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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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People like my mum's mates who want to recapture their younger days out protesting etc? Just a guess, I could be totally wrong, but I can think of one person I know who might read her stuff.
Mostly people who've not heard of her before, I think. I saw the Trafalgar Square one being linked to by a fair number of people.
This is the key smug arrogant bit in the article though:

A large number of young people in Britain have become radicalised in a hurry, and not all of their energies are properly directed, explaining in part the confusion on the streets yesterday. Among their number, however, are many principled, determined and peaceful groups working to affect change and build resistance in any way they can.


No sub ed at all by the look of it.
Have to say Laurie Penny is a good argument for the old NUJ rule that you had to do three years in the provinces before you were allowed a staff job on a national publication. Her politics will always be shit and muddled (on Twitter the other day she was recounting the vaguely erotic dreams she'd been having about Ed Miliband) to the extent that she makes Dave Spart look like Antonio Negri, but if she took a few more years to learn her craft she wouldn't be making as many unforced errors as she is right now.
She's on telly tonight if anyone can bear to watch

I'd rather hear sounds that are somewhat less offensive to my ears and sense of disgust, such as the long and drawn out death throes of a hospital patient suffering from terminal dysentery.
Have to say Laurie Penny is a good argument for the old NUJ rule that you had to do three years in the provinces before you were allowed a staff job on a national publication. Her politics will always be shit and muddled (on Twitter the other day she was recounting the vaguely erotic dreams she'd been having about Ed Miliband) to the extent that she makes Dave Spart look like Antonio Negri, but if she took a few more years to learn her craft she wouldn't be making as many unforced errors as she is right now.

Dave Spart now there was a voice of the people .

@pennyred on 10 O clock live apparently
She says she didn't have enough time to make points. Her momentary shitness, compounded by being unfairly undermined by an informed and confident Hertz, has disheartened thousands. Never mind, she's on Any Questions later. 'I think I much prefer being on the radio to being on the telly.'

Seriously though, what is the audience? Even the soft-lefts & liberal types I know think she's shite.

If people are agreeing that hardly anybody reads her or takes her seriously, why does she deserve a 20 page thread?
She says she didn't have enough time to make points. Her momentary shitness, compounded by being unfairly undermined by an informed and confident Hertz, has disheartened thousands. Never mind, she's on Any Questions later. 'I think I much prefer being on the radio to being on the telly.'

Hertz has an amazing ability to irritate people too...
Oh if only there was some mechanism by which the thread could be ignored...

I'm not in the least bothered by these kind of threads; I just find it interesting that they go on for so long when the subjects are unimportant. This one and the Tasmin Ormond 500 pager would defintely not have run to such lengths had the subjects not been female, for instance...
I'm not in the least bothered by these kind of threads; I just find it interesting that they go on for so long when the subjects are unimportant. This one and the Tasmin Ormond 500 pager would defintely not have run to such lengths had the subjects not been female, for instance...


sure there's plenty more, but that was the first that sprung to mind.

also, go fuck yourself.
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