-sociological shit. Engels was a factory owner, Marx married into the aristocracy. SO fucking what?

I wouldn't say that marx married into the aristocracy more like his wfe married out of it. They hardly lived the life of riley (although an anarchist mate of mine claimed that marx being able to afford pen and paper made him a rich cunt!). Mind you i quite like red pepper.
Certainly offers more potential for DOING something now, than do the 'criticise everything, offer nothing' annakissed.

penny's been rumbled lying about porn (again...)

a NS sub ed attempts to take the heat, but with her previous record...

(comments by anna span and then helen L-H on the article - the original text has been changed...)
it could - but with her record, who knows? the article is apparently littered with other innacuracies too, but i expect most of them can be blamed on lax googling...
it could - but with her record, who knows? the article is apparently littered with other innacuracies too, but i expect most of them can be blamed on lax googling...

Well that's the thing, those that don't like her will think the worst of her at every turn...
Well that's the thing, those that don't like her will think the worst of her at every turn...

That's fair comment but, that said, she does seem to have acquired a reputation for gilding the lily with regard to her personal experiences and that won't help her case at all. Neither will the fact that she claims to have met and spoken to Anna Span when Span herself says she didn't even attend this particular event. On the balance of probability (one of them seems to be lying) I'd be inclined to say that Penny, especially with her previous record, has either cooked up another porkie or has been so unprofessional in her conduct as a journalist that she thinks she met someone and didn't even check to make sure precisely who it was.

Personally, I'm not the least bit interested in attacking Penny because she's a woman, or because she's a feminist or any of that. I do, however, have a marked dislike for slack, lazy and (possibly) outright fabricated journalism. If she wants to be taken seriously as a journalist then she's going to have to do better than she has been of late and bouncing from one accusation of outright dishonesty and/or incompetence to another isn't going to do her any favours at all.
Personally, I'm not the least bit interested in attacking Penny because she's a woman, or because she's a feminist or any of that. I do, however, have a marked dislike for slack, lazy and (possibly) outright fabricated journalism. If she wants to be taken seriously as a journalist then she's going to have to do better than she has been of late and bouncing from one accusation of outright dishonesty and/or incompetence to another isn't going to do her any favours at all.

I think the Anna Span thing was probably an honest mistake but the most glaring inaccuracy in her piece is when she says the SHAFTAs are the 'the porn industry's annual awards ceremony'
I dunno if the UK porn industry actually has an annual awards ceremony but the SHAFTA awards are run by Television X and based exclusively on their programmes. -more of a TVX promo party really and the fact she doesn't seem to realise this makes me doubt the credibility of anything else she says in that article
She is right about how joyless a great deal of porn looks though. And I'm not even asking for grand passion, just the sense that the people involved might be enjoying themselves.

She is a crap journalist and one I'd rather outside of the tent pissing rather than inside, but she has a point there.
She is right about how joyless a great deal of porn looks though. And I'm not even asking for grand passion, just the sense that the people involved might be enjoying themselves.

She is a crap journalist and one I'd rather outside of the tent pissing rather than inside, but she has a point there.

Fair's fair, I'd agree that most porn looks as though they'd rather be anywhere else but doing what they're doing on film. Can't argue with her about that.
Fair's fair, I'd agree that most porn looks as though they'd rather be anywhere else but doing what they're doing on film. Can't argue with her about that.

depends, I think most Brit-porn (which is what our Penny would have seen at the SHAFTAs) looks like the performers are having a much better time than us who are watching What I disliked about LP's article was that it was so full of lazy stereotypes and sensationalism -
spraytan and crystals
bloodstained tissues strewn around the sinks in the toilets
I think the Anna Span thing was probably an honest mistake but the most glaring inaccuracy in her piece is when she says the SHAFTAs are the 'the porn industry's annual awards ceremony'
I dunno if the UK porn industry actually has an annual awards ceremony but the SHAFTA awards are run by Television X and based exclusively on their programmes. -more of a TVX promo party really and the fact she doesn't seem to realise this makes me doubt the credibility of anything else she says in that article
What makes you think it was an honest mistake?
How could the 'mistake' have possibly happened? I can't work out any possible way that a sub just decided to put in that the writer met someone.
Sounds like in a effort to gain Kudo she's read some David Foster Wallace esp 'Big Red Son' and thought what a great weaze it would be to write her own version.
An obvious lie proven by what evidence?
Who said anything about proof, I believe it to be a lie for the reason BA outlined above, I don't see what form of words she could have written that could be changed by a sub get the result that was printed.

Rather than just admit it they played a shitty excuse - "it was some nameless subs fault", that's about as original as the homework being eaten by a dog.
Who said anything about proof, I believe it to be a lie for the reason BA outlined above, I don't see what form of words she could have written that could be changed by a sub get the result that was printed.

Rather than just admit it they played a shitty excuse - "it was some nameless subs fault", that's about as original as the homework being eaten by a dog.

Heh I've seen some strange edits done to people's articles in my time...

Do you know her or something KE?

Met her once long before she became famous. But that isn't really my point, just like to question assertions and assumptions directed at those that provoke controversy...
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