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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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i'm curious whether her stratospheric rise through the pages of the liberal press is down to her talent for writing, nose for a story and attention to detail; or because her dad's on the scott trust board or something.
i'm curious whether her stratospheric rise through the pages of the liberal press is down to her talent for writing, nose for a story and attention to detail; or because her dad's on the scott trust board or something.

Ahhh...I see. Couldn't say, don't know.
freind her and and c+p quotes from the various threads onto her wall. See how long it takes to get defreinded :cool:
i'm curious whether her stratospheric rise through the pages of the liberal press is down to her talent for writing, nose for a story and attention to detail; or because her dad's on the scott trust board or something.

interestingly I read a piece by her the other day talking about how it's been for her trying to make it as a journo, she said her parents aren't in the media etc.
that's quite some whinge.

It does seem somewhat defensive and self-reverential, not to mention self-justifying. I've known a few journalists in my time and I've never encountered one who felt an urge to complain about how difficult it is to get noticed and get work. They just crack on with the job and don't whimper every time they receive a little (well-founded) criticism. If they were that sensitive then they'd not last long in that line of work.
its odd- surely a journo would know that to lie properly you lie big and fat. Not about illusory choirs doing the interntationale or whatever. Certainly never respond to people calling you a liar with hissy 'no I aint'.
Awesome :D "Yeah I went to a good school and Oxford but I still had to work. So that's all right then."

The easiest way to get people to stop calling you a clueless posh bitch is to stop writing like one, I would have thought.
We should play the ball, not the man/woman. I don't know how much her wealth is but it should be redistributed amongst the movement - that's our demand, not that she commit suicide or suffer depression.

Our other demand is that she sort out her journalism. She has been justifying the aerial assaults over Libya on twitter. FFS as a journalist if you are not sure about something don't bloody spout it all around everywhere.

We should play the ball, not the man/woman. I don't know how much her wealth is but it should be redistributed amongst the movement - that's our demand, not that she commit suicide or suffer depression.

Our other demand is that she sort out her journalism. She has been justifying the aerial assaults over Libya on twitter. FFS as a journalist if you are not sure about something don't bloody spout it all around everywhere.


Oh god, end of.

Get it now people?
Give her a few years and she'll be churning out guff about how lefties are all useless jealous wankers who hate success and don't understand human nature and the like, because she used to be one until she grew up and so on.
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